New member
I am 27 years old, 6'3 185 lbs with approximately 10% body fat and I have been training consistently for the last 4 years. I have done 2 previous cycles which have only consisted of test cyp, so this will be my first experience with Tren. With that said, I really want to up my cals and train my ass off for at least another month before I start pinning. Usually i stick to a 4 day/week split and up it to a 5 day/week split while I'm on gear. However, the last 2 months I've been doing a 3 day split. I Wasn't really on it too hard in December since I had the flu and I lost 10 lbs. Since the start of January I have gone back do a 4 day split and I've modified my usual Paleo diet in order to increase my caloric intake. Anyways, since this is my first experience with tren I wanted to post my cycle and get any feedback. (It's not just my first experience with tren, but also the prop ester, hcg, caber and an AI. Although, I have always taken proper PCT with Nolva and Clomid.) Try not to be too harsh on me guys, lol.
Week 1-8: 50 mg Test Prop EOD
Week 1-8: 100 mg Tren Ace EOD
Week 9-10: 200 mg Test Prop EOD
Week 1-10: 500 iu HCG every Monday/Thursday
Week 1-10: .25 mg Arimidex EOD
Week 1-8: .25 mg Caber Every 3rd Day
PCT (Beginning 3 days after last pin of prop)
Week 11-12: 40 mg Nolva ED
Week 11-12: 100 mg Clomid ED
Week 13-14: 20 mg Nolva ED
Week 13-14: 50 mg Clomid ED
Well, guys there you have it. One of my main questions I'd like answered is that I figure I should only have to take the Caber through week 8 while on the tren and once I drop the tren I shouldn't need to take the caber. Also, I've only seen the 2 extra weeks of Test w/o the Tren on one other cycle, but I have it on had so my thoughts are fuck it why not? If there is something that I'm missing with that please let me know! Thanks in advance guys, and please don't flame me too hard!
Week 1-8: 50 mg Test Prop EOD
Week 1-8: 100 mg Tren Ace EOD
Week 9-10: 200 mg Test Prop EOD
Week 1-10: 500 iu HCG every Monday/Thursday
Week 1-10: .25 mg Arimidex EOD
Week 1-8: .25 mg Caber Every 3rd Day
PCT (Beginning 3 days after last pin of prop)
Week 11-12: 40 mg Nolva ED
Week 11-12: 100 mg Clomid ED
Week 13-14: 20 mg Nolva ED
Week 13-14: 50 mg Clomid ED
Well, guys there you have it. One of my main questions I'd like answered is that I figure I should only have to take the Caber through week 8 while on the tren and once I drop the tren I shouldn't need to take the caber. Also, I've only seen the 2 extra weeks of Test w/o the Tren on one other cycle, but I have it on had so my thoughts are fuck it why not? If there is something that I'm missing with that please let me know! Thanks in advance guys, and please don't flame me too hard!