Test Phenylpropionate Experiences?

I find AML TPP to be quiet amazing.
It is strong like Test prop, but more easy on the pin schedule.
You can pin it twice a week no prob, and the ''kick'' is amazing.
One of my favorite AML test.
Would be great to stack with test cyp or enanthate. Similar to a Sustanon type blend but as Trust said, you can get away with poking twice a week.
Test is test, yea... But i find the absortion rate to have a different effect on me.
For example, ill feel the test prop to be stronger then long esters.
In fact it is stronger mg/mg, however i find fast acting esters to give a nicer ''kick''
Test is test, yea... But i find the absortion rate to have a different effect on me.
For example, ill feel the test prop to be stronger then long esters.
In fact it is stronger mg/mg, however i find fast acting esters to give a nicer ''kick''

strange, I've never felt this kick you speak of. Could be I'm not as in-tune with my hormones, or it could be a placebo - either way, sounds like a nice way to "know" when gear is effecting you
Phenyl prop is my favorite. EOD pins keep very steady levels. More steady then prop, but I like prop for its uhmph. I get less water retention on prop too. But phenyl prop I get less than test e. Call me crazy but I am a poor responder to test e. 97% tested test e 400mg was blown out of the water by 75mg EOD phenyl prop which wasnt as strong as prop but I felt better. It was easier to control E2 with phenyl prop and i got less hair thinning. I contribute this to stable levels and less upregulating of alpha-reductase and aromatase enzymes due to the balance
strange, I've never felt this kick you speak of. Could be I'm not as in-tune with my hormones, or it could be a placebo - either way, sounds like a nice way to "know" when gear is effecting you

I only ever feel a kick with short ester test. No other hormone gives me that mental detection. Its almost like an alertness/euphoria/energy. Any other short ester hormones just show sides/effects faster, test is really the only psychologically affecting hormone for me besides mast and tren. But mast is a euphoria regardless of ester (E makes me a bit angsty for the first bit tho as levels rise) and tren makes me less sociable.