Test P + Deca+ Tren ace + Dbol


Bench double your weight?
This would be my 3rd cycle. last cycle I did test E+ Deca+ Dbol and had good results. im 5'8 175lbs about 12% BF.
I want to implement deca somehow...
Tamox for post cycle therapy (pct).

How can I implement deca?
Would running cycle A saturate receptors better since tren is more anabolic?
Any help at all.

Which cycle?

500mg tren E 10 weeks
350mg test E 12 weeks
40mg dbol 1st 4 weeks
.5ml adex ED 12 weeks
1000mg B12 injections weekly 12 weeks


500mg tren E 10 weeks
500mg test E 12 weeks
40mg dbol 1st 4 weeks
.5ml adex ED 12 weeks
1000mg B12 injections weekly 12 weeks
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If you were to add deca into this cycle you would have to at least run a 20 week cycle.
Week 1-12 Deca 500mg/week
Week 14-22 Tren Ace 500mg/week
Week 1-24 Test E 350mg/week
Week 1-29 .5ml adex eod
Week 10-22 B12 injections 1000mg/week

PCT: Clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 < Week 26-30

if not then run what u had for A, but have the test at 250mg/week since your at 500mg/week of tren, they both go for the same receptors, might as well run test 250mg for normal functions ;)

"500mg tren E 10 weeks
250mg test E 12 weeks
40mg dbol 1st 4 weeks (maybe grab tbol instead?)
.5ml adex ED 12 weeks
1000mg B12 injections weekly 12 weeks"
Deca + tren. Interesting.

Go with A. I'd do tren and totally forego the deca but thats just me.

When you plan on starting? I'd be interested in following this.
I'm on week 7 of my 2nd cycle:
500mg test e
400mg deca
50mg dbol 1st 4 weeks

I'm going to start sometime around December. I've put on 30lbs already with this cycle. My before and now pictures are CRAZY.

I've searched and searched and cant find anyone who has tried deca with tren. Fast and slow compounds together. :confused:
I thought you always want to run test higher than deca to keep normal functions!? What if I ran the test a little higher than the deca up until week 14 then dropped it down to 350mg/week?