test e tri-tren dbol winny cycle


New member
Will be running this cycle at the end of the year just not sure if i got the post cycle therapy (pct) right and if i should just use clomid not tamox i also have some letrozole not sure if i should use that aswell. does the post cycle therapy (pct) look right?

Test Enanthate @500mg W1-12
Tri-Tren @500mg W1-8
Dbol @40mg ED W1-4
Winstrol @50mg ED W9-12
Pramipexole @.25 ED W1-12
Vitamin B6 @300mgED W1-8

post cycle therapy (pct)
Clomid @100mg W13-14
Clomid @50mg W15-16

Tamox @40mg W14-15
Tamox @20mg W16-17
just curious but why would you run your test and tren at the same levels for the first 8 weeks ?
I think your heavy on the SERMs and starting post cycle therapy (pct) WAY too soon. Also you need HCG. What is tri tren ester's? may need to run that longer than 8 weeks. I wold drop Prami to as needed. If you have extra Winstrol (winny) a small dose of that may work even better for prolactin.
The esters are tren ace 50mg, hex 50mg, enanthate100mg. I have done a test and boldenone cycle before for 12 weeks test 500mg and boldenone 400mg. im aware of all the sides of tren. just might need alittle help changing it around. was thinking of running test @ 400mg and tren at 500mg
I think your heavy on the SERMs and starting PCT WAY too soon. Also you need HCG. What is tri tren ester's? may need to run that longer than 8 weeks. I wold drop Prami to as needed. If you have extra Winstrol (winny) a small dose of that may work even better for prolactin.

Yes i can get quite alot of winstrol. what dose do you recommend and for how many weeks throughout the cycle. Also with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should i run it throughout the cycle or at the end at what dosages?
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Hcg during and at the end. 250 iu twice a week. Then starting the day after last test inject blast 500iu ED for 10 days take four off then start serms. But it's better to wait three weeks before pct.
Hcg during and at the end. 250 iu twice a week. Then starting the day after last test inject blast 500iu ED for 10 days take four off then start serms. But it's better to wait three weeks before pct.

should this be started from week one or a few weeks into the cycle when i experience ball shrinkage?

thanks alot for the help