test prop/ tren a/ winstrol cycle


New member
hey im working on a cycle and need some advice on what i should add. I keep reading about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid, nolvadex, arimdex, etc... its a little overwhelming and i need some good feedback on what i need to add to this cycle to A) avoid gyno and liver problems while B) getting the best results.

the cycle i have decided to go with is as follows:

weeks 1-8 test prop 100mg eod
weeks 1-4 tren a 100mg eod
weeks 5-8 winstrol 50mg ed

a little criticsm or advice goes a long way so let me know what i need to add/ cut from this cycle.

I am 25 yrs old
Bf%- really not sure
workout 5 days a week on a regular basis
2500-3000 calories low fat and high protein diet.

If you need any more info just ask.

Thanks a lot
ive never done tren. ive done a test prop/dbol/winstrol cycle and a test prop/winstrol cycle. i would guess 16-19% bodyfat. mainly in my midsection.
hey im working on a cycle and need some advice on what i should add. I keep reading about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid, nolvadex, arimdex, etc... its a little overwhelming and i need some good feedback on what i need to add to this cycle to A) avoid gyno and liver problems while B) getting the best results.

the cycle i have decided to go with is as follows:

weeks 1-8 test prop 100mg eod
weeks 1-4 tren a 100mg eod
weeks 5-8 winstrol 50mg ed

a little criticsm or advice goes a long way so let me know what i need to add/ cut from this cycle.

I am 25 yrs old
Bf%- really not sure
workout 5 days a week on a regular basis
2500-3000 calories low fat and high protein diet.

If you need any more info just ask.

Thanks a lot

ive never done tren. ive done a test prop/dbol/winstrol cycle and a test prop/winstrol cycle. i would guess 16-19% bodyfat. mainly in my midsection.

you may wanna try to cut a little before starting this cycle.

The Tren and Prop doses look good for your first time. My first time with Tren I ran it exactly like that 100mg of each every other day for 12 weeks and saw great results!

Drop the Winstrol (winny) though! seriously, Winstrol (winny) is garbage.
At 5'10 only 183 lbs with such high body fat after 2 cycles, it sounds to me like you need to figure your diet out before you cycle again. Hit up 3J in the diet forum.
that was a complete guess at body fat. i will get it done this weekend and post the percentages. i can post a picture for now and you can guess for yourselves if that helps. my main question was about what i need to add to this stack... arimdex? hcg? and post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid? I have arimidex and clomid now. think i should get anything else?
that was a complete guess at body fat. i will get it done this weekend and post the percentages. i can post a picture for now and you can guess for yourselves if that helps. my main question was about what i need to add to this stack... arimdex? hcg? and post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid? I have arimidex and clomid now. think i should get anything else?

nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) to run with clomid. Caber for on cycle just to have on hand incase of prolactin issues.
Hey im thinking of running the same cycle. Ive been advised to run arimdex Caber and Proviron and to have some Winstrol (winny) on stand by incase of progesterone symptoms.

Could anyone give some ideas of doses of the ancillery drugs..
