Test-e tren-e worth it ? (First time tren)


New member
Thinkin of startin test-e tren-e cycle,never run tren before so was wanted a second opinion.

Week 1-10 will be just straight up test-e an tren-e twice a week
Week 4-10 I was gonna throw some anavar in

I'll have adex on hand and will probably run at 0.25 until I see anything that will encourage to bump up dose

Like I said,never ran tren and wanted to know if anyone would say test-e tren-e good cycle ?
Thinkin of startin test-e tren-e cycle,never run tren before so was wanted a second opinion.

Week 1-10 will be just straight up test-e an tren-e twice a week
Week 4-10 I was gonna throw some anavar in

I'll have adex on hand and will probably run at 0.25 until I see anything that will encourage to bump up dose

Like I said,never ran tren and wanted to know if anyone would say test-e tren-e good cycle ?

Ontop of this... Has anyone used 'D-Hacks' lab..there quite new,was wondering if anyone has had there tren-e.... They only
Released in summer 2014 so it's still early days.
Yes Test E and Tren are great together. IMO 10 weeks is a little short on the time frame. Should should add another 2-3 weeks. I would not recommend Tren E for the first time. Tren Ace would be much better. You do have to pin it ED or EOD but it kicks in fast and leaves your body fast. Some get a lot of side effects with Tren. If you are the one who gets those side effects wuold you rather suffer for for just a couple days or a couple weeks till it leaves your body.

How many cycles have you ran? What dosages are you considering?

Do you know what amount of AI you need to keep your E2 where it needs to be? Whats your plan to recover? What are you going to take to keep your prolactin down?

If you can't answer those questions then you arent ready for Tren.