Test-E only 15 Weeks, MrRicco's time to shine GTFIH!


Mini Rocky
My pinning starts Monday 4/29, this is just a Pre Post Info. For first two weeks, I may post every gym day to give info. But after that I will only post on Pinning days to show results. This is gonna be a great and safe cycle, Safe being a key word right there. This is Mrricco's time to bulk!

You've might of saw me time to time in this forum posting/replying to your threads. Well the time has finally come to start my cycle. I've been holding it off for a bit for a few reasons. I just placed 4th in Mens Bantam Weight class a few weeks back, and didn't want to fail the drug test. Also needed time to go back to maintenance. And lastly wanted 2-3 weeks of new gym routine to be in affect (to know the weight I can handle, added many new exercises) so I'd be prepared.

Cycle/Gear- I will be doing 15 weeks of Test-E only (first time on cycle, so of course you should only run test, dumb asses). 15 weeks is a bit of time, but realistically am I gonna get 15 weeks from the vials? Probably not, most likely my cycle will be from 13-14 weeks. Taking test-E 500mg weekly in two dosages. Pinning 250 mg of test- E Monday, and Thursday, giving it 3 days separation. Also switching up my Pin points weekly. One week doing Quads, and next week possibly Delts. I have liquid Armidex on hand, but will not wait for gyno to appear to start using. Better to be safe and use it EOD .25mgs, up until my post cycle therapy (pct).

PCT-Now I'm all about safety so why the hell not spend an extra bit of cash to do both Nolv/Clomid. Was planning to do my PCT 2 weeks after last injection using Nolva and clomid. clomid 50mg ED for 4 weeks, possibly more if needed since I have 60 servings of 50mg. With the Nolvadex i have 60 servings of 20mg, which I'd take 20mg everyday for 4 weeks. So it looks like this
Nolva /20mg/20mg/20mg/20mg
clomid /50mg/50mg/50mg/50mg

Stats- I am 5'4, weighing 134 lbs, at the mid point of age 22. Id say my BF is around 12-13 %, which for a little guy like myself thats not much fat on the body. I used to be fat back in the day, decided it was time to get in shape. Which I began working out, to much actually (over training cardio to max). And during that point eating very low calories, which I was in anorexia without knowing it. Finally realized this and found out the real deal about training/nutrition ect. I've been on this forum for quit some time, preparing for this cycle. I didn't want to rush into anything without knowing the consequences for my actions. So I waited, and waited, until I knew when I was ready and prepared. Steroids aren't magic, and their sure as hell dangerous. Safety is key in my eyes, as I've stated before I'd rather gain 10 lbs with no sides compared to 20lbs with sides. I've had my gear in possession for the past 2 months, been locked away in a nice cool place. And starting next Monday they will be opened!

GYM- Mon/Tues/Rest/Thurs/Fri/Rest/Rest I used to do 5 days a week straight, but felt like I was over training and with lack of calories it hindered my gains.
Mondays is Chest/Triceps with 30 minutes of cardio doing 15 minutes of sprint 30/ walk 30. Then come back and do stair climber for 10 minutes 30 seconds hard/ 30 seconds rest. Last 5 minutes I do a bit of running/walking up stairs. Also love to hit the sauna for 10-15 minutes on Mondays after cardio to sweat. Forgot, also before cardio I do full body stretching.

Tuesday- Back/Bicep at the end of it a bit abs exercises, and ab stretching. And upper body only stretching.

Thursday- Dem Leg Days with the same cardio routine as Monday. And stretching of lower body.

Friday-Shoulder Days with upper body stretching afterwards.

*keynote* I usually walk 1-2 miles everyday. And weekend I go to work, 2 8 hour shifts which maybe 3-4 hours im on my feet each day.

Here are two pics of me from last year. First pic is before I started getting serious into lifting learning the proper way, lifted a year before that improper with anorexia. First pic is also the day before my bulking for 5 months. 2nd pic is the end of my bulk 5 months later. Went from 126 to 142, but did it improperly and gained fat.


Here is a few pics of me as of 4/30/13 just normal poses at 134.6 lbs (A bit bloated still). All unflexed except last 1.



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I will be posting two more sections on info of my cycle, this post right here is about supplements.

Water-I drink usually 1-2 gallons a day, have to piss constantly!

Multi- Everyday I'll be taking a multivitamin. But starting on week 3 I'll start taking 2 multi's on workout days, one Post workout with my shake and second one before I go to bed.
B Complex- 1 everyday in the morning.
Fish Oils- 3 everyday split up. One first thing in the morning, 1 PWO, and 1 before bed with Casein.
CLA- Taking 3 CLA's 1 gram each split during the day. 1 at breakfast, 1 PWO, and 1 for Casein
ALA- I have a few leftover ALA's from contest prep. Using them on workout days for PWO Shake.
BCAA Pills- I will be taking 1 gram of the top 3 BCAA's in pill form in the middle of the night. Usually have to piss in middle of the night, so I have them next to my bed if I do end up waking up. I won't wake up to take them specifically, but i'f I do end up waking up I will.

Creatine- Going to try the theory of major creatine consumption (that it increases drastically while on cycle). Taking 15 grams daily, split into 3. 5 grams pre,post,casein.
Glute- Same thing on theory with creatine, and plus extra recovery. Taking 15 grams daily, 5 grams from actual powder. I get the other 10 grams from whey/casein.
Whey Protein- ON Gold standard of course! Taking this Post workouts, 1 serving. It has 5 grams of the glute there, with 5.5 BCAA
Soy Protein- ohh shit SOY incoming bitch tits!! I've been taking it for months, my pecs were big before that since im a chest bro! Only taking 1 serving of soy on rest days. So 60 grams of protein from soy each week, am I really going to grow tits from that? I think not, plus its like less than 10% of daily protein. Has 6 grams of glute in it!
Casein- ON Casein Chocolate Supreme! Taking one serving every night a bit before bed! Has 5 Glute, 5 BCAA
BCAA Powder- Has 7 grams of BCAA's in a serving. I'll be splitting 1 servings into 2. 3J says best time for BCAA is between meals. So I may do that, or 1 between a meal and 1 during gym.
Pre workout powder- It varys, I have quit a few. Always getting free samples of it, im a logger for one product, I have Assault, and Controlled Labs Preworkout.
DIET Section!! Ohh snap here is where everything comes down too. I am a firm believer in diet. I know from a cycle a diet will determine your gains of muscle, your fat gain, and lastly how much you retain from this cycle!

Diet will be hardest because for the past year I've been sorta following IF. I never said I had to wait to eat, I just sort of did it. If I was hungry I'd eat, but usually I didnt eat till around 2pm. Also during this time I always trained directly in the morning, 30 minutes to an hour after waking up. I'd always trained fasted. FOr my cycle I'll be eating 6-8 meals a day, and do one meal before gym. So most likely I'll wake up eat something small and wait an hour, maybe 1 1/2 hours before hitting the gym. It's not like I hate it, just don't want the feeling of puking from lifting weights, ab workout, or cardio.

I will post a more layered out diet next week, but I'll just give you an idea of what I'll be eating. For the first two weeks of my cycle, I won't go fully blow into the bulking. I will maybe do 100 calorie surplus a day, and keeping protein around 200 grams. I'f it takes 2-3 weeks to fully kick in, don't see a point into shooting into 500 surplus and maximizing on huge protein intake. So at week 3 I will go full blown into my bulk with the 500 surplus. My meals are a bit spread out making it Pro/Carb and Pro/Fat meals. Of course all the Pro/Carb meals are early/mid day leaving my fatty meals for night.

Protein-250 grams of protein is set in stone for me, its a little over 2 grams per LBM.
Carbs- 300-350 grams a day, fuck the simple carbs except PWO! Complex carbs are the way to go.
Fats- I like my fats, but will try and keep low around 65-75 daily. And of course EFA!

Shakes-Workout days PWO shake using my whey, with simple hi GI carbs no dex. Non workout days in the mornings my soy protein. my Casein protein is an every night ordeal.

Casein- Of course gotta have that casein before bed. Just cause you're not starving doesn't mean your guns aren't. Feed them baby's. Every night Casein Protein + Cottage Cheese. Adding on the side depending on night. PB/peanuts/Flax meal

Protein- Skinless Chicken Breast, Whole Eggs (never egg whites), Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Fat Free Cheese slices, Lean Beef, Tuna in water, Whey, Casein Protein, Soy
Carbs- Pinto Beans, Whole Grain Bagel, Banana, Brown Rice, Skim Milk, Sweet Potato, Instant Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Double Fiber Bread, Broccoli, White Potato, Whole Grain Cereal.
Fats- Flax Seed Meal, Peanuts, PB!, CLA, Fish Oil, Omega 3 Butter

ETC- Secondary list, that I may pop in replacing a food if its available. I will always use EVOO, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Non Lean Beef, Plain Yogurt, Steak, White Rice, Corn Flakes, Whole Wheat Pasta, Green Beans, Corn, Green Leaf Salad, Strawberry, Fiber One Cereal, Non Fat Free Cottage Cheese, 2 % milk, lean beef burgers, Honey
Well I bought 3 vials, which most run 12 weeks but then I have the 6 ML left over in one bottle. Yes I could save it for later, but like I said up top I may only get 13-14 real weeks of Test-E 500mg.
Well this morning was my first ever injection, and I've been waiting for this for some time. I was not one bit afraid of injecting myself. But by god this was the worst experience of injecting. I know I will have bad PIP for this, but I can manage pain so I won't bitch about it since it was my own fault.

So I have 18x1.5 to draw, and a 25x1 to inject. Took a shower 30 minutes before injecting. I warmed up my vial for 5 minutes before drawing. I started wiping down my vial, and leg for injecting. 5 minutes were up and I began to draw, which I thought I hit the 1 ML mark, when I was drawing, turned it over and looked more like .8 of a ML. So I tried to draw a bit more.

Here comes to the injection, bam in goes the needle no pain what so ever. I get it all the way in, time to aspirate. I pull it back a little and droplets of blood begin to come in. I freak out thinking I hit a vein, took it out and tried another area an inch away and same thing happen. I saw a bit of blood in the syringe and I started getting cold, and sweats. I took off the needle and switched out with a new one, and I waited probably 10 minutes before trying again. This time I did a different spot, was using spot injections site for injection. Well I hit another spot, and this time I hit a nerve just a tad in. My foot jerked, and I took it out and moved it an inch different. This time it was in, but it wasn't injecting! I'd push in, and it'd go down very very small, and go back up. I sat there trying to push in for like 5 minutes. Eventually I said fuck it, and took it out.

Sadly I got it finally in, about 10 minutes after the one injection where it didnt want to go in I looked up online about this shit. Which many saying if I did hit a nerve my syringe would be filling up immediately with blood. But I still wondered why it wasn't injecting when I was pushing down. I guess the blood sort of got clogged at the top, I tried pushing it while it was out of my body and nothing was going. So I took of the needle and the blood was basically clogging the needle. The blood shot up FYI when I took of the needle. I put the needle back on and went back to my very first spot I injected and it finally went in smooth. Yes I'm a dumb ass, I've been researching for months and trying to be all safe about this. But research can only take you so far until you hit the day of injection and its in your face. Like I said, I'll probably have bad PIP, gonna try and get a bit more rest just incase if I did end up fucking something. Thursdays shot will go better.
I woke up this morning did 15 minutes of HIIT, with 3 minutes of jump rope afterwards. Came inside ate 225 grams of sweet potato, and an hour before the gym another 225 grams. Bout to hit the gym here soon for some Chest/Tris with another 10 minutes of HIIT afterwards, that is if my PIP don't start coming.

Tomorrow- I hope to post pictures of me for this log by tomorrow. I know im still holding some water weight, and bloated so I may hold off for a few more days until my weight subdues.

Diet- As of today I weighed myself which im at 136.2 which just last Friday I was 138.8 but over the weekend I binged at a family party. So not sure about where my weight stands at the moment, I know im defiantly bloated and holding water. Going to start off the first week eating a surplus of 200, and protein around 1.5 grams per lb, next week I'll go up to 2 grams and surplus of 400.

Since I came in 4th in my last competing a few weeks back, a company is allowing me to be a logger for one of their preworkout products. Which today is the day I start the logging for it. I won't say the name of the company, but they sent me a 72 serving preworkout gear, which I take 3 servings every day for 8 days then it goes down to 2 scoop, then too 1 over the coarse of the weeks. When I hit 2 and 1 scoope I add this preworkout bottled drink thats also in the box. IDK I said fuck it, free preworkout shit might as well.

(Warm up 2 sets of 20 pushups, 1 set of Flat Bench 135 10-15 reps)
DB Press Incline Bench 4x6-8 50lb DB's
DB Flat 4x6-8 60lb Db's (Probably try 65"s next week)
Decline DB Flys 3x6-8 40's for first 2 sets, 45 for last set.
Cable Flys 3x10-15 40lbs, 50lbs (Low weight, slow solid forum)

Revere Close Grip Bench 2x8-10 125lbs
Close Grip Bench 2x8-10 135lbs
Skull crusher 3x10 (Slow solid forum, 45lbs)
Weighted Dips 3xFailure 35lb DB

Chest/Tricep was a good day, with logging the new pre workout stuff with 3 scopes oddly enough I didn't feel no pump.
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Wow, you messed up more than I did. =P I had no problems except for keeping a small air bubble inside right as I stuck the needle in. It sounds like you may have stuck the pin a bit too in the center of your quad. Try more closer to your hip. I say that because I pinned Saturday closer to the center and touched a nerve.

PIP on E isn't bad. It's more of the VMS (Virgin Muscle Smoreness) that makes it bad. At least, for me. After the 3-4th pin you should be able to feel little to no PIP at all.

Good luck.
Not to worried about the PIP to be honest, my legs just a tad sore and thats after a bit of cardio. I'd rather have the PIP then me actually hitting the damn vein. I was going to do Delts also, Delt may be easier. Also I need to figure out of im dosing right. Sure when I was first holding the bottle in the air, and pulled it back I drew 1 ML. But when I flipped it over, it was at .8ml. Went back in a drew probably .1 more. So not sure if I first time did pull 1ml the first time, and then added an extra .1 ml the second draw. And just now took me first Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage of Armidex for .25mg
When I draw, I pull about 1.1ml into the syringe. When I push the air out, I lose that .1ml somewhere in combination of lubricating the needle and being stuck inside the syringe after a pin.
Here are some pics of me this morning after weigh in. Going to do weigh ins on Tues, Thurs, and possibly Saturday. Weighing today at 134.6, which before my binge on Saturday that morning I weighed in at 133.8 lbs but I did probably binge 2000-3000 calories over my mait :/. Didn't have a refeed for at least a month before that so I'll just say that was my refeed day. These poses are what I did for my last competition, didn't fully go out on it but just a bit of flexed posing to show before and after for cycle.







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Yeah I'll probably do the same. But to be honest if I did end up only putting in .8 ml thats still 200 mg, and if I kept doing it it'd be 400mg a week. Which 400mg for someone my size is still very beneficial. Also I'll try to flip the syringe and push air out a bit to see if that works.
Yeah I'll probably do the same. But to be honest if I did end up only putting in .8 ml thats still 200 mg, and if I kept doing it it'd be 400mg a week. Which 400mg for someone my size is still very beneficial. Also I'll try to flip the syringe and push air out a bit to see if that works.

T only cycles for absolute beginners like ourselves will grow on any dose over TRT. 400mg a week isn't that much different than 500mg a week anyway so you could get away with your dose now. Up to you. Try pushing a tad bit so that a droplet comes out of the pin. It'll help lube the pin for you.
Tuesday 4/30/13 Day 2 of Cycle

Sleep- Oddly enough today I set my alarm for 10am, which I went to bed at 2am. I woke up around 8:30 and couldnt fall back to sleep, I layed in the bed till 9am and decided I'd get up. Trying to get 8 hours each night of rest. Slept like a fucking baby though.

Weight- Today I still think I'm a bit bloated from last Saturdays Binge of an extra 2-3k calories. I weighed myself today being 134.8, which last Saturday before the binge was at 133.8 at a calorie deficit of 200. My usual weigh ins are on Tuesday mornings, so that 133.8 was half a week in from my previous weigh in. So technically I believe if I didn't binge I'd be probably around 133.5 today. Cheat meals can help though, I will maybe do 1 a month but try and not go in the 2-3k range. I hear Cheating can boost metabolism n such, sigh idk.

Body- No PIP today oddly enough, even after stabbing myself in 5 different areas. Sure I'm walking a bit funky, but thats about it. Didn't affect me one bit in the gym. Still think im a bit bloated, hopefully the Armidex tomorrow will help that.

Gym-Well I'm logging this ones company preworkout powder and oddly enough no boost what so ever. But still did good in the gym nerveless. But feeling my back routine is lacking the upper back. Im defiantly hitting my biceps during this, which is good but I need a better upper back hit.

Back/Bicep with few added sets for Forearms and Abs at the end. Back/Bicep workout took 45 minutes, Forearm/Abs afterwards took 15 minutes.
Deadlift 5x6-8 (6th set low weight 10 slow reps) first 3 sets were 205, and last 2 sets were 215 which I've never did 215 before so was pretty excited of my progression
Good Mornings Barbell 2x15 95 lbs
Seated Cable Wide Grip Row 3x10 first 2 sets 100lbs, last set 110lbs
Wide Grip Pull Down 3x10 first 2 sets 150lbs, 3rd set 165lbs (feels like im hitting my biceps and lats more then back, which lats is fine but rather hit lats/back)
Cable Row (Very Slow, good form) 2x15 90lbs

Close Grip Barbell Underhand Row 4x8 135lbs
25lbs Weighted Wide Grip Chin ups 2x10 (3rd set without weight)
25lbs Weighted Close Grip Pull Ups 2x10 (3rd set without weight)
Preacher Curls With Pad 3x10 55lbs (Slow reps, good form. See many guys doing a ton of weight and swinging, I used to be that guy. Form is key, even if lighter weight)

Diet- My goal as you know is 3k calories, but this week im easing into it with the macro and calories. I don't think protein synthesis actually boost until the 3rd day, so keeping protein around 220 for the next 3 days. Then shooting to 250. Today's calorie's will be around 2600. Getting in 6-7 meals. My food for the next few days won't be strict either.
Meal 1- 4 slices of Natures Own x2 fiber, 4 slices of Fat Free Ham, 1CLA, 1 Fish Oil
Meal 2/Preworkout- 225grams of Sweet Potato
Meal 3/Postworkout- Whey with 2 servings of Corn flaxes with 2 cups of skim milk
Meal 4- 4oz Chicken, 2 CLA, 2 Fish Oil, 2 cups skim milk, 2 servings of cheerios
Meal 5- 4oz chicken, 2 cups brocoli, 2 slices fat free cheese
Meal 6- 6 eggs
Meal 7- 4 oz turkey beef, 1/2 low fat cottage cheese
Macros 2995 226 protein/265 carbs/69 fat
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Wednesday 5/1/13

Cycle- .25mg of Armidex

Sleep- Either I'm getting enough, or I'm having issues sleeping. I went to bed a bit before 3, and woke up at 9am. I tried going back to sleep, layed there for 15 minutes and nothing. So decided to start the day off. I want those 8 hours or more, for recovery damnit! Maybe naps during the day.

Body- No pain in leg, but my walking now reminds me of a pirate with a peg leg. Tomorrow night going to be doing my 2nd shot, this time in the left quad. By god I hope it goes smoother then the first time. My arms and lower back are a bit sore from yesterdays Back/Bicep.

Gym- No workouts today, its a rest day. But by god on my rest days I'd like to atleast do something. So other then my normal 2-3 mile walks. I may go to a class tonight at the gym, its a dance class. Yes I know sounds gay, but going with a friend of mine she's been wanting me to go with her to it. So thats an hour right there or moving around. Tomorrow is leg day and I can't fucking wait. I used to hate leg day, now I love it.

Diet- Still keeping my calories around 2600, boosting it up tomorrow though. Diet is a bit the same like the other day. A bit different foods, but prob near same macros. Most likely won't start my proper bulking diet until this upcoming Monday, when I know the shits in my system. I really just don't want to go up a huge amount of weight in the first few weeks like many guys, I don't think the fat gain is worth it.
Thursday 5/2/13 Day 4
Doing post everyday this week just to get things flowing on my log, but probably in the coming weeks I'll keep it down to Monday, Thursday, and Saturday which are weigh in days.

Cycle- Tonight doing my second shot of Test-E 250, I'll do in the left leg this time. Pray to god it goes better then the first.

Sleep- Finally got a good 8 hours of sleep! Went to bed around 1:15 and woke up to alarm at 9:30. Could of slept more it would seem.

Weight- Today was a weigh in day, weighing 134.8lbs. Which means the Saturday binge bloat is going down. But since Monday my carb intake has increased by 100, so I may be holding water. Last night I did eat an extra 400 calories, then the 2600 I was shooting for. But I did a dance class, yes I know sounds gay, with a friend last night since she has wanted me to do it with her for weeks.

Body- My leg wasn't sore this morning, but today was leg day and pinning tonight. So by god I will be sore as fuck tomorrow. My arms are still a bit sore from Tuesdays workout. Which makes me question my chest routine, since im never sore in the chest. I know being sore isn't a sign of gaining, but I'd like to feel a bit sore to show that I got it worked.

Leg Day, fucking love leg day. With Cardio, and Abs. Did 15 minutes of HIIT 15 minutes after waking up. With 3x100 jump ropes afterwards. Was going to do 10 minutes of a stair climber after workout but I decided to pull an extra shift of work this week so I assumed that'd be my cardio.

Quads- Warm up Squat 95lbs 1x15 reps
Barbell Squat 4x6 (first 2 sets 135, last 2 sets 145. And a burn out 5th set of 95lbs 1x15)
Leg Extensions 2x15 130lbs (3rd set added in for burnout 1x20 90lbs)
Hack Squat Machine 2x10 290lbs
Leg Press 1x10 very slow form (Added this in for the fuck of it, may keep in and do 2 sets)

Barbell Stiff Leg Dead Lifts 3x10 95lbs
Smith Machine Lunges 2x10 65lbs (Each set is 2 really, since switch foot)
Plated Leg Curls 3x10 slow form 90lbs (Each set is 2 really, since switch foot)

Barbell Calf Raises 4x10 295 for 2 sets, 300 for last 2 (5th set of 1x10 225)

Abductors and Adductors( however you spell it) did a machine for both muscles 1x15-20 slow form. Did 4x10 sets of this weighted ab situp, I put my legs up on this calf raise machine and fall back all the way back to the floor and do situps with this. It fucking works I tell you. Then 2x30 90lbs of this rope crunches hitting front and each side 10 reps. Lastly 1 minute plank, 1 minute side plank each side, some stretching, and ab roller 2x15. My core isn't noticeable since the fat covering it, but my core is strong as fuck by the way it pops out when I do these.

Diet- In taking 10 g of creatine now, to prepare my body for next week when I go into 15 g a day. Next week diet will be on key, just getting a bit of the left over non cleans out.
Meal 1/Pre- 225 grams Sweet Potato, 2 oz chicken\
Meal 2/Post- 2 servings Corn flakes, 1 serving honey, 2 cups milk, Post Workout protein shake 20grams protein.
Meal 3/2oz chicken, 2 servings Frosted Mini Wheat, 2 cups milk
Work Meals- Random
Bedtime- 4oz fatty turkey, 1/2 Low Fat cottage cheese, and string cheese

I have other meals, but I eat free food at work. Usually consisting of chicken, milk, lean beef patties, eggs, fiber 1 cereal, cottage cheese, fish, deli meat, low carb whole grain bread, bacon, fat sausage, frozen fruit. I technically sneak the food haha. So I can never place a designated meals when I go to work. I just know majority of the time at work they will have plenty in stock, and wont notice a piece or 2 gone. When I work I'll bring food just in case if I can't sneak, but it won't be a ton of meals.
Friday 5/3/13 Day 5

Cycle- This morning I took my 3rd dosage of Armidex .25mgs. Last night took my second shot of Test-E 250mg. It went much smoother, and got it first time. I let the vial sit in very hot water for 3 minutes. During my drawing I did what Kravi suggested and push the air out a bit until a lil fluid comes out. I did it on my left leg this time, basically the same spot as my right leg. When I was pushing in, my leg jerked a tan which I must have hit a nerve. I didn't take it out, just kept going in. Was all the way in, and aspirated which saw a tiny bubble come in but no blood. Started slowly injecting, which I knew I was in because even though going slow myself it wanted to take its sweet time. After it was done I let the needle sit in there for 30 seconds before removing.


Body- No pip from last nights shot, it is a bit sore but that may be from Leg day yesterday. I feel my bloating is going down just a tad, but I think I have put on a very small fraction of weight.

Sleep- Went to bed around 3am, setting my alarm for 11pm. Damnit I woke up at like 8:45, and tried to fall back asleep but couldnt so got up at 9am. Which is only around 6 hours of sleep. I do feel a bit tired today :/

Diet- Trying to get rid of this Reduced Fat Lunch Meat Ham I received from work. It's been in my fridge for 2 weeks, and decided instead of eating my chicken (which I cooked 3 lbs of CB cut up into 12 4oz pieces) which I will save later this weekend. Tonight I'll be raising my total calorie intake to 2700, which won't be a problem since last few days I've went to 3k since I did a bit more exercise then normal.

Meal 1- 4 pieces of Natures Own x2 Fiber, 2 slices of Fat Free Cheese, and 5 slices of the Ham.
Meal 2/Pre- 225grams of Sweet Potato
Meal 3/Post- 1 scope of Whey, 2 servings cheerios, 1/2 serving corn flakes, 1 serving honey, spoon full of Dex, and 2 cups skim milk
The rest not sure of as of yet, better detailed strict meal plans starting next week.
Meal 4-7 will contain Lean Beef Pattie, Chicken Breast, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Ground Turkey, String Cheese, Broccoli, oatmeal

Today was Shoulder Day, with a few sets of random Forearm exercises.

Dumbbell Over Head Press 4x6-8 45 lbs (Added 5th set in for a bit of wore out, 1x6-8 40lbs)
Face Pulls 2x15 80lbs (still trying to figure proper form)
Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise 2x15 (25lbs, then 20lbs)
Side Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 (25,20,15)
Front Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x10 (25,25,20)

Barbell Shrugs 3x8 (first two sets 245lbs, last set 225lbs)
Dumbbell Shrugs 2x8-10 90lbs
EZ Close Grip Upright Row 3x10 75lbs

Now looking at this it makes me wonder if I'm over training my shoulders. The time it took for this gym time was 40-45 minutes. I know you can do more sets when your on Test-E though, but still.
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5/4/13 Day 6 of cycle

Today is an off day from gym, which I work the weekends. I work with MR people at a group home taking care of them half the day. Im on my feet and moving at least half the time. I only work Saturday and Sundays, and sometimes days during the week.

Body- Well I think im just going to weigh myself every Mon, Wed, Friday. I jumped on the scale this morning and it said I was 139.8lbs which is 5 lbs heavier then what I was 2 days ago. Im retaining water defiantly, but im pretty sure its just that I'm cramming more food into my mouth. Also eating more meals during the day 7-8 meals instead of my usual 3-4. Also eating closer to bed time, which I used to not do. I'd maybe stop eating around 7 or 8pm and go to bed around 2 am. I'm pretty sure my maintenance is around 2400-2500 and I'm thinking of just staying at 2700 until week 3. I'll be posting pics up on Monday to show results.

Gym-Thinking of also adding a 3rd day of cardio during the week, wouldn't a 3rd day of cardio = more fat loss giving me a better muscle gain amount?

Sleep- Holy shit I don't think I've ever experienced this situation while sleeping. Usually I'll never remember my dreams. I usually wake up, and it feels like a second ago I was awake hours ago. If I ever do dream I have like 1 dream. But last night I have maybe 3-4 dreams, and remembered them all. They were pretty vivid dreams, it was a bit intense.

bout to go watch some Ironman 3!
awesome thread man! keep it up. I see your using coconut oil, these are still saturated fats, i would rather use olive oil. I know you were talking about a bloat; make sure your sodium levels are low. When i ran test e, i got bloated towards week 7 and thats when my diet was off.

A third day of cardio would be good for faster fat loss, btw if the bloat is bad, do doses of dex at .50mg eod. I do ED because im very gyno prone, i feel shit behind my nipples lol, and i had to up my dose of prami :/.