Mini Rocky
8/7/13 Day 101 of Cycle Injection Day
Cycle- Injecting my last 250mg of Test-E, and starting Test Prop Monday at 125mg EOD
Body- A bit sore, still a tad sick, I think Test makes me more suitable to getting sick.
Diet- I forgot to mention this last week, I started lowering my protein intake from 300 down to 225-2500.
GYM- Legs/Core
Squat 1x5 2x4 1x5 3x235lbs 1x225lbs (Did 3 sets of 235lbs, which is a 10lb increase though didn't get 5 reps.)
Leg Press 2x6-8 2x850lbs (Up 50lbs)
Leg Extension Machine 2x10-15 2x210lbs
Leg Press Machine 2x10-15 2x430lbs (Up 20lbs)
Stiff Leg Deads 3x8 3x225lbs
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x210lbs
Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x6-8 3x85lbs (Up 10lbs totaling 170lbs)
Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x415lbs
Seated Calf Raise 2x10-15 2x180lbs
*Did 2 sets of very low smith squat, 4 sets of hips, some weighted core, and core stretching*
Cycle- Injecting my last 250mg of Test-E, and starting Test Prop Monday at 125mg EOD
Body- A bit sore, still a tad sick, I think Test makes me more suitable to getting sick.
Diet- I forgot to mention this last week, I started lowering my protein intake from 300 down to 225-2500.
GYM- Legs/Core
Squat 1x5 2x4 1x5 3x235lbs 1x225lbs (Did 3 sets of 235lbs, which is a 10lb increase though didn't get 5 reps.)
Leg Press 2x6-8 2x850lbs (Up 50lbs)
Leg Extension Machine 2x10-15 2x210lbs
Leg Press Machine 2x10-15 2x430lbs (Up 20lbs)
Stiff Leg Deads 3x8 3x225lbs
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x210lbs
Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x6-8 3x85lbs (Up 10lbs totaling 170lbs)
Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x415lbs
Seated Calf Raise 2x10-15 2x180lbs
*Did 2 sets of very low smith squat, 4 sets of hips, some weighted core, and core stretching*