test levels after a ph cycle? info needed


New member
Before I knew much of anything, I did a ph cycle around January of this year. Going into pct I got gyno from it. Not knowing how to treat gyno at the time I freaked and went to the doc. My total test came back to be 344.9 and free test was 12.9

Would this be considered normal just finishing up a ph cycle?

I know its months and months later but I freaked out and thought back b/c now I am on a test e cycle and know much much more about what I need to know and was just currious if that was my 'normal' test levels or was it low due to the ph cycle....
I would venture to say that your test should had been lower than that...but depending on what you ran it might not had been that suppressive ....plus being that you were into PCT you could have had a bit of rebound as well.

I don't think it's anything to worry about IMO.

Just go to your doc and get bloodwork if you are worried....you test levels should be sky high right now :)
Hard to say. Did u ever get blood work done maybe 6wks post pct??

That would of been a good time to test. But regardless your back in now. So make the most of it, do a very very good post cycle therapy (pct). I'd use both clomid/ nolva and a good T booster like hcgenerate. A mild Aromatase inhibitor (AI) too cuz of the gyno.

Keep reading and learning, you ll be alright.