test ethanate, deca, dianabol yeeeehaaa

thats gonna b a good show. just think how much more damage u can do in the pit now.yea till i hit 265 ill b jumping real fast scince i was that big bfore. hopefully i can squezze 280 out of this cycle. then cut it down to abot 255lbs of nice lean muscle with my cut cycle n diet n cardio. remember juice is just a tool not the whole tool belt.well did my injections this morning scince i use a 22g i always hold my finger over the injection till it has time to clot so i dont loose oil. well on my test injection i moved n there was alot of blood on my shirt when i went to hit the deca so i just loaded 250mg of test n hit that just in case i lost oil too, ill have extra test left scince i have test suspension too.
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I'm going to see Metallica and Lamb of God play on Dec 2. OHHHH.. FUCK YEAH!

You are putting on weight fast as fuck. I guess when you've been that heavy before it comes as natural. I jumped on the scale today and noticed I weighed a couple pounds less and was a bit disappointed.. jumped infront of the mirror for a quick front double bi and realized I was looking a lot less watery. Can't complain!

Wow, I've been wanting to see LOG forever.
I think the last 2 shows here they cancelled.
I saw em w/Megadeth years ago but the venue's sound sucked so bad I may as well have listened to the CD at home.
I just checked their Myspace and they don't have Fl dates up yet.

Yeah, I hate my scales sometimes too.
I swear all I have to do is miss one meal and I lose 5 pounds, eat a few times and I'm right back to where I was.
well the second week is coming to a close pretty fast.i feel strong n filling out my clothes again pretty well. suspension should b here tommorow would of been today but its a holiday im gonna start right away. two injections one morning one evening for two weeks exactly. ill have about a week left witch ill tag onto the end of the cycle.ill b posting photos saturday n put in my current weight. the weights i put down r taken first thing in the morning before i eat n after i shit lol so its as light as ill b that day. also with no clothes on. well i had to combine legs n shoulders in one workout scince the gym is closed today. kinda pulled or strained something in my lower abs. that will heal ive been injured so many times its rediqulous so im used to it.
Man.. I was doing ab work a while back and went to crunch my abs inwards, and felt a feeling like someone poked a finger through my abs out through my skin. It was fucked. It's happened twice... hasn't happened in like 6 months.

I should be a solid 190 by the time the show comes around. That would be wicked if we got a ton of s'ology members at a show, haha. We'd rape that pit for sure.
definately whats ur hight im sure its in here im just too lazy to lookl.lol well im glad ur gaining n achieving the goals ur shooting for.training n setting goals n making the forward momentem that we do corelates into soo much else its what makes us the gods among men that we r. aim high n shoot for the stars my metal maniac brothers.
i'm like 5'8, lol. I fill my height pretty well, but I still want to be like 220 pounds before I'm happy... and then I'll probably want to be 250 pounds.

yea thats how it is.i wanted to b 185 at one time lol. now im shooting for 280. anything under 230 n i look like a crack head n im only 5'9 n a half
Yeah that's def the "Addiction" of bodybuilding and juicing.
It's never enough.
Now that I'm over 200, I'll feel like shit if I drop below.
Also why I decided to stay on year round.
damn j i was thinking of doing that . thats just me though itsnever enough. well im killing some turkey n stuffing then im hitting the gym for chest n triceps.started my test suspension its milky white n it hurts a little not that much.well im getting test levels done this week. it will b my ultimate test of this gear if it dont measure up im either switching to geneza or axio.
u should be ok considering the gains u have gotten so far... and it will have only been 2 weeks remember that.... how does the suspension affect u so far are u liking it?
fuck and im floating at 197...i cant seem to break that fukn 198 199 mark its pissn me offf.FUCK
ill get the official weight tommorow but i was just 253 on the scale now. thats dressed though. i know i just gained 20 lbs in two weeks but ive done that ,well close, to it without gear i was gaining weight back that i lost cause opf sickness like now.well the test suspension is in i dont feel ny thing yet a little pumped that could b mental.i just did my second shot so i had it bfore the gym. i tasted it n its some powerfull tasting shit. i feel a little warm n flushed. well check out my picks tommorow c what u think.if my gear was crap it should of been blasted all over this site n it never was so i shouldnt b doubting. i just m a doubting thomas.
i have to say i was stronger b fore i got sick but im getting back up there. i do like what im cing in the mirror. well it should b close to 20lbs in two weeks thats water n fat included. it will come easy till i hit that 265 point. then its gonna b a struggle.well since im layed off im back to bouncing on the weekends so the bigger n stronger the better.my incline was stuck at 275 for 6. n it was killing my shoulders. i just did light flat dbs at 90s to get some reps.then hit some flies n closegrip on the machine it felt good just not as strong as id like i didnt sleep lastnight though n only slept for 3hrs this morning. im not getting ny of these super pumps these ppl are talking about on dianabol. i get pumped but im also taking a no product.my back is still fried though lower back it clinches up quick.
id say ur muscle memory is coming back... some ppl are affected differantly with differant things..anadrol may give u those killer pumps ur wantin..who knows i highly doubt ur gear is bunk..ok....i have friends who have gained 18+ lbs in a month just off suspension...correct me if im wrong but arent u only on week 2...lol.. like i said previously lemme know on wk 5 how u feel....ur strength is gonna go up but not as rapidly as u may want it too..
thanks kjunman. im hitting back n bis today. all should go well. hopefully my lower back doesnt cinch up cause i have to stand for 6hrs at the club tonight. hopefully get to toss some drunk ppl around. lol.
Keep it up killa.
Just always remember to warm up as much as possible.
I get a serious burning in my lower back occasionaly when I do squats.
Some say not enough water, others warm up more.
I just know it's so bad I can barely train on.
Be careful doing security j, my buddy just resrained a beligerant girls arms while "Escorting" her to the front door.
She's suing for big money and he's out of a job till the suit's over.
thanks bro ill b carefull. ok heres the official weight chart. pics r coming soon as my girl gets up.15th 230lbs, 22nd 240lbs, 29th 246 i think im dehydrated cause i was so much heavier last night. yes well ok the pics then the gym.