Test P,Tren Ace & Masteron.....1st Time With Tren


New member
Hello Ladies and Gents Im getting ready for my 3rd cycle and have being doing my homework since I finished my last cycle and everytime I read a little new things always come up. My cycle will consist of test Prop, tren Ace and Masteron. I was going to do an andromix cycle but its cheapers to get the gear separate.

BF% 14-15

Cycle looks like this.
test Prop 400mg wk 1-12
tren Ace 300mg wk 1-10....SEE WHAT SIDES I GET (.75mg EOD)
Masteron 400mg wk 1-10
Aromasin 12.5 day thru end of pct

PCT I will begin with an Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast 7-9 days after last shot and will also include nolva, clomid and of course aromasin

My biggest concern is My tren dosage do you guys think its a waste starting at such a low dosage its my first run with it and I wanted to start of low and see how I react before I up the dosage I've been reading a few threads everyone suggest having your tren dosage higher then your test because they bond to the same receptors or would it matter if my test dosage is higher.
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cycle looks good, i'd bump the Tren to maybe 300mg per week thought. It's good that you are careful. My first time running tren i ran 350-400mg a week and saw great results with hardly any sides.

Your post cycle therapy (pct) looks on point as well.

Good luck, looks like a nice cycle.
cycle looks good, i'd bump the Tren to maybe 300mg per week thought. It's good that you are careful. My first time running tren i ran 350-400mg a week and saw great results with hardly any sides.

Your post cycle therapy (pct) looks on point as well.

Good luck, looks like a nice cycle.

Those where my Plans sorry did the math wrong I was doing .75 mg EOD and I changed up my post cycle therapy (pct) plans after reading cashout's thread but would it be an issue if i did do 200mg a week then went up to 300mg. Also what do you think about prami or should i just have it on hand incase i get progestin sides.
Those where my Plans sorry did the math wrong I was doing .75 mg EOD and I changed up my PCT plans after reading cashout's thread but would it be an issue if i did do 200mg a week then went up to 300mg. Also what do you think about prami or should i just have it on hand incase i get progestin sides.

i'd start at 75 EOD and maybe work up to 100 EOD.

I've always had Prami, but never had to use it. i've never had prolactin sides.
Thanks Darkside so As long as test is higher then tren or vise versa its okay????

man it's all up to you. you gotta run some test...ate least 250mg per week. how you run the rest is personal prefference. This is your first time running Tren so it looks nice and safe for your first run.
I think the Tren is low. The Best bang for Tren is 400+ otherwise i think your wasting your $. I did last 8 weeks at 600 Tren / 500 Prop eod. Hardly any sides at all. With great gains. Don't believe all the B.S. surrounding Tren 400 is a good starting place.
Oh yea, If you do go with Prami respect that shit! Start with a low dose 0.2 ml and see how it effects you. It is strong as hell and will kick your ass. Try to take it before bed. Weird stuff. It will make you doze off walking down the street..
Im looking to cut on my last cycle I hooked up with 3j and his diet advice I loved it my diet and cardio were on point I walk around at 185 but I would like to get down to 170 Natty then start this new cycle.
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Thinking of going with Andomix as my first cycle...any info you could give me as far as what else i should include during and pct would be much appreciated!
yea i started out my first week with tren ace at 75mg eod just to see how my body would react to the compound, once everything was g2g, i hoped on the second week to 100mg eod. I believe its a smart choice. As for prolactin, def have caber or prami on hand man. If you have prami start off at .3 because when i had anyhting past .3..... i felt like shit, sick, and was sweating :(.