Test E Only- No good results so far

Mr. K

New member
25 y.o. male
10% BF
start BW 190#
Ht 5'10"

Diet: >150 g protein/d, 3500 kcal/ day total

I started a 12 week cycle of test e only at the beginning of January. I bought gear from Roid+. I was injecting 250mg 2x/ wk. I have gain 5 pounds from this cycle. I have an increase in back acne, increase in chest hair, and my nips are enlarging so I am using Nolva. I was using liquidex to prevent aromtisation, but it was not working. The lack of weight gain is leading me to believe that the gear is fake, under-dosed, or methyl test suspended in oil. I tried looking up reviews for their product and found nothing. I purchased some Kalpa test e- reviews say its pretty good- and am going to extend my cycle 5 weeks to see if I gain any weight. My PCT will include arimidex @ 1mg/d, clomid 300mg for 1st day and then 50mg every day after. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was not used during cycle. I have 15,000IU available. I am going to use it four weeks before the last pin.

I have been using Kalpa test E for 2 weeks. I am starting to dream every night and wake up sweating. I have gained an additional 5 pounds. I am at 200 pounds now. Some of you wonder why my diet is lacking. I am not a bodybuilder. I play rugby, and was trying to gain quality strength and weight gradually. If I put 50pounds on within one month, my shins would probably snap while sprinting- the shin pumps are already unbearable- am using aspirin to address. For all of you bodybuilders out there, eat eat eat.

I have started using arimidex @ .50 mg until symptoms subside. It has worked. Nips returned to normal. No discharge. I will continue with .25mg ed. Stay away from Aromatase inhibitor (AI) knockoffs.

I have come to the conclusion that Roid+ was bunk. I am thinking that the producers or counterfeiters used methyltest, which is very harmful and yields limited results, as a cheaper alternative to increase profit. I do not recommend UG labs. Pharmaceuticals are the way to go.
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Theres just so many things your doing wrong I dont know where to start im not sure where u get ur info but u need to do alot more reading
its not fake, its just all turning into estrogen , keep taking the liquidex.

did you get it all from the same place ?
its not fake, its just all turning into estrogen , keep taking the liquidex.

did you get it all from the same place ?

No, multiple places. I just got ahold of real arimidex. I should have not taken the cheap way out.
Theres just so many things your doing wrong I dont know where to start im not sure where u get ur info but u need to do alot more reading

I get my info from the same place that everyone gets theirs. I am not sure what I am doing wrong according to your opinion, but I am using Nolva as a SERM because I do not have a good Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I just got an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in today. I am extending my cycle because I did not see any results until week 9. My Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and the arimidex are the only things that I can foresee a problem with. I meant to say that I will use arimidex if needed on post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid and the nolva. Clomid is @ 300mg/d is to get blood levels up and 50 for maintenance. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was my choice to use before post cycle therapy (pct). I have heard mixed ideology on this due to megadoses making no difference. So, what else?
That is shit stuff then. I did a 12 week cycle of test only and stacked on 13 pounds. And like said above, you KNOW when ur on.
Possibly fake. I'm at the end of week two on my test e only cycle. The pumps just kicked in and strength went up alittle and gained a little over 5 lbs. I'm running strango meds.
I see a problem with your diet. 150 grams of protein would be good for a petite chic. Clomid should be ran at 50 a day for 4 weeks with nolva. Arimidex would be your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and should've been taken at beginning of cycle. Your kinda ass backwards.
I see a problem with your diet. 150 grams of protein would be good for a petite chic. Clomid should be ran at 50 a day for 4 weeks with nolva. Arimidex would be your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and should've been taken at beginning of cycle. Your kinda ass backwards.

150g is minimum per day. I do not believe in low carb high protein diets for increased caloric diets. The same results have been achieved with 1.5-2g/kgbw. I am going to run clomid at 50ed with nolva. the arimidex is only if I start growing man tits due to my current experience of enlarged nips while using the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) alone. I was using liquidex ".5mg eod" but it is severely under dosed and did not work.
150g is minimum per day. I do not believe in low carb high protein diets for increased caloric diets. The same results have been achieved with 1.5-2g/kgbw. I am going to run clomid at 50ed with nolva. the arimidex is only if I start growing man tits due to my current experience of enlarged nips while using the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) alone. I was using liquidex ".5mg eod" but it is severely under dosed and did not work.

Are you cutting or bulking? If you wanna see weight then go for a high protien high cal diet. I take in about 4000-6000 cals a day when bulking and hella lot of protien (200+).
U need more protein if u wanna grow ur Aromatase inhibitor (AI) was definitely bunk and u dont use arimidex for post cycle therapy (pct) thats what I rub during cycle and it works really well for me
If you wake up sweating from that amount of test, stay away of tren your entire life.
I myself don't gain power from test, and i take 750mg, with 300mg of deca and 30mg dbol (5-10% power / but i don't workout for power, just for muscle gains).From week 3 in there you will notice more of the test.

Good luck ;) gains gains gains
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