Test Prop + Winstrol Log - First Steroid Cycle


New member
Hey guys, just thought I would put up a log, for both myself to be able to keep track of my progress easily and for anyone thinking of running a similar cycle to be able to reference this and see how it worked for me. I've done a lot of research and one of the things that bugged me most when looking at logs was how it seemed 80% of them were either incomplete (the person quit) or there were just huge chunks missing. I'm hoping I'll be able to not follow the same trend.


Age: 23 (I know; young. But I've done my research and this is something I have made a conscious and informed decision to do)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190
BF: 8-9%
Training History: 3.5 years - Didn't always train the smartest but I feel I have really optimized training.

Goals: Put on lean mass while maintaining a low bodyfat.
Work on bringing up lagging body parts such as my chest, traps, and abs.

My cycle will be on the lower dosed side of things, being that it is my first. I was tempted to run only Test but decided to add winstrol for the hardening and to hopefully promoted more LBM. Some may also say only run it near the tail end of the cycle, but after researching and looking at my best option, this is what I have decided on for me.

1 - 12: Test Prop - 420mg/week (60mg ED)
1 - 6: Winstrol - 210mg/week (30mg ED)
6 - 12: Winstrol - 350mg/week (50mg ED)

1-10: Aromasin - 12.5mg ED
The aromasin may sound high, but I am really looking to keep side effects such as water retention as low as possible.

Have clomid and HCG on hand, will definitely run clomid, undecided as to HCG, is I decide to do this it will likely be added starting week 8 of my cycle. As far as the HCG, I know most people run it during, but call me stupid but through some information I found that's how I've decided if I use it, I'll use it at the tail end.

Weigh in's

July 6 - 189.5
July 7 - 189.0
July 8 - 189.4
July 9 - 190.2
July 10 - 190.2
July 11 - 191.0
July 12 - 194.3
July 13 - 193.4
July 14 - 193.1
July 15 - 192.6
July 16 - 193.0
July 17 - 193.2
July 18 - 192.7
July 19 - 194.0
July 20 - 194.2
July 21 - 195.0
July 22 - 196.3
July 23 - 196.7
July 24 - 196.2
July 25 - 196.9
July 26 - 197.2
July 27 - 197.7
July 28 - 198.5
July 29 - 199.0
July 30 - 199.9
July 31 - 200.5
August 1 - ??? - Vacation [Ate Shit, got enough protein but that was it]
August 2 - ??? - Vacation [Ate Shit, got enough protein but that was it]
August 3 - ??? - Vacation [Ate Shit, got enough protein but that was it]
August 4 - 202.1
August 5 - 199.0
August 6 - 200.0
August 7 - 199.9
August 8 - 198.9
August 9 - 200.6
August 10 - 200.6
August 11 - 201.0
August 12 - 201.5
August 13 - 201.9
August 14 - 202.3
August 15 - 201.9
All weigh in's done at same time (morning)

Nutrient intake:

Current Calorie Goal; July 6 - August 3: 3650
August 4 - Present: 4000
July 6 - 2750 cal / 1650 sodium - Was not able to hit calories today, disappointed, adding more diverse foods tomorrow.
July 7 - 3560 cal / 2620 sodium
July 8 - 3550 cal / 2420 sodium
July 9 - 3550 cal / 1450 sodium
July 10 - 3600 cal / 1550 sodium
July 11 - 3600 cal / 3200 sodium
July 12 - 3600 cal / 2300 sodium
July 13 - 3350 cal / 1800 sodium
July 14 - 2800 cal / 2100 sodium
July 15 - 3300 cal / 2350 sodium
July 16 - 3500 cal / 3100 sodium
July 17 - 3500 cal / 1200 sodium
July 18 - 3600 cal / 4300 sodium
July 19 - 3680 cal / 3400 sodium
July 20 - 3550 cal / 3400 sodum
July 21 - 3620 cal / 3700 sodium
July 22 - 3600 cal / 1500 sodium
July 23 - 3700 cal / 3700 sodium
July 24 - 3750 cal / 2200 sodium
July 25 - 3620 cal / 1900 sodium
July 26 - 3600 cal / 2500 sodium
July 27 - 3520 cal / 2400 sodium
July 28 - 3600 cal / 2200 sodium
July 29 - 3620 cal / 2800 sodium
July 30 - 3640 cal / 1800 sodium
July 31 - ??? Vacation, ate shit, got enough protein, likely uber high sodium ???
August 1 - ??? Vacation, ate shit, got enough protein, likely uber high sodium ???
August 2 - ??? Vacation, ate shit, got enough protein, likely uber high sodium ???
August 3 - ??? Vacation, ate shit, got enough protein, likely uber high sodium ???
August 4 - 4000 cal / 2000 sodium
August 5 - 4060 cal / 1850 sodium
August 6 - 4060 cal / 1100 sodium
August 7 - 4100 cal / 1400 sodium
August 8 - 4050 cal / 1300 sodium
August 9 - 3500 cal / 2400 sodium
August 10 - 4050 cal / 900 sodium
August 11 - 4000 cal / 850 sodium
August 12 - 4050 cal / 1200 sodium
August 13 - 4050 cal / 600 sodium
August 14 - 4050 cal / 800 sodium

I do all my macros, but I'll only post calories for the sake of ease, and sodium, because it's different and it can help me look at how my body's water balance is effected by sodium.

Before pictures attached, not great, but I'll be able to take after pictures in the same place under the same lighting.

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First off you have a fantastic base. Being lean is great as well considering side effects. Don't do prop IMO as enanthate would be better for a novice. Do 12-14 weeks. I'd start the cycle off with some tbol for. 4-6 weeks. Keep ur test at 500 IMO. Also cap off ur cycle with winny if u must but I think a lean bulk makes more sense like running deca or npp throughout. Your already lean and increasing size will do way more good. As well you have to pct with clomid and nolva. During cycle run hcg either 250 or 500 twice a week depending how much gear u choose to add. I'm hinting at the deca :). Good luck
I would definitely use test prop because The advantages, however, are less bloating and water retention that longer-estered products and because there is less ester in each vial, there is more actual testosterone per injection, which brings better results. And about the winny I would drop that, it's a lipid skewering bastard. I would use mastron prop. I recommend this because km sure you don't want the bloat and water weight like deca and long ester test gives you. Right?
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Yes more water retention but with proper diet and AI usage he will be fine. Your already very lean. IMO a lean bulk would be incredible for you.
My thoughts on the prop were; less water retention, and much shorter half life. I want to keep my levels pretty stable, hence the every day injections vs even every other day.

As far as the winstrol, it may not have been my first choice but I will stick with it and see what happens, heh, guess that's the point of the log, to see what does happen. If I'm being completely honest, the reason I have this specific stack is I got the test and winstrol from an extremely reliable source. Knowing 100% that it is properly dosed and exactly what is stated made a big difference to me. Masteron, or even equipoise is very appealing to me and were on my list of preferred compounds through my research. But as it is, I would have to go to a certain review site and pick from their sources to get anything different. I figured I'd rather save money that I don't really have to be spending, for not 100% guaranteed legit gear.
I may have gone on a bit of a tangent there, but that was my reasoning for this cycle specifically. It may not be the best but that's what it is =/. In the future, when I have more money and more experience I definitely want to look into other compounds, don't get me wrong.

Not that winstrol is unappealing also, I am taking it for a reason of course.

Thought I'd throw that explanation out there, I very much appreciate your feedback and look forward to more! Thank you
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No man I totally understand. I've been there before. Your gonna get great results. But for best results I would definitely do 500mg a week on test and do 50mg ed with the winny.
Drop the winny imo. Your first cycle and you are going to feel like a pin cushion. The pinning might get old and then you're in a rather bad spot. Also, HCG is to be ran during cycle not for PCT. In your case, start at day one of cycle. You need to research recommended dosages and length.
Good Luck.
I actually have just the perfect amount of test on hand, I'd have to drop down to 10 weeks if I wanted to do 500mg. But that's perfectly fine for me, I decided on this dose as a good one for a first cycle, as well as I wanted to put some rumors to rest about whether or not a dose such as mine on the lower end can in fact provide good gains.

I do have enough Winstrol to run 50mg/ED the whole cycle, and I may hop up to that dose ahead of schedule, but its dependent on how my body is reacting.

Updated my log for today, everything is going well. The only intriguing part is I just did my day 4 injection, and still absolutely no PIP from any of my injections. That was definitely something I was expecting to get! I'll keep you guys updated for anyone interested!
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Updated. Weight exactly the same as yesterday, but I ate extremely clean and took in much less sodium than the previous day so it's possible I'm holding slightly less water in general in my body. But haha, that's why I'm tracking sodium, to see how it effects my body.

Also, I had a question come up. What are people's thoughts on throwing in SARMs into a pct to hold onto the most gains? Specifically I was thinking MK-2866 (Ostarine), and possibly also GW-501516. Any thoughts?
Updated. Not a great day of eating yesterday, sodium wise. Full day with the girlfriend fucked that up, what with her hating my diet and wanting to go out. Weigh shot up to 194, clearly water retention what with it being so drastic. Strongly disappointed as that's one thing I really wanted to stop. Hopefully I can drop my sodium intake today considerably.
Alright, updated.
Some notes -
I raised my Aromasin dose to 17.5/ day, 12.5 didn't work very well at all, 15 was better, then I adjusted to 17.5 and that seems to be where I want to be at.
Played with my calories the last couple days, see how my body reacts, and I feel I now have found a really good grasp of how my body is functioning whilst being on gear. Up 4 lbs in total, for a couple days it looked like I might have gained fat, but it seems to have been water retention because when I found a better aromasin dose I looked even leaner. Then I got my bodyfat tested, after which it looks like I've dropped about .5% bf, so being up 4lbs and down a tiny bit of fat definitely works for me. Veins are also popping more than usual, another plus!
So with my adjustments, onward we go, hopefully it stays good.
I took 1 week update pics, but they're not very much different from the first ones, (I mean, it's been a week), but if anyone is interested I can post those, otherwise I'll save them and maybe create a collage going from week to week at the end.

My only major downfall is my girlfriend, she doesn't lift, or eat healthy, so that's been difficult.
Also, I am definitely having trouble keeping sodium down, seems literally everything has a ton in it. Anyone got tips for good foods that are low? I need more variety!
So I'll do a general update for you guys, still remaining lean, I upped my calories to 4000, I worked my way up about 10 lbs extremely quickly, but now I've sort of stalled there. I'm not quite sure what it is, my calories are where they should be, my thought might be that my girlfriend is out of town for a work conference (she teaches 5th grade and they're moving to a different system and all of the teachers at her school had to attend), but since she's been gone I've been able to eat super clean and my sodium is low so that may be it. Any input would be appreciated.
no one else sees an issue with the OP running the most liver toxic compound we have available for 12 weeks??
I understand the risks associated with it, I'm taking liver supports and will have liver enzymes tested at the end of my cycle. I do accept the risks involved and possible negatives.
I understand the risks associated with it, I'm taking liver supports and will have liver enzymes tested at the end of my cycle. I do accept the risks involved and possible negatives.

accepting the risks doesn't make it ok.. you are young.. you've already made a poor decision.. dont get me wrong.. your body looks ready for gear.. but its a poor first cycle choice..

i would, AT THE LEAST, stop the winny after week 6