Sounds good on paper, but what's your stat an goals...
It's hard to gauge anyone's particular cycle outline, if we have no clue what the goal is , or even stats, or a pic for that matter..So to assess an opinion or suggestion on just "1-4wk dbol 30mg ed,1-8wk t prop 200ml eod,nolva 40402020 n arimidex on hand,sound good?", doesn't leave us with much to work with..
But, it looks like a nice little lean cycle if you have you macros lined up..extend the dbol for 6 weeks, and add some clomid to the PCT with tamox..
clomid 50/50
tamox 60/40/40/20
Using PSL products
I can't comment on the Test prop that we carry, because I personally have never used our Test pro, I only have feedback from others world wide that are satisfied..
I've utilized the other compounds that you listed..I was happy with the dbol and tamox...I didnt get bloods while on the adex so I cant tell you how it effected my estro, other then I was able to control bloat and nipple sensitivity (mainly due to the tamox)
Keep us all posted and let us know how you make out!
what are your stats and goals? also with dbol I'd suggest liver support mr supps
Need this info to help better...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ as mich29 asked for?
I believe in longer cycles to be able to build / grow mass. I mean that's what I am trying to do when I cycle. Therefore I like test E for the long haul and Test prop for the first 4 weeks. BUT if you stay with 8 weeks then stick with the prop. All IMOP
so your goals are to gain weight?? do you have a planned out diet?
i would go 12wks min with cycles, 4-6 for orals. imo
i also wouldent bother with prop over cyp or enth personally. long ester or not it still takes weeks to see effects build up and only reason i would rec prop is if being tested and needing it out quicker,
I would do test e but I don't have on hand right now I have Three prop bottles so I might as well just do the prop.i can extend the cycle to 8 wks but 100mg EOD
Also reason being I was gonna do 6wk Dbol cycle but I added prop in recently figured it's best because it'll be a shorter cycle.. Test e I would run 16 wks that's for next cycle.. But so far everyone seems to say that prop for this short term run is ok
i would atleast get another bottle and run to 10 BUT since you have it and want to use it up its not all bad (if was 6 i deff would say dont bother) and the dbol should stack well with it. have an AI ready to be used before you start