I am also an advocate of AAS at a young age. I, myself am 22 years old, I know i'm a little too young to start juicin' but inferiority and jealousy has always been a critical factor in determining my success. When i was 18, my friends use to mock my arm size and judge my ability to lift weights, I was always seen as a lesser individual in comparison to my colleagues. One day, I said fuck this, I'm going to start training hard, eating well, and resting often and i'll be able to look back one day and say, hard work does pay off and whoever doubted me, was wrong to do so in the first place. From 18-22, I went from 145lbs to 180lbs, Gained approx 26+lbs of muscle, increased my arm size from 11" to 17" and my core lifts also went up BIG (Squat/Bench/Deads)
So anyways, my point is, if your dream is to become something that you never thought you could achieve, then props to you, fight your way to the top, and the people who try to tear you down along the way, Kudos to them, because "That Don't kill me, Can only make me stronger"
Use steroids properly, proper Diet/Workout regime/Cardio/PCT+Blood work, and you'll be fine.