Test E Tren A cycle, thoughts please...


New member
Hi all,

This will be my 3rd cycle. Here is a breif history and stats: 23 years old, lifting properly for 4 years (before first cycle)

First cycle (BULK) was Sus 250 and Tren A 100. 2ml of Sus and 2.25ml Tren A per week (ran test for 11 weeks and tren for the first 8 weeks)
Gained 33lbs (started at 183lbs, finished on 216lbs) and kept 26lbs (~14% body fat) on a post cycle therapy (pct) of only 20mg per day Nolvadex for 30 days.

I know, Tren A on a first cycle??? AND too young... I had done my research for months on end, knew a few of the guys that had used it first up, I had the gear, approached with caution. And lets just say I never looked back. HUGE results and very minimal sides. The ONLY regret about using Tren A for a first cycle is that i know not many compounds will even compare, so maybe i had too big of expectations for my second cycle. As follows:

Second cycle (BULK)(6 months later) I used Sus 250 again with Deca 250. 2ml a week of both. Ran test for 12 weeks and Deca for 10. Gained ~20lbs and kept ~13lbs. HCg and Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I didn't recover well from this cycle due to such a weak and inadequate post cycle therapy (pct) (thought tren would be harder to recover from than deca... I was wrong. Point taken) So during post cycle therapy (pct) and months after i had sides. Took a few months and a course of Nolva to get my boys back to size. And now on the TANE to clear the ever lasting acne/bacne. BTW the tane is doing wonders! Didn't like the deca, and maybe this is because I used Tren for a first cycle...

So, if your still with me, I had 6 months off lifting (I won't go into this, loooong story) and I'm back down to 199lbs. Been training solid for the last month and don't intend on doing this cycle for a few months yet (get back up to my naturals, and almost finish my Tane course).

But this is what i have planned: Bulking again...
(NOTE: my mgs per week arent to the exact '00' this is because im dividing my total supply by the weeks. you'll see)

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 30ml
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml - 20ml

Week 1 - 9

625mg (2.5ml) - Testosterone Enanthate (1.25ml 2x week)
225mg (2.25ml) - Trenbolone Acetate (.75ml eod)

Week 10 - 12

625mg (2.5ml) - Testosterone Enanthate (1.25ml 2x week)

Week 15 - 18

Nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20
Clomid @ 100/100/50/50

Can run Adex at .25 eod but the first time I done this it actually flared my nips up. Stopped using, no probs.
And as for using an Enanthate test with an Acetate... this was due to the fact first time use, didn't know what to expect and I could cease the use of the Tren and get over it quicker than Tren E. Even though I didn't have to stop because i had no problems with it, I still prefer to use it as I absolutely loved the immediate gains in strength and weight. And now i can get Test E instead of only Sus. But no Test P.

So tell me what you think. My training regimes are sweet and my diet has always been mostly clean @ 4000 - 5000 kCal a day (on cycle diet)

Once again, i know i was too young, i know most of the vets will say i still am too young. I'm not disagreeing but as everyone knows, this is what I'm going to do regaurdless (with all due respect guys).