Test only cycle - noob


New member
Hi I am ectomorph and hardgainer, I have been doing a lot of research on steroids and I was thinking of doing Dbol only cycle initially but read a lot about dbol only cycles being pointless so came to a conclusion that I would do a

test E only cycle for 12 weeks

and for PCT

Nolva for week 13-15

My friend is a vet and owns his own clinic said he can supply me with the syringes and stuff if I tell him what I want. I dont knopw what syringes to get either soo please let me know!. What do you think sounds like a good cycle or not? and I am a noob never done anything like this before soo please fill me up with any information you got! thanks a lot!
first off...been training and eating heavy for a while? (some say 2 years min i say 5 minimum)...and if you want to go this rout then more power to you if your at least 25...okay if that's all out of the way then here we go
depending i usually go with a large gauge needle to extract the steroid, and use a smaller one to inject. 23-25g works good for inject and i use 18 to extract. (Some will say 23-25 is too small, thats bs it just takes longer but it hurts less too) i go with 1.5 inch needles for IM injections...just a preference.

For my first cycle i actually did both d-bol and test e. and it looked like this.
test e week 1-12 600mgs/week bi weekly injection
d-bol: week 1-4 20mg every day (BD's pinkies are near and dear to my heart :) )
clomid week 14-16 clomid 100mg everyday

here's why. D-bols effects come about quicker and you actually notice it sooner, Test E has a long ester attachment (15 day active life) and it takes a while for the effects to be noticed...it's just how it goes. I was also able to keep a good amount post cycle therapy (pct)...but i no longer recommend taking Clomid...it drove me nuts...so nolva will do fine... :)

and i think your post cycle therapy (pct) is too soon, the test is running for quite a while in your system so i'd give it at least a week or two even before you hit the nolva (Unless gyno starts up in which case you should begin immediately taking it even if it's the middle of the cycle...) remember test e has about a 15 day half life so let it run a bit after your last injection. Other than that have at it bud...enjoy :naughty:
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Hi man thanks a lot for the advice! and I just have another question. I found these syringes to inject insulin they are small like really small and look very painless . Its 1 ml syringe. And I was wondering if i could use that to inject the test

Here are the specs
No you can't use insulin syringes. Scrony if your diet is not good it wont help you just a warning, I already know through our previous talks that you don't have your diet in check please don't make the mistake so many youngster do and think your going to take this magic pill and wake up huge, you will wake up dissapoined that's about it.
kaiser broo please help me out here i went on the diet forums couldnt find any diet plan. Money is not the problem, I just dont know what to eat and how to divide up my meals... If anyone can get me a meal plan i promise i will stick to it... thanks
Did you calculate your tdee yet? Google bar calculator fill in the info and that will give you your bar then take that number and using the harris equation which you can also google but will probably be on the same site and that will give you your tdee and then we can go from their.
kaiser bro my bad couldnt reply all day been busy tryna stay on top of things...

I calculated the tdee and it comes upto be 3481. and I swear i tried my best to eat healthy today. Just tryna get used to healthy eating before i start anything.

and gettingjack3d nice to know broo... keep me posted and goodluck!
Your tdee seems kind of high are you sure your quite that active? Anyway everyones diet is different so find foods that work for you but the basic idea is, to eat about 600 calories over your tdee, eat every 2-3 hours, consume around 40 grams of protein with every meal, drink at least a gallon. Of water a day, split your diet using the 40/40/20 method 40g of carbs 40g of protein 20g of fats, no simple carbs, no white bread, or biscuits anything with alot of sugar, sugar is bad, carb sources should come from sweet potatoes, brown rice etc, you can find a list of acceptable carbs anywhere, eat green vegetables everyday, workout like a mofo 4 times a week, make sure you are drinking a recovery shake within 15 minutes of working out. , mine consists of whey isolate,dextrose, and creatine, you can use a shaketo get extra calories and protein but remember food is always better, do not use a weight gainer they are all sugar and not worth it imo,I love syntha 6 it tastes awesome and is excellent first thing in the morning and right before bed its casein based and will provide about a 1000 calories a day to your diet and 100 g of protein, most guys live off of chicken breast, fish, tuna, and lean red meat, a bodybuilders diet is relatively boring therefore you have cheat days, stick to that everyday and I guarantee results without needing gear.