I know y'all have heard of test powder. I was wondering does it with just like the injectables test blend 300. I just heard it was proven to work like injectables, just need some need some feedback on the product thanks!
My bad stupid iPhone. Buddy of mine just bought some test powder and said it was proven to work like the injectables test such as test blend 300 wanted to see how true it is
The powder is what is used to make the injectable. You guys need to put the brakes on your getting into thing you don't understand and that can kill you. Please hang out and to the research and make a diet plan and work out your training routine and educate yourself on things. Find a trusted care provider.
The powder is what is used to make the injectable. You guys need to put the brakes on your getting into thing you don't understand and that can kill you. Please hang out and to the research and make a diet plan and work out your training routine and educate yourself on things. Find a trusted care provider.
I believe the OP was taking about one of the latest OTC test booster supplements that goes by that name I think.....I could be wrong though ..but if he did mean that..then the answer is NO!..not even close.
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