Test E+Test P Cycle. Jumping Back On The Bandwagon!

Rosco FleX

I've been off gear/gym for a few years, so I figured it was time to get this gravy train rollin' again! Here's a little info on what my cycle is going to look like:

Week 1-12: 750mg/Wk Test E
Week 1-2&13-14: 150mg/EoD Test P
Week 2-14: 8mg/ED Aromasin (Adjust as needed after mid-cycle blood work)
Week 3-14: 300iu/E3D Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (Finish it off with last Test P Inj.)
!!Start PCT 3 days after last Test P Ijn.!!: 12.5mg/ED Aromasin and Nolvadex(40/40/20/20/20)

I was debating stretching the Test P "kickstart" to week 3, we'll see how it goes though.

I will post up my current stats and some pre cycle pics tomorrow, then I'll start Stickin'.

Could only get 1 pic in before the $600 piece of crap started messing up. Anyway, here's a BEFORE cycle pic. Still stayed a bit in shape on my time off out the gym, just need to clean my diet up.EDIT: I've been back in the gym for about 6 months, just to clear that up.
View attachment 5452441 week into cycle--->View attachment 545288
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I have been working out for years and I have never used anything more than creatine or protein supplements.As far as furst cycles go you kind of went right for the most powerful oral steroid you could ever get loll.i have gained a solid 2lbs. I have not noticed much in strength gains yet, but a noticeable size gain and overall my physique is hardening.
I have been working out for years and I have never used anything more than creatine or protein supplements.As far as furst cycles go you kind of went right for the most powerful oral steroid you could ever get loll.i have gained a solid 2lbs. I have not noticed much in strength gains yet, but a noticeable size gain and overall my physique is hardening.

This is not my first cycle.

These are not orals.
I have been working out for years and I have never used anything more than creatine or protein supplements.As far as furst cycles go you kind of went right for the most powerful oral steroid you could ever get loll.i have gained a solid 2lbs. I have not noticed much in strength gains yet, but a noticeable size gain and overall my physique is hardening.
What the hell are you saying here, there is no oral used.

I've been off gear/gym for a few years, so I figured it was time to get this gravy train rollin' again! Here's a little info on what my cycle is going to look like:

Week 1-12: 750mg/Wk Test E
Week 1-2&13-14: 150mg/EoD Test P
Week 2-14: 8mg/ED Aromasin (Adjust as needed after mid-cycle blood work)
Week 3-14: 300iu/E3D Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (Finish it off with last Test P Inj.)
!!Start PCT 3 days after last Test P Ijn.!!: 12.5mg/ED Aromasin and Nolvadex(40/40/20/20/20)

I was debating stretching the Test P "kickstart" to week 3, we'll see how it goes though.

I will post up my current stats and some pre cycle pics tomorrow, then I'll start Stickin'.

Could only get 1 pic in before the $600 piece of crap started messing up. Anyway, here's a BEFORE cycle pic. Still stayed a bit in shape on my time off out the gym, just need to clean my diet up.EDIT: I've been back in the gym for about 6 months, just to clear that up.
View attachment 545244
Can't wait to see the end result should be a boost because of muscle memory.
Can't wait to see the end result should be a boost because of muscle memory.

Yea im pretty excited to see how it goes. I'm already itching for my next cycle of test/tren/mast.

On a side note, my bf% calipers broke. It was the cheap plastic crap from BodyBuilding.com. I think I'm somewhere in the 13-14%ish range, not sure.
Good luck man! You are bout to get swole!!! Keep those pics updated so we can keep track!

BTW : Walmart got those fancy Omarion electronic BF analyzer on sale for 30 bucks online. I just ordered mine last night and they are really accurate. U should look into it!

And Owwww yA! Keep popping those strong orals just like candy .....deuces !
Good luck man! You are bout to get swole!!! Keep those pics updated so we can keep track!

BTW : Walmart got those fancy Omarion electronic BF analyzer on sale for 30 bucks online. I just ordered mine last night and they are really accurate. U should look into it!

And Owwww yA! Keep popping those strong orals just like candy .....deuces !

Operation Godzilla Swole is a GO! I wonder if they have them in stock at my local wal-mart. If not I'll be ordering mine today, thanks for the tip man!
Yesterday made 1 week into my cycle. The Test P kicked in quick as usual, muscles are fuller...I feel anabolic all day, which is like having sex all day in a sense. Anyway here is another pic, I will get some quad pics in here I promise!!
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Ran into a small problem a little over a week ago...stomach ulcer, lol. Couldn't hold hardly any food down for about 5 days, but I'm back on track now. For anyone uneducated on steroids reading this comment, steroids had NOTHING to do with this. I've had problems with heartburn/acid reflux since elementary school.