Test Prop/Mast Prop Combo Conversion Problem

josey wales

New member
Did I blow it?

I am making a 50ml Test P/Mast P combo at 125mg/100mg, respectively, with 3% BA and 20% BB. I added the powder (6.25gs of TP and 5gs of MP) and solvent and stirred, but the powder didn't seem to dissolve all the way. There were still large clumps of powder floating in it. I then baked the solution for awhile at 300 degrees, but the solution was still a sort of cloudy, chalky white. After that I put the vial in a pan of boiling water for about 20-30mins and the solution was STILL white and cloudy. However, there were no clumps of powder at all. It was just cloudy and chalky looking. At that point I began to think that the chalkiness was possibly just impurities in the powder I received. So I went ahead and filtered the solution through a .2 pore whatman. (Man, it sucks filtering through a .2 pore.) After filtering the solution came out a very light, clear golden color. Now I'm wondering if maybe I filtered out all of the powder. What do you think?
pullinbig said:
so when did you add the oil?

use .45 filters next time.

Yes, it's not clear from my post when I added the oil. I put it in right before I filtered. I also baked the oil for 30mins also before mixing with the solvent/powder.

Think I should just scrap this conversion and start over?
no its fine. you kinda confused on the home brew thing i see.

baking the oil is a waste of time.

next time.

add powder, solvent, oil in a beaker. place beaker on hot plate on about medium heat. do not walk off and leave it un attended. stir occassionally. usually within a minute or two it will completely clear up. then while its warm filter it into your sterile vial. its done. bake @275°f for 1 full hour if you like then its ready to fire away.

Thanks for the note. So on the advice of a good bro I broke open the Whatman to see what was in there. What I found was maybe an 1/8th of a teaspoon of chalky sludge. Nothing else. Couldn't be more that 10-20mgs all total. If so, I'm thinking that the final product is still usable. Thoughts?

It seems to me that if the Whatman filtered out ALL or substantially ALL of the powder that it would have clogged up the filter long before I was done. Do you agree?
josey wales said:
Thanks for the note. So on the advice of a good bro I broke open the Whatman to see what was in there. What I found was maybe an 1/8th of a teaspoon of chalky sludge. Nothing else. Couldn't be more that 10-20mgs all total. If so, I'm thinking that the final product is still usable. Thoughts?

It seems to me that if the Whatman filtered out ALL or substantially ALL of the powder that it would have clogged up the filter long before I was done. Do you agree?

bro, you are wayyyyyy overthinking this. Are you sure you aren't Emperoga? LOL

Seriously, when you heat up the solution and its gets clear, the powder is dissolving. It is not getting stuck in the filter.

Follow PBs instructs above and stop overthinking this... don't worry, i overthink everything but the boys got me straightened out!!
RJH8541 said:
bro, you are wayyyyyy overthinking this. Are you sure you aren't Emperoga? LOL

Seriously, when you heat up the solution and its gets clear, the powder is dissolving. It is not getting stuck in the filter.

Follow PBs instructs above and stop overthinking this... don't worry, i overthink everything but the boys got me straightened out!!

Appreciate the response, but I'm not sure it helps me deal with my present dilemma. I already filtered the solution. So the heating/dissolving ship has sailed. The only question now is whether the solution I have is worth using or if I should start over.
Sometimes you just need to use common sense. You added 11.25g of powder to your beaker... after you cracked open the whatman, you say 1/8th of a teaspoon of sludge in there... does the 11.25g of powder fit into 1/8th of a teaspoon? I'm thinking no. So where do you think it is? My guess would be in solution! You're fine to use it... test it out and see...

josey wales said:
Appreciate the response, but I'm not sure it helps me deal with my present dilemma. I already filtered the solution. So the heating/dissolving ship has sailed. The only question now is whether the solution I have is worth using or if I should start over.

its fine. enjoy