Test prop / tren / stanazol cycle review


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Test prop/tren hex/stanazolol cycle review
Okay so i have started my cycle about 8 days ago thats consist of the following meds

Test prop eod @100mg
Tren hex @75.6ml e3d
Stanazol eod @50 mg

Im planning to run this cycle for 4-6 weeks depending on my status and side effects

Also im supplementing on

Muscletech anabol halo protein shake
Lipo 6 ultimate
And animal cuts

Not very strict but more like very high protein mid carbs low fat

My current status are

Age : 23
Weight :213
Bf:18-22 didnt still calculate it cant seem to find caliper around my area
Height 5'7

Cycle plan :
Week 1-6 test prop
Week 1-4 tren hex
Week 1-6 stanazol

Ill run the tren hex for 4 weeks cause honestly that thing is so expensive!!!

The purpose of this cycle is cutting and gettinng ripped at least lower bf to 15 or 13 is it possible?

Anyone have any opinion that i can benefit from

For pct ill be running nolva while on cycle and after cycle to try and avoid any gyno

Ill post pics from day 1 to day 8 but i havent seen any signifcant gains or ripping except when working out i feel bloated or like pumped

When will i be able to notice results from this cycle and is it effective for dropping bf?
Its my 2nd cycle then first was in 2010 with test E only
Buddy you need to run a longer cycle. A 4-6 week cycle is not a great idea. Save money and buy more gear for a real cycle. WTF are you doing running tren for 4 weeks. You will not drop from around 20% bodyfat to 13% in 4-6 weeks if you could not get in shape without gear and proper diet beforehand. My stats are similar to yours but I don't have any goals involving looking good. You should be running an AI on cycle, not nolva unless you feel gyno coming on. Do you know what hcg is? What about bloodwork?
Yes bro i know whats hcg and i am planning ln 5000ui in 3x 1.5/1.5/1.5 and how long would i have to run to get to 15% im not looking for much drop just to get in hard shape ill run another course on summer for 9-12 weeks and drop it to 7-8 i just need to get a push start now if you know what i mean
I can cycle to max of 8 weeks but ill have to go easy on meds cause ill be busy with work as im on vacation for the next 5 weeks so wanted to use it to drop a good amount thats it is it achieveable like how much can i do in these 4-6 weeks
At least you picked a short ester test ..

Running tren for only 4 weeks is a waste of gear.. Running Winstrol for 6 weeks is just gonna dry your joints out and you'll get injured (winny is for pre contest cuts when your dropping from 10%bf to 8% or less... Not for every day joes like yourself)..

Just run the test prop,, extend to 8 weeks or more if you can.