Test e, tren e and mast correct dosage!


New member
Hi guys,

Quick question because I'm getting many conflicting opinions and dosages online when I'm searching. What's an ideal tren e, test e, masteron dosage

I was thinking weekly a figure of around:

600mg tren e
400mg test e
200mg mast

What do you guys think?
Mast should be ran at 600mgs or more per week. Other then that it's all preference bud...
What are your stats and what cycle is this for you?

With this info it makes a difference, say with the Tren dose. And Tbone said it the Mast should be run at 6oomgs.

What length of time ?
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Thanks for your response guys,

Here's my stats:

16% bf

Looking to run it for 14-15 weeks. I forgot to add, I'll be on clen for the first 9 weeks and then maybe t3 for the last 5-6 weeks.
your getting conflicting information and opinions because everyone is different , especially in regards to Tren/test dosing . Some guys like really low dosing of test while running tren, other guys want high tren medium test. however, its a given that masteron should be ran upwards of 600mg a week.

I'm assuming your goal for this stack is for a cut . how many cycles have you ran in the past?
Thanks for your response guys,

Here's my stats:

16% bf

Looking to run it for 14-15 weeks. I forgot to add, I'll be on clen for the first 9 weeks and then maybe t3 for the last 5-6 weeks.

I didn't see your age and some history as too your experience. This can be relative to you and Tren.
Thanks for your response guys,

Here's my stats:

16% bf

Looking to run it for 14-15 weeks. I forgot to add, I'll be on clen for the first 9 weeks and then maybe t3 for the last 5-6 weeks.

Age is probably one of the foremost stats.

I'm 28. I've done a few oral stacks in the past and last year I done a test prop and mast cycle. I want to ideally gain lean muscle and drop body fat. I'll be dieting throughout and doing cardio for 45 minutes 3 times a week. And I've been weight training for over 10 years

I'm 28. I've done a few oral stacks in the past and last year I done a test prop and mast cycle. I want to ideally gain lean muscle and drop body fat. I'll be dieting throughout and doing cardio for 45 minutes 3 times a week. And I've been weight training for over 10 years

If you do Tren you basically can forget Cardio. Tren is hard on you oxygen intake and keeps you out of breath quite often.

Apparently you didn't read up enough on Tren. In it's profile it distinctly says

Note: Some Tren users report the hormone negatively affects their cardiovascular endurance. It does not appear to have this affect on everyone and in those that it does it appears to at varying levels.

I have witnessed this much more than not
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Thanks for the info!

My plan is to potentially get down to 10% bf and maybe stay on the same weight as I am now.

Would you say weekly the below dosages are good:

600mg tren e
400mg test e
600mg masteron

I've read some people go up to:

900mg tren e
600mg test e
600mg masteron

Is that over kill?
Thanks for the info!

My plan is to potentially get down to 10% bf and maybe stay on the same weight as I am now.

Would you say weekly the below dosages are good:

600mg tren e
400mg test e
600mg masteron

I've read some people go up to:

900mg tren e
600mg test e
600mg masteron

Is that over kill?

that means you need to loose about 15 lbs (7 kilos) of fat, and then add on 15 lbs of pure muscle . thats going to take quite a bit of time and require a very dialed in diet and training protocol . Tren / Mast / Test cycle is probably the best stack to achieve these goals, but its unlikely to happen in just a single cycle.

you probably don't need that much test and tren though ( I mean your only a 160 lb guy, not a 300 lb body builder). mast at 600 is good though
that means you need to loose about 15 lbs (7 kilos) of fat, and then add on 15 lbs of pure muscle . thats going to take quite a bit of time and require a very dialed in diet and training protocol . Tren / Mast / Test cycle is probably the best stack to achieve these goals, but its unlikely to happen in just a single cycle.

you probably don't need that much test and tren though ( I mean your only a 160 lb guy, not a 300 lb body builder). mast at 600 is good though

what is your height roush? may i ask?