test ethanate, deca, dianabol yeeeehaaa

damn im feeling good pumped n huge. think my suspension is kicked in.u can gain like this j-man just stop worying so much about ur waist line. up ur calorie intake n get on some good mass builders d-bol, anadrol, test e or c, n some deca, trenbalone can work in there too maybe tren ethanate though.
love dem long johns bro lol but hey like i said u look good an solid
wow its been a few days my girl kicked me the fuck ouy. ive been hitting the weights n the gym but cant eat hardly enough.havnet lost but have not gained should change now
back n biceps today sick as hell but strength was found hit deads for 405 at 6 reps. could of got 8. cant wait till im back to 10 or 12 at 405 it will be 1 to 2 wks.
My back used to clinch up bad too man. Shitload of stretching as you get stronger. The Cat stretch is the best. I just took a Yoga class tonight i looked funny got a similar build to you little bigger 6 3 278lbs but this yoga is amazing i feel great. Also are you Deadlifting every week? Do rack pulls too helps take some strain off. Seperate your Leg and Back day as best as you can. Some hot baths in Epson Salt and you wont have that back problem it's helped me at least.
I got much stronger and my back didn't clinch when I deadlifted every other week thats why I asked. Deadlifting and Squating heavy both in one week is hard on CNS.
my squats r still crap due to a ripped groin.i skipped last week but i have been doing them every week. i might do hyper ex one week deads the next.
damn im feeling good pumped n huge. think my suspension is kicked in.u can gain like this j-man just stop worying so much about ur waist line. up ur calorie intake n get on some good mass builders d-bol, anadrol, test e or c, n some deca, trenbalone can work in there too maybe tren ethanate though.

Sounds good. I told ya the stuff was killer.....

still feeling like crap just a total all around crap feeling n my skin gets hot n clammy n cold sweats. but no temp or fever.test results should b here tommorow. i called today nshe said wierd they should of been back. i know whats up they r prbably 5x the normal limit n they r rechecking. i hope.tommorows weigh in n i know ill b disapointed.
tommorow is 3 full weeks, dianabol n test suspension is where all gaqins r coming now. i should get back to full on calories tommorow.
OFFICIAL WEIGHT is 245lbs today.will get the pics up later n i am cutting back to 750mg per wk. of the test e. i need to get my calories up.
srry some pictures had to go as some info seemed to b attached. well im in week 3 n im feeling better pumps n my strength is through the roof. my blood tests will not b back till end of week. :Present:
just hopped on the scale in just underwear n its at 249lbs. my strength is going up so much i have to b carefull. i have two injuries due to ripped muscles from using aas. the body just out pushes the tensile strength of the muscle fibers. my nipples r starting to get sensitive but im still gonna hold off on letro.blood tests will b back thurs or friday n ill definately post them.just free n total testosterone.sleep is also getting harder to get.
weight is at 252lbs n tommorow is 4wks two more weeks of dbol still. thats 22lbs in 4 weeks n my stomach isnt swole like it usually is at this weight. my face is a little puffy.
officialweight today is 252lbs. thats 22lbs in 4 weeks pumps are amazing n intensity nin the gym is well INTENSE.8 more weeks on this cycle n loving it. my post cycle therapy (pct) is gonna b clomid only. hoping the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) keeps me from taking long to recover.hope to continue to put on atleast 2 lbs a week that would b 16 more lbs.leaving me around 270lbs. hopefully keeping most of it.lol. we shall c have a couple tricks up the sleeve.