Test Levels, Estradiol, LH, FSH and Prolactin Results.


New member
Hey fellas so i currently of week 4 of my test cyp cycle at 600mg/week. I started the first two weeks with stacked with dbol, 2 weeks in i started getting gyno ( not pubertal ) aas developed. I'm prone to gyno, you may as why i took DBOL if im prone to gyno, well the bottle said TBOL but after testing the gear i realized it was underdosed DBOL. So they screwed me over. After getting the symptoms i stopped the Dbol and start taking amex .5/ed for one week with nolva 40mg/ED. Toooo late. I should of started my AI and my serm from the first day or even the week before my cycle started. Well now i learned. Anyway after seeing no results i upped my dose to 1mg/ed. As soon as i got the gyno symptons i went to get blood work right away.

These are my results

Estradiol: 17.4 pg/nl (normal, based on 7-42)
Test: 1500 ng/dl (high)
Free test: 50 pg/ml (high)
LH: 0.1 miu/ml (low)
FSH: 0.4 miu/ml (low)
Alkaline phosphatase : 38 iu/L (low)
Prolactin 15.9 (high)
BUN: 23 mg/dl ( high )

Im 28, 5"10, 195lbs, 13% bf. I been lifting for 10+ years. Very active and i workout 6 days a week.

I noticed my estradiol is kinda low but i developed gyno and now have lumps. So where did the gyno come from? From the high prolactin ? Im confused.

Im currently on a ralox and arimidex protocol:
120mg of ralox (Week 1)
60mg of ralox (week 2- until gynoreverses)
.5mg arimidex/ED

Also is my estradiol too low? Should i switch to .5mg of arimidex/EOD. I just want to be protected as much as possible without crashing my estro.

Also i'll be doing .25mg a week of caber to bring down to prolactin a bit.

Any help or advice from you guys? Any opinions of my test results. I'd greatly apreciate it.
Hey fellas so i currently of week 4 of my test cyp cycle at 600mg/week. I started the first two weeks with stacked with dbol, 2 weeks in i started getting gyno ( not pubertal ) aas developed. I'm prone to gyno, you may as why i took DBOL if im prone to gyno, well the bottle said TBOL but after testing the gear i realized it was underdosed DBOL. So they screwed me over. After getting the symptoms i stopped the Dbol and start taking amex .5/ed for one week with nolva 40mg/ED. Toooo late. I should of started my AI and my serm from the first day or even the week before my cycle started. Well now i learned. Anyway after seeing no results i upped my dose to 1mg/ed. As soon as i got the gyno symptons i went to get blood work right away.

These are my results

Estradiol: 17.4 pg/nl (normal, based on 7-42)
Test: 1500 ng/dl (high)
Free test: 50 pg/ml (high)
LH: 0.1 miu/ml (low)
FSH: 0.4 miu/ml (low)
Alkaline phosphatase : 38 iu/L (low)
Prolactin 15.9 (high)
BUN: 23 mg/dl ( high )

Im 28, 5"10, 195lbs, 13% bf. I been lifting for 10+ years. Very active and i workout 6 days a week.

I noticed my estradiol is kinda low but i developed gyno and now have lumps. So where did the gyno come from? From the high prolactin ? Im confused.

Im currently on a ralox and arimidex protocol:
120mg of ralox (Week 1)
60mg of ralox (week 2- until gynoreverses)
.5mg arimidex/ED

Also is my estradiol too low? Should i switch to .5mg of arimidex/EOD. I just want to be protected as much as possible without crashing my estro.

Also i'll be doing .25mg a week of caber to bring down to prolactin a bit.

Any help or advice from you guys? Any opinions of my test results. I'd greatly apreciate it.

Who knows? You got blood work 2 weeks after stopping the dbol and adding the AI. Everything has totally changed in those two weeks. These labs don't tell us anything about what was going on two weeks ago.

Everything looks fine right now other than your E2 which is too low.
which lab test did you get for your e2? sensitive or normal? If sensitive then I'd say those e2 levels are just fine.