Test Phenylprop/Deca/Eq stack.. going into week 6 with minimal results


New member
I'm going Into my 6th week of Test 450mg, Deca 400, Eq 500mg and while I feel like I look slightly better in the mirror and my strength is way up I don't really feel like I'm getting much in the way of results yet. I was takin 30mg dbol for the first 4 weeks and felt like the size gains were good, but now they're gone.

I dont have time to go get bloodwork done at the moment due to traveling, my diet is pretty good 3-4000 cal 300g protein on a typical day.

Wondering if any one else has had real gains not kick in until week 6?

starting to get a little discouraged,I havent gained 1 single pound either.

12% bf
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lower protein to 200g or even 180.. Add carbs to make up for the protein loss. with 4k cal you should grow in my opinion... I think you'd grow on 3500 at that weight. You didnt gain a single pound.. yeah that's weird , test + deca usually brings bloat.. EQ will shine later on.. slow builder.. You are still gaining strenght? Imo if you're always beating PR's in workout then you're growing.. Just make sure everything is spot on.. training/REST/calories.. maybe consider upping the cals by 200-300 if you dont see change in 2 weeks
lower protein to 200g or even 180.. Add carbs to make up for the protein loss. with 4k cal you should grow in my opinion... I think you'd grow on 3500 at that weight. You didnt gain a single pound.. yeah that's weird , test + deca usually brings bloat.. EQ will shine later on.. slow builder.. You are still gaining strenght? Imo if you're always beating PR's in workout then you're growing.. Just make sure everything is spot on.. training/REST/calories.. maybe consider upping the cals by 200-300 if you dont see change in 2 weeks

This past week I tried taking in about twice the carbs I normally have, but I felt so bloated I lowered them back down. I've been taking Liquidex .5mg eod and still got a small case of gyno so I'm taking Letro 1.25ed and pram.5mg ed today will be the last day of ed and I will go back to e3d with letro and eod with prami.

I appreciate the comments, maybe I'm expecting too much to fast.. and yes my strength is going up and up every week i'm just not seeing any weight gain or size. I think I may start adding more volume training, like I was doing in the beginning and see if the size will come with that now that
I have the strength.
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Not seeing any weight gain or size...

What does the scale say?

What does the mirror say?

It's possible you could be sitting at maintenance and recomping...
Prior to this cycle my maintenance was typically 2500-3000 ive been trying to eat in excess of 4000k cals and have been consistent id say 9/10 days