Test E / Test Prop Cycle Advice


New member
Hey guys looking for some advice / opinions on the following short cycle:

Week 1-6 Test E 250mg twice a week
Week 7-8 Test Prop 100mg eod
Week 1-8 HCG 250iu twice a week
Extremestane 12.mg ed - When exactly should I stop taking this?

7 days after last jab start PCT - Is this about right? Never used prop before.

Clomaphene 50mg ed 4 weeks
Tamoxifen 40mg ed 2 weeks
Tamoxifen 20mg ed 2 weeks

I am going for blood test tomorrow morning, will take another at 4 weeks, and one after pct.

Reason for change to test prop at the end is to minimise the amount of time before I can start PCT.
Reason for the short 8 weeks is due to a personal situation forcing a time constraint. If the situation changes i'll add a few weeks in. :)

Thanks guys, look forward to your input!
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You really only have 2-3 weeks of useful test dose with your cycle plan. Test e takes 4-6 weeks to kick in. You would be way better off just running prop the whole time. Run your ai up to pct. Is this your first cycle? Where did you get the idea for this???
yea... we need some more info here.. because there are some red flags

training history
cycle history
Hey guys, thanks for the reply.

I totally agree with you but unfortunately I dont think I can get my hands on more prop in time, as I hope to start next week. I have plenty of test e but I dont think Ill be able to go any longer than the 8 weeks.

Although I do think I have enough prop to use as a front load to kick start the short cycle while the enanthate gets going. Ive been considering adding 100mg prop eod week 1, 50mg prop eod week 2. I dont think ill have anything left after that. I'll try and see what I can get tomorrow.

If my situation changes, I will run the test e for at least 10 weeks... I just dont really see that happening at the moment.

My Stats:
Im 34, 80kg, 186cm, bf aprox 15% training on and off past 8 years usually 2 or 3 times a week, had a very long period of no training bad diet and horrible sleep pattern due to work. But now consistent 5 days a week past 8 months and I have a goal of 90kg with 10-12% bf.

I have one cycle back 6 years ago of Sust.

My diet is in now only recently in check, all food is weighed and counted, currently on 3200 cal /day

Really appreciate your input, thanks guys.
Ok so Update:

Did my blood work today, as Friday they messed up my appointment. Will have the results by the end of the week.
Picked up 5000iu of hcg, clomid, nolva, and ordered the Extremestane.

I will be starting the cycle off with prop for the first 2 weeks to kick start as mentioned earlier, but wont have enough for a full cycle so this prop/enanthate combination will have to suffice. Some good news though, looks like I'll be able to push the cycle out to 9 weeks! I'll know for sure in about 4 weeks. My aim is to start the following Monday 21st.

Lastly, as I have a lot of Test E lying around, I'm going to up the dosage from 250mg every 3.5 days to every 3 days. From what I understand, that should put me a tiny bit higher on approximately 580mg p/w.

Look forward to any advice, thanks.
SJC Im here for advice???

I understand there are a lot of younger guys who dont take any advice, and ignore what most will tell them. I am far from that, so please refrain from calling me stupid. Im trying to learn and not make the same mistakes I made when I first took gear. Im reading as much as I can and trying to put together the best option I can within my constraints.

If there is a lot of "stupid" going on in my post, please elaborate? Advise me? The whole reason im here is to learn. Its clear that you can see some or a lot wrong. I on the other-hand cannot. Could you point out what the problem(s) are?

I've based this on everything I've read on this forum about advice for beginners. Test only. HCG. AI. And PCT. Only thing that has changed is the ester.

Would very much appreciate some constructive advice.

e z op...

We re just trying to help...you never start a cycle until it s ALL in hand....

tough audience at times
Thanks Teutonic, I wasn't being aggressive. Apologies if that's how it came across. But to be fair, I asked for advice, got called stupid and was given zero help.. I am genuinely just trying to get some help on my proposed cycle.

And yes to clarify, I am not planning on starting anything at all until I have everything I need. All I'm missing is the AI and I have ordered it, should be here in a day or so.

I have taken the advice given above about the initial effectiveness of Test E and I have added Test Prop to the beginning. I used an online 'roid calc' to estimate the dosages so as to get my blood levels up relatively quick and maintain them at a stable level as I taper down the test p while the test e slowly catches up. Also to run my AI all the way up to PCT as recommended.

If there's anything else, or if I'm doing something very wrong as implied by SJC, please let me know.

and what point is there running a test e cycle for 6 weeks??

if you want to run a short cycle, use a short ester.. its that simple..

if you want to run test e or c.. run a longer cycle.. minimum 10 weeks. test e or c will take 5 weeks to reach peak levels
Reason for the Test prop at the end is to shorten the wasted time from last shot to PCT. 5-7 days instead of 18-21 days. Ive read a lot about it and makes a lot of sense to me, so I chose to do this. My understanding was the faster you recover after cycle, the better. So cutting the time between last shot and PCT is better and very easily achieved by using a short ester at the end. But I'm not an expert, so any input here is most welcome.

I would love to run for 10-12 weeks but I cant due to personal circumstances. I want to stress that this MAY CHANGE :) But I wont know for another few weeks.

Also, If I could run a Test Prop cycle only I would, but I don't have any more, and cant get any within the time that I need it. Hence why I am going with what I have.

According to the calc I used, Using the prop tapered for the first 2.5 weeks will bring my levels right up immediately and keep them stable while the test e catches up. Then in week 7/8 back to prop. Or as I mentioned, hopefully from week 8 or 9.

I understand that this isn't the most efficient of ways to go about this, but I'm working to the best that I can with what is available to me.

I hope I've answered your questions, thanks guys.

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SJC Im here for advice???

I understand there are a lot of younger guys who dont take any advice, and ignore what most will tell them. I am far from that, so please refrain from calling me stupid. Im trying to learn and not make the same mistakes I made when I first took gear. Im reading as much as I can and trying to put together the best option I can within my constraints.

If there is a lot of "stupid" going on in my post, please elaborate? Advise me? The whole reason im here is to learn. Its clear that you can see some or a lot wrong. I on the other-hand cannot. Could you point out what the problem(s) are?

I've based this on everything I've read on this forum about advice for beginners. Test only. HCG. AI. And PCT. Only thing that has changed is the ester.

Would very much appreciate some constructive advice.

Stupid because in 30 seconds worth of reading you would know that 6 weeks of Test E isn't enough to do SHIT!

If you cant get more then GET MORE. Its that simple. A little bit of reading and research would prevent being called stupid. You ordered an AI you can order more Test. Its not hard, again 30 seconds of research
Stupid because in 30 seconds worth of reading you would know that 6 weeks of Test E isn't enough to do SHIT!

If you cant get more then GET MORE. Its that simple. A little bit of reading and research would prevent being called stupid. You ordered an AI you can order more Test. Its not hard, again 30 seconds of research

You're obviously not reading any of what I'm typing at all and I really don't understand why your being so hostile towards me. What a pleasant way to welcome a new member... :confused:

1. Its not just Test E for 6 weeks!?!?
I've already answered this and made adjustments. Even the quote you replied to states that I've changed the esters? Please actually read what I'm typing if you're going to comment.

2. Yes I ordered AI, over the counter in the country that I'm in. Same with everything else I bought. Unfortunately they do not sell Test Prop over the counter here.

3. Its not just a matter of if I can get more or not. Its the timing. I'll be leaving the country I'm in, in about 10 weeks. I need to get started Monday. Again I mentioned my time constraint many many times.

Any further input from other members of the forum?
Ok here is some advice. Forget the whole cycle. You are going to be wasting it in my opinion. Anything less than 12 solid weeks is a waste when running long esters. I personally wouldn't do less than 16. Yeah you'll see a little bit of gains but just when the shit is hitting the fan, your lovin life, feeling like a million bucks....BOOM your off. To me weeks 8-14 are when the magic really happens.

Don't rush a cycle. If time isn't on your side don't try and force it. If you don't have enough Prop to run a good 8 week cycle then don't run anything. You're 34 you got time.
Agreed. You just don't have what you need to do what you want to. You need prop. You don't have it. Test e isn't going to work in your time frame. So just forget about the cycle for now. There's really no debating it. You need more prop. It's like going to the gas station and needing gas but all they have is diesel. Just not going to work bud...
Fair enough, thanks for the advice guys. I will hold off on the cycle for now and do it right.

I'm currently looking into 3J's Nutrition program and getting my diet 110%. Hopefully I can resolve my situation soon and get the needed time to do a proper cycle.

Thanks again to everyone.