Test prop and test e together?


New member
I read about a guy who was using test prop in the beginning of his cycle to get the faster kick in time and then by week 3 or 4 he switched to test e only so he had fewer injections. So basically using the prop as like a kick starter.
Is this a good or bad idea? I'm just wondering because I have 2 bottles of e and 1 bottle of prop left over.
Its a good idea. You want to inject both from the start, but by week 2-3 test e is kicking in. You can switch to test p the last 2 weeks and hop on pct sooner.
I read about a guy who was using test prop in the beginning of his cycle to get the faster kick in time and then by week 3 or 4 he switched to test e only so he had fewer injections. So basically using the prop as like a kick starter.
Is this a good or bad idea? I'm just wondering because I have 2 bottles of e and 1 bottle of prop left over.

You've only got one bottle of test Prop left over.. I'm guessing it is dosed at 100mg/ml.. that means you only got about 9 injections total (and your gonna need to inject EOD).

To do it right I'd pick up more test prop, and more test E.
for me, test cyp/enth is usually fully kicked in by the end of week two. if you have only 1 bottle of prop that means you have 1000mg. so if i were you i would run the test prop at 500mg a week for 2 weeks and then you should be good to go.

by the way, what is your cycle of test enth looking like?
I have only done test e cycles and they have all been at 500mg a week. I also ran anadrol at 50mg a day for almost 4 weeks and then felt shitty so I dropped it. I got the prop from my cousin because he had extra from his cycle. What I wanted to do is run the test prop and the test e with tren ace. I can get more gear, not a problem. I was thinking a cycle like this

Weeks 1-3 test prop at 75-100mg eod
Weeks 1-10 test e at 300mg a week
Weeks 1-8 tren ace at 100mg eod or maybe even 50mg ed
Hcg through whole cycle
Caber at 1mg a week

Still not 100% on what doses of the test and tren. I like the idea of running the test low to let the tren do the work. Any help greatly appreciated
I have only done test e cycles and they have all been at 500mg a week. I also ran anadrol at 50mg a day for almost 4 weeks and then felt shitty so I dropped it. I got the prop from my cousin because he had extra from his cycle. What I wanted to do is run the test prop and the test e with tren ace. I can get more gear, not a problem. I was thinking a cycle like this

Weeks 1-3 test prop at 75-100mg eod
Weeks 1-10 test e at 300mg a week
Weeks 1-8 tren ace at 100mg eod or maybe even 50mg ed
Hcg through whole cycle
Caber at 1mg a week

Still not 100% on what doses of the test and tren. I like the idea of running the test low to let the tren do the work. Any help greatly appreciated
good idea with running the test low and letting the tren do the work, but IMO you should run the test even lower and the tren higher (if you can handle it). when i do tren i like running test at or under 200mg a week. a TRT dose. right now i'm doing 700mg tren ace (100mg ED), 300mg mast a week, and 175mg test c a week. i run test low for 3 reasons, 1: when i'm on tren i like to hold as little water as possible so i can look as shredded as possible. 2: tren is SUCH a powerful steroid itself that running test anything higher than 250mg a week is obsolete in my eyes. and 3: tren makes me aggressive enough as it is, i dont need more test to make me even more aggressive lol. overall i just dont see the benefit of high test with high tren. oh and also, if you run test low enough like me @ 175mg a week you probably won't even need an AI. maybe you will so just keep it on hand but the dose should be very very minimal

my advice if you've never run tren before: start small. 50mg ED for a week or two. if you can handle it, up the dose to 75 or even 100 a day. ED injections are the way to go with tren ace. good luck
Ok if I stick to those doses does everything else look good? Is the amount of time good? I was told to run tren for 8 weeks and run the test 2 weeks longer.
for me, test cyp/enth is usually fully kicked in by the end of week two. if you have only 1 bottle of prop that means you have 1000mg. so if i were you i would run the test prop at 500mg a week for 2 weeks and then you should be good to go.

by the way, what is your cycle of test enth looking like?

Wow, your body defies physics and biology. Lucky!

Pro: You see higher serum levels faster of testosterone.
Cons: You get a spike in estradiol, and may require extra AI to counteract. You also have to inject more oil more frequently.

I prefer an oral for a kick start for the first four weeks (that's about how long enanthate and cypionate take to reach appreciable levels) as it's usually more potent than just test, exits faster, and is easy to manage. Prop can have some bite to it too, so take that into account as well.

My .02c :)