Test P/TBol/NPP

fantastic cycle man, i really like it. but lord, 300mgs test p would put me in the hospital for a wk. i know you don't have any problem with that stuff, but it reeks havoc on my injection site. also glad to see your boss is allowing you to post again :)

Thanks buddy. I have been having more injection site issues than ever before with this cycle. I think the combination of injection site volume and mg/injection is really kicking the shit out of me. It'll get better when the body gets used to it again.

Hahaha. Both bosses have been laying off a little bit lately. Work has slowed down slightly and so has real life.
Days 15/16 - Alot of Working/No Training

Day 15 - 1/23/2010

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop

No Training

Day 16 - 1/24/2010

60mg TBol

I wanted to train one of these days but it just didn't end up working out. No sweat off my shoulders.
Day 17 - Back/Bis

Day 17 - 1/27/2010

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop

Pull Ups bw/7, 6, 5, 5
Smith Machine Rows 135/12, 155/10, 175/10
One Arm Rows 110's/15 x 2
Deadlifts 225/5, 275/5 x 2

EZ Bar Curls 70/15, 80/12
DB Hammer Curls 45's/12, 11

*I felt pretty good today. I really focused the Smith Machine and One Arm rows being pulled as high as possible to focus on my upper back. The Deadlifts felt pretty good as well. I was very happy that 275 (which is not heavy by any means) felt smooth and I had no concerns around my back or sciatic nerve.
what did you dose the tp and npp at? and were they both half eo? what were your benzyl ratios for both? i am going to start dabbling with higher concentrations for everything but especially tpp and npp...im hoping to get a smooth 200mg/ml out of both.
what did you dose the tp and npp at? and were they both half eo? what were your benzyl ratios for both? i am going to start dabbling with higher concentrations for everything but especially tpp and npp...im hoping to get a smooth 200mg/ml out of both.

The NPP is actually A.x.i.o. so it's 100mg/ml. They threw me some of it to check out and I figured why the hell not.

The Test P is 150mg/ml. I made it 2%/20% with half Grape Seed, half EO. It's pretty smooth but I have some major issues with high concentration gear. I have to cut it with sterile oil to make it 100mg/ml. I have had a couple friends run it and they love it... With that being said, I would much rather just deal with the injection site volume of 100mg/ml than the immediate Test flu I get when injecting anything more concentrated than 100mg/ml.

If you make them both with 100% EO as your carrier you should have no problems at all. Test Prop went into solution at 150mg/ml 1/2 EO, 1/2 Grape Seed with minimal heat.
im getting ready to run my bridge between my test/deca cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) with 150mg test p eod and im nervous. that shits going to kill me. i just have so much of it im looking for ways to get rid of it so it will be out of my life forever.
im getting ready to run my bridge between my test/deca cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) with 150mg test p eod and im nervous. that shits going to kill me. i just have so much of it im looking for ways to get rid of it so it will be out of my life forever.

Do you mean that you're just going to be closing your Test/Deca with a few weeks of Test Prop? I don't really understand the wording there.

I would just make it at 100mg/ml and shoot 1.5ml's. IMO concentration of the gear is worse than volume in one injection site.
yeah, closing test/deca with 3wks testp 150eod before pct. its stuff i made a long time ago, and its at 100mg, ill just take off my skirt and take it like a man. how is that tbol treating you?
how is that tbol treating you?

Don't love it, don't hate it. It's a nice compound for some gains with minimal water retention. I would say something like a mix between DBol and Anavar (but with a little less in strength gains).

I'm going to be bumping my dose to 90mg/day for the remainder of the TBol portion of the cycle and see what happens with it.
Coming to the end of a similar cycle. I ran geneza t-bol and the back pumps after deads/ squats were insane. As you said, a decent compound but I'm not a huge fan. The prop/npp combo though is definitely a great pairing. The eod injects aren't bad and I've leaned out on this mix from 18%bf to 12% and still gained some quality muscle. Had problems with join pains previously but thats gone since I started the npp.
Coming to the end of a similar cycle. I ran geneza t-bol and the back pumps after deads/ squats were insane. As you said, a decent compound but I'm not a huge fan. The prop/npp combo though is definitely a great pairing. The eod injects aren't bad and I've leaned out on this mix from 18%bf to 12% and still gained some quality muscle. Had problems with join pains previously but thats gone since I started the npp.

I'm definitely excited to see what comes of this cycle. Like I said, I think bumping up the TBol to 90mg/day will make some difference, if not, I'm sure the Test/NPP combo will treat me just fine. I worry about the injection volume though. It's going to be 3+ ml's per injection if I don't decide to go ED with the cycle.
Days 20-34

Days 20 - 34


60mg TBol

Bench Press 275/1, 315/1, 340/1 (miss)
Bench Press 225/12, 225/12, 225/10
Decline DB Tricep Extension 40’s/10 x 3
One Arm Rope Pushdowns 40/12 x 2

225mg Test Prop
60mg TBol

60mg TBol

Box Squats 185/5, 225/5 x 2
Lying Leg Curls 100/15, 110/12, 110/12
Leg Press 5plates/12 x 2, 5plates/20
Calves 5 sets
Abs 3 sets

225mg Test Prop
60mg TBol

500ius HCG
60mg TBol

225mg Test Prop
60mg TBol

Lat Pull Downs 210/8, 225/8, 240/8, 255/5 drop 150/10
Rack Pulls 275/5, 315/5 x 2
HS Hi-Lo Rows 2.5p/12, 3p/12 x 2
DB Curls 35’s/12, 40’s/10, 45’s/10
Reverse Curls 70/12, 80/12

60mg TBol

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop
500ius HCG

60mg TBol

Dynamic Bench Press 225/3 x 4, 185/3 x 4
Low Incline DB Bench 75’s/15, 90’s/15, 105’s/12
Seated Military Press 115/15, 135/12, 165/8
One Arm DB Extension 25/15, 30/15, 35/15, 40/12

60mg TBol

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop
500ius HCG

60mg TBol

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop

60mg TBol

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop
500ius HCG

Deadlifts 225/5, 275/3, 315/3, 365/3
Supinated Wide Grip Pull Downs 180/12, 210/12, 225/10
Supinated Close Grip Pull Ups bw/8 x 3
One Arm DB Rows 105’s/10, 105’s/15
Face Pulls 75/12 x 2
Reverse Curls 70/12 x 2
Days 35-36

Day 35 - 2/14/2010
60mg TBol

Bench Press 275/3, 295/3, 315/1, 335/1, 350/1 (maybe a miss, spotter kept his hands too close for me to make an accurate assessment)
Tricep Hell 225/5 x 3 (1b, 2b, 3b), 185/8-6-3 (0b, 2b, 4b)
Rope Pushdowns 100/12 x 3
Side Raises 40's/12, 50's/12, 60's/10

*Good training session even though I cam into the gym with a limited amount of energy...

YouTube - EliteFTS.com: Tricep Hell

Day 36 - 2/15/2010
60mg TBol
*missed an injection... going to take in Day 37 in the am

just saw this MM... gotta ask, why you only doing 7 weeks of NPP?

8 weeks lol. But it was the "plan" for now. I think 8 weeks will give me a good feel for NPP and allow me to still be successful with PCT, etc... I would not be opposed to continue the cycle for 2 weeks and run the NPP for a full 10 weeks.
Days 37-38

60mg TBol
225mg Test Prop

Leg Extensions 110/15, 130/15, 150/12
Leg Press 4p/20, 6p/20, 8p/15 x 3
HS Standing One Leg Curls 35/15, 45/15, 55/12
Standing Calf Raises 195/15 x 4 (slow)

*Felt pretty good... Was looking for some extra volume today to get some blood into the muscles but not burn out my lower back.

*dropped the TBol today... going to start up the NPP tomorrow

No Training
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Day 39 - 2/18/2010

200mg Test Prop
200mg NPP
500ius HCG


*Going to run Test Prop at 200mg EOD from now on and going to start the NPP at 200mg EOD and drop it to 150mg EOD week 2.