Test E to durateston mid cycle????


New member
Hello im brand new to the site and im in a predicament... I have been running 1.5cc of 250mg/ml Test E for 7 weeks now. Im only going to have enough for one more injection and my supplier gave me some "duratest". I planned on running the test e for 12 weeks, but since im limited to 8 weeks can i run duratest for the final 4 weeks? Is it safe to do so? I really appreciate any help you guys can give me this is my first cycle and im not all too familiar with anabolics such as duratest.
its fine to switch over . test is test. the duratest has a longer ester in it though, which means you'll have to delay the time you begin PCT a couple weeks back
Are you running an AI , do you have your PCT in hand.

Please layout your cycle protocol ??

You say you are not familiar but you are injecting hormones. Why would you do that.
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People (most ) don't take steroids serious enough. Pin a couple vials, do some curls, a few squats then bam watch the gains come, right? While screw ups can't kill you like overdosing insulin, aas can have lasting side-effect like gyno, at the very least.
Which is why sites like this even exist. Young impatient kids want gains yesterday and will circumvent education and roll with the punches so to say