Test.. NPP.. Cycle......proviron useful or not?


New member
Ive been running my test 500mg NPP 400mg. I have some proviron 30mg and wondered if it would be beneficial during this cycle or any cycle for that matter? If using would you have to adjust your AI due to the benifits of proviron? Any answeres and suggestions welcome!
I plan on running proviron the whole duration of my test, NPP, deca, primo cycle.. I think I'll just keep my AI at .5 mg m/w/f..
Apart from its ability to possibly have a greater affinity to SHBG and freeing up more testosterone, helping keep that test from converting to Estro in the first place,, it also helps with libido,, and it was once prescribed as an anti depressant for men (it just makes you feel better all around)..

So I figured I'd give it a go this cycle
Nice! I was thinking of primo also as have quite a few bottles of primo e lying around.
Nice! I was thinking of primo also as have quite a few bottles of primo e lying around.

I'm gonna use the NPP to get the nandolone levels up,quicker while I wait for the deca to kick in.. The primo will come in around week 9 and go out to like 22 weeks (deca dropped around week 12 or so).. The primo will be used after the bulk when I begin to cut, it should help me stay anabolic and keep/make gains even while I cut.. Oh yeah, Dbol should be arriving this week along with the proviron, the Dbol will help kick off the bulk.

Hopefully proviron works well.. Haven't ever really heard of anything negative about it
Nor have I and is said to help with the nandrolones to offset sexual dis function. I'm running NPP the entire time since first go round with nandrolones. I'm loving the gains and so far 6 weeks in no needed for my prami. My diet has been good so gains are lean also. Keep me posted after you get started and I will be starting my 25mg daily not 30 of proviron this week and will keep you posted as well!
Any others have experience with this compound?
Cool deal.. I've ran deca a few times and never needed prami, have it on hand. May need it this time running 400 deca and 300-400 NPP .. If the NPP goes well I just may run NPP in the future and drop the deca,, I hate waiting 8 weeks to really feel the nandolone kick in
I loved how fast it kicked in even with no dbol. Like I said first go round so wanted to monitor any sides and combat them as I go so left the dbol out, but damn you get pumped hard after workouts! Feel like i have to stay away from sharp objects or I will pop!
I loved how fast it kicked in even with no dbol. Like I said first go round so wanted to monitor any sides and combat them as I go so left the dbol out, but damn you get pumped hard after workouts! Feel like i have to stay away from sharp objects or I will pop!

Good thinking in regards to going with a short ester nandrolone your first go around with the compound.
Is your strength up quite a bit as well?

Awhile back I kick started my cycle with test prop 100 mg eod, first 5 weeks, along side my test cyp 600 mg a week.., running the short ester got the levels up quicker then used the long ester to carry me through the cycle.. Worked well.
Basically doing that exact same thing now with the NPP and deca
Yes strength went way up and fast so monitoring that a swell! Not doing more than I know I should but enough to promote good growth. My tennis elbo doesn't bother me either during or after workouts so it is helping in that aspect as well.