Test-E only 15 Weeks, MrRicco's time to shine GTFIH!

I wanted to give an update since my PCT is done.

Weight- 154lbs, dropped 8lbs, kept 20lbs.

Body- I can tell now that I get sore easier.

Gym- Most my lifts have stayed the same, maybe gone up a bit, a few have went down just a tad.

Bloowork- In 2 weeks I plan to get bloodwork.

PCT- 2-3rd week in was a bitch, was a tad emotional and dick stopped working.

Future- I wish to keep bulking for the next 2 months, and then cut down to around 8% BF before next cycle.




Casper- Yah 20lbs, not all muscle. Some water/fat since same BF % I think, maybe 1 % higher. Still is in the range of 15-16 lbs of muscle maybe.

DRhouse- Thanks man