Test-E only 15 Weeks, MrRicco's time to shine GTFIH!

8/7/13 Day 101 of Cycle Injection Day

Cycle- Injecting my last 250mg of Test-E, and starting Test Prop Monday at 125mg EOD

Body- A bit sore, still a tad sick, I think Test makes me more suitable to getting sick.

Diet- I forgot to mention this last week, I started lowering my protein intake from 300 down to 225-2500.

GYM- Legs/Core

Squat 1x5 2x4 1x5 3x235lbs 1x225lbs (Did 3 sets of 235lbs, which is a 10lb increase though didn't get 5 reps.)
Leg Press 2x6-8 2x850lbs (Up 50lbs)
Leg Extension Machine 2x10-15 2x210lbs
Leg Press Machine 2x10-15 2x430lbs (Up 20lbs)

Stiff Leg Deads 3x8 3x225lbs
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x210lbs
Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x6-8 3x85lbs (Up 10lbs totaling 170lbs)

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x415lbs
Seated Calf Raise 2x10-15 2x180lbs

*Did 2 sets of very low smith squat, 4 sets of hips, some weighted core, and core stretching*
Excellent log! You've been doing great considering being sick and getting wisdom teeth pulled. Kudos for your dedication!
8/9/13 Day 102 of Cycle

Weight- Didn't weigh my self today since i felt bloated and couldn't shit, it would have been a high number.

Sleep- I've noticed this week, my sleeping patterns have been perfect. Not waking up as much, and feeling well rested.

Comment- Saw a man I havn't seen in maybe 2-3 months, we talked and she said I "blew up" which made me smile.

GYM- Shoulders/Forearm/Arms/Chest

DB OHP 2x8 2x4 1x65lb 1x70lb 2x65lbs (First set was 65, felt good so tried 70 which I a good set, but 2nd attempt was no good which made my last 2 sets bad)
Barbell OHP 2x4-5 2x115lbs (Up 10lbs)
Front Delt DB raise 2x10 2x55lb DB's
Side Delt DB Raise 3x10 2x30lb DB's 1x25lb DB's (30's feeling great)
Bent Rear Delt Raise 2x10 2x55lb DB's
Face Pulls 3x15

Barbell Shrugs 3x6-7 3x285lbs (285 feeling great)
DB Shrugs 2x10 2x100lb Db's
EZ Bar Close Grip Upright Row 3x6-8 3x105lbs

*2 quick sets of biceps, triceps, obliques, forearms, hit upper chest once, did 5 reps of decline bench of 225lbs, and 8 reps of normal bench press of 185lbs*



8/12/13 Day 105 of Cycle Injection Day

Cycle- Injected 125mg of Test Prop, first time ever injecting Prop and was one of the easiest shots i've ever done.

Sleep- Slept 9 hours today, feeling rejuvenated a bit compared to last week.

Body- Over the weekend I experienced very bad calf cramps, so bad at some points I had to stop walking for a couple seconds.

GYM Comment- I noticed today, my workout didn't take as long as it normal does. I probably got done with it 10-15 minutes earlier then usual.


DB Incline Press 3x8 3x75lb DB's (Felt great, going to try 80's next week)
DB Flat Press 3x8 3x85lb DB's (Going to try 90's next week)
DB Decline Flys 3x10 3x65lb DB's (Felt good)
Decline Bench Press 1x5 1x3 2x225lbs
Flat Bench Press 2x8 2x195lbs (Up 10lbs)
Incline Bench Press 1x5 1x185lbs

Close Grip Bench Press 1x10 1x8 2x165lbs (Decided to go down to 165, more reps compared to barely getting 5 reps on 175)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x8 2x165lbs (Feeling good)
Weighted Dips 3xFailure 1x50lbs 1x30lbs 1xnothing

*Did a few extra random sets of random triceps exercises*

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x425lbs (Up 10lbs)
Seated Calf Raise 2x10 2x180lbs
Very nice sir very nice. Obvious progress from the start. The close ups showing vascularity in your arms and shoulders were good pics. Looking forward to being able to start my first Test E cycle soon hopefully. Making friends, supported by my girl, and knowledge loaded yet always hungry, and NUMBER 1 ...safe

8/13/13 Day 106 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- Weighed in this morning after bathroom at 160.6lbs, but an hour later I took a huge shit so im probably lighter then that.

Cycle- Starting to get my PCT ready, just glancing at the stuff and making sure I have all the right info and resources.

Body- It may have already been there, but I noticed on my bicep there is a new vein that came in. Like I said, it could have already been there, and now just noticing.


Deadlift 5x5 5x315lbs (Stayed at 315, to get a better grasp compared to last week. Not much improvement.)
Good Morning 2x10 2x95lbs
Back Extensions Weighted 2x10 2x45lbs
Pull Down Wide Grip 3x8-10 3x200lbs (200 lbs feeling great now)
Wide Grip Cable Row 2x10 2x150lbs (150 lbs a bit improved)
Cable Row 2x10 2x150lbs (150lbs a bit improved)

Underhand Close Grip Barbell Row 4x8 3x195lbs 1x185lbs (Up 10lbs)
Weighted Pull Ups 3x10
Weighted Chin Ups 3x10
Preacher Curls 3xFailure 3x95lbs (95lbs feeling great)

*Did some core stretching, did some weighted core, did weighted forearm, and 4 sets of isolating obliques*
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Very nice sir very nice. Obvious progress from the start. The close ups showing vascularity in your arms and shoulders were good pics. Looking forward to being able to start my first Test E cycle soon hopefully. Making friends, supported by my girl, and knowledge loaded yet always hungry, and NUMBER 1 ...safe


It's a good thing your gal supports it, I'm not discussing my cycle with my gal, I've only been with her a month lol. I'd be too worried she'd tell everyone if we broke up. Though for my size, its not rocket science to come to conclusions if you're an expert in the fitness world.
It's a good thing your gal supports it, I'm not discussing my cycle with my gal, I've only been with her a month lol. I'd be too worried she'd tell everyone if we broke up. Though for my size, its not rocket science to come to conclusions if you're an expert in the fitness world.

Definitely, lol yeah we've been engaged for awhile now and have no limits really. It's great. And it would suck if anyone no matter WHAT would spread info on you for anything or any reason you know? But your limit to those not needing to know is very wise. Yes and this is true lol. 26 pounds in a few months... oh he's just genetically blessed... lol
Definitely, lol yeah we've been engaged for awhile now and have no limits really. It's great. And it would suck if anyone no matter WHAT would spread info on you for anything or any reason you know? But your limit to those not needing to know is very wise. Yes and this is true lol. 26 pounds in a few months... oh he's just genetically blessed... lol

I've been telling people that I eat 600 carbs a day, and 20 grams of creatine daily, plus consume a ton of sodium. I explain to them, ohh the water weight helps me increase strength, so when I come off the water weight I'll have the strength gains still. And some how they believe me.
Injected 125mg of Test Prop.

I havn't cheated on my diet in many months, I havn't eaten what people would claim unhealthy food for some time. But past two days I broke this, two days ago went to the fair and ate a simple hamburger. And last night was with my gf and her family cooked us dinner. I ended up eating 5 cookies, and a couple handfuls of candy. Which in all honesty I could give a rats ass, im not a tight ass on it. But just thought to myself today, "man I havn't eaten like that in months holy shit!".

I also realized that during my PCT time I'm taking a trip, so one of the days I'll miss a PCT dosage. Even though it has a half life of 48 hrs I believe (off the top of my head) I think I'll be doubling my PCT dosages anyways first week.
I've been telling people that I eat 600 carbs a day, and 20 grams of creatine daily, plus consume a ton of sodium. I explain to them, ohh the water weight helps me increase strength, so when I come off the water weight I'll have the strength gains still. And some how they believe me.

LOL. Damn thats funny. Fine as long as they don't know that's BS :P. If you talk all informatively though you can sell BS information as soundly as fact. It's called charisma!

I hit Chipotle every now and then, and have to substitute cafeteria food proteins in once and awhile but its at least grilled or baked chicken, the eggs are powdered eggs (fuckin yuck). But Relatively eat really well. Looking forward to getting to start my first cycle and log. Ive been reading about things and cross researching, comparing different chems, pcts, etc. I think I'm good to go. And there are lot's of good peeps on here if questions are ever needing answers.

Lol I feel you on the big diet breaks though. Ate at Perrys Steakhouse with my girl as her friend Surraj was taking us out to dinner for our engagement and I had a 14oz Ribeye, sweet potato fries, appetizers was seafood stuff mushrooms (size of Alice in Wonderland shrooms), water to drink. But... desert have a white chocolate/almond dipped scoop of Hagen Daz Vanilla ice cream on a plate drizzled with hagen daz chocolate and topped with a flam beau of brown sugar, walnuts, butter, and rum to light the fire. HOLY CRAP!!!!! Needless to say I went jogging the next morning for a little bit

What was your PCT course again?

I wanted to avoid Clomid, but taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle with Aromasin I thought Torem would be fine if started strong and maybe tapered into a fifth week with bloods at the end to see where everything settled.

Maybe take some Erase at 0/0/3/2/1 for last bit estro rebound possibility and cortisol management?

Oh was going to comment on the sugar, sweets intake.. Mariuz Pudzianowski is all about eating candy between meals. He says he "needs the energy" from the sugar. Interesting. Once your body is a powerhouse like that Im sure that doesnt hurt, maybe keep Insulin levels up too as long as not unhealthily.
Well my PCT right now is the normal
Nolva /20mg/20mg/20mg/20mg
clomid /50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg

but trying to get knowledge if running it longer, or double dosages would give better quality recovery. Since I have enough of the items. Also Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I didn't bother running it during the cycle. I'm not saying one shouldn't run it during cycle, but I just chose not too.
8/15/13 Day 108 of Cycle

PIP- Really bad PIP today from injecting myself in the delt. Out of this whole cycle I've only injected my self 3 times (including one of yesterday). So my muscle is very tender to getting injected there. But PIP is PIP, either man the fuck up or get out.

Body- Felt a bit bloated the past few days because diet hasn't been in check. So yesterday I drank 2 gallons of water to try and relieve water retention for weigh in tomorrow.

Comments- Gym performance was a bit off since half way into one of my head phone pieces broke, and also had a buddy talking to me so I was distracted.

GYM- Legs/Core

Squat 5x5 4x235lbs 1x225lbs (235 feeling better compared to last week)
Leg Press 2x5 2x850lbs
Leg Extension Machine 2x15 2x210lbs (Hitting perfect 15)
Leg Press Machine 2x15 2x430lbs (430 feeling good)

Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x6-8 3x85lbs (Felt off today)
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x205lbs
Stiff Leg Deads 3x10 3x225lbs (Felt great!)

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x425lbs (Felt good)
Seated Calf Raise 2x10 2x180lbs

*did some weighted ab exercises during this*
8/16/2013 Day 109 of Cycle Injection/Weigh In

Weight- Weighed in this morning at 162lbs

Cycle- Injected 125mg of Test Prop into other Delt

PIP- Still having bad PIP from Tuesdays injection, felt it all day yesterday couldnt even raise my arm. Today felt same way, but during gym time I worked threw the pain. It did affect me on some of my lifts.

Diet- Starting tomorrow going down to 3000 calories. Figuring cycle is almost over, gains are slow right now anyways, might as well go back down close to a lean bulk.


DB OHP 4x10 4x65lb DB's (Felt if I didn't have PIP i could of easily went to 70's)
Barbell OHP 2x8 2x115lbs (Extra reps this week)
Front DB Raise 2x10 55lb DB's
Rear Delts DB Raise 2x10 2x55lb DB's
Side DB Raise 2x10 1x30lb DB's 1x35lb DB's (Up 5lbs)

Barbell Shrugs 3x8 2x295lbs 1x305lbs (Up 10lbs!)
DB Shrugs 2x15 2x100lb DB's (Extra reps in)
EZ Bar CG Upright Rows 3x8 3x115lbs

*Hit 3 sets of biceps, 3 sets of Tri's, 4 sets of Obliques. They were quick sets, nothing to stressed*