Test-e Tren-a Winny - feedback Required


New member
So i thought i had my cycle sorted till my mate offered me some cheap tren-a .. If i were to get it off him my cycle would look like this .

wk 1-12 2 x 250mg test-e weekly
wk 6-12 1ml 75mg Tren A EOD
wk 8 - 12 5 x 10mg tabs winny ED
wk 1 - 12 0.25 Arimidex EOD , adjusted as Required

then 2 weeks after final jab PCT

wk 14 - 18

clomid 50/50/25/25
nova 40/40/20/20

My source unfortunately has no HCG , but I've read that isnt a Requirement , especially since im only running a short cycle.

Have i got everything correct or should i be running the tren till week 10 only ? And keep going with the test for two weeks ? So then cycle would look like this

wk 1-12 2 x 250mg test-e weekly
wk 4-10 1ml 75mg Tren A EOD
wk 8 - 12 5 x 10mg tabs winny ED
wk 1 - 12 0.25 Arimidex EOD , adjusted as Required

then 2 weeks after final jab PCT

wk 14 - 18

clomid 50/50/25/25
nova 40/40/20/20

Also worth mentioning this will be my 3rd cycle , previously run test-e 500mg for 10weeks

Feed back is really appreicated :)
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