Test & Eq


New member
First off, let me commend everyone on a great board. I saw the link in drveejay's sig over at FG and decided to check it out. I've been doing some lurking the past couple days and must say I'm very impressed. Lots of familiar names, knowledgeable ppl. I spend most of my time at fitnessgeared, Triedia a ways before that. I'll have to make it a point to stop by here as often as possible.

Anyhow what are your opinions on a test cyp/eq cycle?

Here's what I have planned:

EQ 400mg/wk/12 wks (Ft. Dodge)
T. Cyp 200mg/wk/10 wks (QV)
HCG mid-cycle 500 iu/d 10 days
and post cycle wks 13-14
clomid and nolva as usual

I know the doses may seem low to some, but I don't wanna overdue the test due to the hair factor. I'll be using preventatives: spiro, minoxidil, proscar, and nizoral. I figure this should be a 'hair safe' cycle.

Right now I'm 5'11" 205 bf less than 10%. First cycle was deca @ 450mg/wk/10wks---gained 13 solid lbs. Looking to gain 15 lbs this time around.

Thanx for any opinions or suggestions.
First off....Welcome to Steroidology !!

I would bump the test up to 250 or 300 mg/week and run it for 12 weeks, just like the EQ.

With the stuff you're taking for your hairline, you should be OK, I just really think 200 week is a little too light.
thanx for the welcome StoneCold

Do you really feel there'd be that much of difference between 200 and 300mg?

Also, I remember you used to be a mod over at BBX. Is that board still around?
HeHateMe said:
thanx for the welcome StoneCold

Do you really feel there'd be that much of difference between 200 and 300mg?

Also, I remember you used to be a mod over at BBX. Is that board still around?

Yes IMO, there is a BIG difference between 200 and 300.

BTW, I never was a mod at BBX, just a member and yes it is still around technically, but in reality dead.
Im on a Test Prop, EQ, Winstrol (winny) cycle right now...All QV at the following doses: Test prop 300mg p/week, EQ 400mg p/week and Winstrol (winny) 250 mg p.week...for 12 weeks...THen clomid weeks 13-14.....

Bro bump the Test to atleast 300mg
Actually you could bump up the Test to 400mg./week and you will be just fine. Everything else looks good. Good Luck Bro!!