test enanthate


New member
I'm trying to help one of my friends with his first cycle he wants to do and just trying to give him good advice. He's scared of side effects but after educating him a bit on how to control them he wants to do his first cycle shortly.
Would 250mg enanthate be too little for him to try for ten weeks or would he see good results from this? he's kinda scared to do it but wants to, I don't want him to do too little and not see results and not ever do it again but this is how much he wants to try at first. Would this be beneficial?
he's got 250mg test enanthate he's gonna start soon, does anyone anyone think this would have decent results for him?
Has he ONLY got 250mg??
And we still need to know Age, weight, height, lifting experience..........
And if he´s scared, why "force" him in to doing it? Bro if he dont want to or if he has second thoughts let him decide for himself.
He's 6' 200lbs, been working out for maybe 2years, the last 1 year really intensely with me. I'm definitely not trying to get him to do it or not to, I'm just informing him as good as I can of what I know. I'm on steroidology all the time researching and trying to answer some of his questions and he asked me to ask about the 250mg enanthate, and so I did.
Its ok, but it wont show much results for 5 weeks or so and with blood levels that low it wont give much even after 10 weeks IMO.
Well, not sure of the age but thats a good first cycle QV enan but I would do more than 250 a week more like 400 a week... (bi weekly)
Powerhouse9 said:
Primo, why try and get the most faked lowest dose weakest AS out there, Test Enanthate baby!!!!!!!!!

thats what i was thinking. There is someone on this board that stated their first cycle was enanthate 250mg for 10 weeks and he gained liked 28 pounds, and kept 25 of it. Dont remember who it was.
rjx said:
Is test enanthate injected once or twice a week?

you only have to inject it once weekly since it has long lasting esters, but most people inject twice a week.