Test Enan cycle w before/after body composition tests - interesting results!


New member
Hi All,

I've just finished my first cycle. I decided to do some before/after body composition tests on a new machine called the Inbody, which is now being dubbed as more accurate than water weighing when it comes to body composition testing. Fortunately a local university had just got the machine, so they were keen on trying it out.

A bit about myself 25y/o male, 5ft10, currently weighing about 66kg/145lbs. Ive been lifting seriously for around 14 months, during which time i've gone up from a previously puny 58kg.

The substances - Test Enan @ 500mg/w from Alpha Pharma (labelled testobolin), split into 2 shots weekly over 10 weeks. During the time I took Anastrozole at 1/2 tab eod.

Diet 2000 calories a day, lots of complex carbs, whey, eggs, skimmed milk, green veggies. No sugar, no salt, nothing processed, mostly organic.

I started the first 5 weeks with a 4 day split, spending no longer than an hour at the gym, purely free weights, no cardio. Compound lifts, around 7/8 exercises with 3/4 sets, 10/12 reps. After five weeks work got kind of busy, so I stuck to three day splits - back and biceps, chest and tris and legs.

About a two weeks into the cycle I managed to herniate my stomach (not through working out like the hulk :D) and wound up having slight stomach surgery, which was luckily all endoscopic, so I could work out after a week. I decided to not give up the cycle early in the hopes that perhaps the elevated test levels would lead me to heal quicker. The biggest trouble with the operation is that I struggle to eat as much as I should, i get very full and bloated quickly, so I have as many small meals as possible throughout the day.

I'm 3 days PCT, so my last shot was 17 days ago. I took the composition test at the start of the cycle, and another one one week after my last shot.

Before: 68.8 kg
After 66.3 kg

Lean Muscle Mass
Before: 31.3kg
After: 32.3kg

Fat Mass
After: 9.6kg

Body Fat %
Before: 19.7
After: 14.5

So it seems that quite unintentionally this worked out to be a cutting cycle. I lost 4kg of body fat, or 5.2% and put on 1kg of muscle. I have to say I look entirely different, most of the weight came off my abdomen, my posture has improved a lot and i have a little six pack just waiting to bust through. I am very happy with my results, but I can't help but wonder why I only put on 1kg of muscle.

I have three theories:

1. Was my Test underdosed? Maybe, maybe not. There is no way of knowing, but I didn't feel a huge difference on cycle to off in terms of raw strength, vascularity, appetite etc.

2. Was I expecting unrealistic results? "Yeah I did a 6 week test cycle and put on 40lbs of muscle" says every other guy on the forums. Was 1kg of muscle actually quite acceptable in 2 and a half months?

3. Was I simply not eating enough? I admit it, my caloric intake wasn't great. I can't even finish an average burger without gagging to throw up. I ate constantly and very clean, just not much at a time. Is this the culprit?

All in all, it was interesting and liberating to be able to experiment with my body, and I'm chuffed at my results. I'd be keen to hear some comments!
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1) Why didn't you get pre and mid cycle blood work? Then you would know if your test was real. And you would have known if you were taking too much adex. I hope you plan on getting post-cycle blood work at least.

2) 2K calories isn't very much. If you were exercising a lot I can see why you would have lost weight. Sounds like you need to learn how to put a diet together. You should get a coach to help you.
If this is your first cycle, and by week 10 you weren't feeling like killing every weight in the gym and banging every chick that walked by in spandex.. Your gear was bunk
your maintenance calories, assuming you lift are at LEAST 2500.. why would waste your first test cycle eating 2000 calories....

also might be bunk