Test E only - 12 Weeks (Liquid post cycle therapy (pct) and AI dosages included) please critique.


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Test E only - 12 Weeks (Liquid PCT and AI dosages included) please critique.

I am planning on starting up my first cycle in a few weeks. Here is a little background. I have been very active in the gym, on the track and in the field for over 8 years. 26 Years old, 69inches and have spent the past three months leaning up, weighing 170lbs currently. I will be doing an intense 2 day on, recovery, 2 day on, recovery, rest routine.

My cycle:

Main Cycle: 1-12
Test E 500mg per week @ 250mg twice per week for 12 weeks.
Liquid Stane (aromasin) 30ml 25mg/ml: eod @ 12.5mg (.5ml)

PCT for four weeks, 14 days post cycle: 14-18
Liquid Clomi - Clomid (70ml 35mg/ml): 70/70/35/35. (2ml/2ml/1ml/1ml)
Liquid Tamox - Nolva (50ml 20mg/mil): 40/20/20/20. (2ml/1ml/1ml/1ml)
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As long as you have your diet dialed in I'd say your good to go. Nice simple cycle with everything laid out. Will this be your first cycle?
Yeah it will be my first. The only thing I'm really concerned about is the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage and frequency. Some say it is best to take every day, others eod; the half life being the reason. Anyone have experience with liquid stane eod?
Yeah it will be my first. The only thing I'm really concerned about is the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage and frequency. Some say it is best to take every day, others eod; the half life being the reason. Anyone have experience with liquid stane eod?
I'd go ED with the exemestane. I am a poor example as I do aromatize a bit and require an ass-ton of exemestane to keep E2 levels down, but I can assure you that I've yet to meet someone that was able to run it at EOD and pull labs with good E2 values. It's a fantastic Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but expensive as hell to run properly. ;)

My .02c :)
you take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) depending on how you react, if your joints burn out or libido drops then you know you are taking too much and too frequently.
Beast666, I'm only looking at responses from credible sources. Thanks for dropping by though.
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Beast666, I'm only looking at responses from credible sources. Thanks for dropping by though.

Beast was actually correct. Those are side effects of crashing your estradiol. I do prefer a blood test though personally as they do mimic (minus joint pain) sides from having too high of estrogen too. ;)