Test Propio-Phenyl + Orals Lean Bulk


New member
Second Cycle :Test Phenylpropionate, Prop, and Orals!

Hey bros,

My second cycle begins tomorrow and I thought it would be cool to log it here!


Age-24 this July
Weight-Between 207 and 209lbs
BF%: 13.8% according to Omron BF Calculator
AAS Experience: Last September I did a cycle of Mexican Test E that has been confirmed to be bunk/underdosed

Measurements: ~~~~INBOUND~~~~

My Main Lifts

Squat-450 Ass to grass (I don't ever do just parallel)

Front squat-365 5x Ass to Grass

BTN Push Press-315 3x

Bench-Recently been about 380, hit 415 at end of last PCT so I will aim to break that

Sumo Deads-Hit 600 3x a while back, just did 545 4x this past week after not deading for months, expecting fast increase in strength

Hang Clean-331


I tend to bloat easily and have insane gas when I eat a ton of carbs, and I respond well with high fat diets so I will do my best to keep the carbs at roughly 300g and protein between 350g and 400g per day. Aiming for 3800-4000 calories.

Training Style

I like to lift both heavy and light, my reps range from 1-20 reps. I never understood why people stick with only one rep range. I am a serious form whore, always getting maximum range of motion on all my lifts. This means I always go ass to grass on squats, bar to chest on bench, bar to collar bone on military, etc.

I also train athletes and do a good bit of olympic lifting and plyo/explosive exercises. I will post #s and my routines each day.


Add as much lean mass as possible while maintaining/losing body fat. Most tend to say that recomping is either a waste of time or impossible but I have done it before and it works for me. Also looking to add retarded amounts of strength.

Pharmaceutical Assistance

Weeks 1-10: Hulk Labs Test P 300 (150mg Test Phenylpropionate 150 Test Prop) @ .6mL E3D

Weeks 1-4: LGI DMZ 15 @30mg
Weeks 1-4: IML M-Sten RX @ 20mg

Aromasin @ 6.25mg ED


Toremifene @ 120/90/60/60/30

Tamoxifen @ 40/40/20/20/10


And I will likely throw Aromasin in my PCT @ 25mg ED as it is good at boosting Test

Cycle Support

AI cycle support
Liv52 4 capsules weeks 1-4 (already been loading it)
Other misc. shit that I decide to throw in there

I will have pics up shortly! I'm really excited to get on some quality gear and blow the fuck up, and of course I am excited to share my experience with yalls :wackit:.

To be continued :69:...

4/21/13 Pics

A tad bloated from extreme carb load, but not far off.

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Day 1

Weight upon waking: 210.4

So today is day 1 of my cycle! Pretty excited. I pinned .6mL just after midnight (had to start the day right) and took 15mg DMZ and 10mg Msten right when I pinned. Later I took another cap of both DMZ and Msten at ~~ 5 PM

First of all, the injection was PAINLESS!!! That being said, my injection site now feels like I have been hit in the leg with a mini sledgehammer. All in all, not as bad as people made PIP from Test Prop and Phenylprop to be.

I got absolutely no sleep last night because I was so excited about starting my cycle, yet I still managed to have a great workout after slaving away at my construction job and then training people after.

Today was shoulders! Here's what went down:

Military Press- 195 x 8, 215 x 3 (short rest), 225 x 1, 205 x 6
Seated DB Press- 100s 8x, 90s 9x, 75s 10x
A variation of Arnold Press' that I made up - 40s til failure

BB Upright Row- 185 x 5, 155 8x, 155 8x, 155 8x,
Face Pulls w rope on Cable Row machine- 100 x12 for 4 sets
DB side raises- 30s 12x, 30s 9x, 25s 12x, 25s 12x
Bent over DB "Superman Raises" 15s ~~15x 4 sets

Seated Calf Raise- 180 x12, 225 x9 for 4 more sets

Overall my workout wasn't too bad. I looked pretty full today, I know it's too early to see gains in lean mass from the orals but I wonder if it still had a nutrient partitioning effect and slammed my muscles with glycogen making me appear larger and fuller than usual.

Lets just hope my quad doesn't hurt so fucking bad tomorrow, otherwise I'll have to dip my leg in a tank full of piranhas to ease my suffering :chainsaw:

Stay tuned !
Day 2!

Another sleepless night, probably due to a dramatic increase in PIP. I was limping all day and my leg even gave out several times. It's all good though (because I'm on fucking Test, remember)!

Today I'm looking pretty full and I'm diggin it. My workout wasn't anything special but certainly not bad considering my sleep has been shitty the past couple of days.

Back day details:

Wide grip pull ups- 70lbs x8, 90lbs x7, 70lbs 8x
// Close grip pull ups-1 set with 8second negatives til failure
Bent Over BB rows- 225 10x, 235 9x, 245 7x, 265 6x

Lat pull down // grip facing away from machine-4 sets 12 reps

DB rows- 125s 10x for 4 sets

Overall not bad. I can't wait til this shit kicks in! I just hope that my body gets used to this test so that it doesn't feel like I got hit with a fucking sledge hammer. I want to do legs tomorrow but I can barely sit on the toilet right now, I hope this shit gets better over night.

Does anyone have any suggestions for reducing and preventing PIP? I think I'm gonna have to make some sterile oil or something to dilute it.
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I'm following this shizz right here. Been looking at HL for this exact blend and their high Prop dosage at 200mg/ml. Glad to hear PIP was not as bad as they say it is. Guess it just depends on how sensitive you are.
Dude it got much worse today lol. Yesterday the PIP was manageable but holy fuck, today I could barely even squat down to mess with a client's sprinklers. And my buddy who I'm doing the cycle with had to leave his job as a server because he was being too slow haha. I'm ordering supplies to make some sterile oil to dilute my shit.

I'm hoping my body won't trip out as much on the next injection, still being a semi-virgin and all.
Day 3

210.6 lbs

Yet another shitty sleep. I fell asleep fine but i just couldn't stay asleep. On a positive note, my PIP is MUCH better! I think I should be able to squat tomorrow so long as PIP doesn't settle in til after my workout lol.

I was very close to not hitting chest today because I had an extra long work day and barely got in 2 meals before it was over. I took a mini nap, ate, and said LET'S BANG!

Considering that I haven't really slept all week and that I didn't eat as much as I'd have liked, it wasn't bad. However, my right pec felt like it died on my 3rd set of flat bench. I decided to listen to my body and move to incline and change my rep scheme a bit.

Chest Workout:

Flat BB Bench: 345 4x, 365 easy 1x but kinda didn't feel right, 345 1x due to right pec straining
Incline BB Bench: 225 11x, 9x, 8x, 9x short rest time

Incline DB Bench: 100s 10x, 9x, 8x, 70s 15x rotating
Machine Fly-255 12x, 11x

Smith Machine Calf Raise- 225 17x for 2 sets, 275 12x for 2 sets

I wanted to just sleep tonight and not workout but I'm glad that I went. It wasn't the best workout weight-wise but throughout the whole routine I felt positive and I'm looking forward for all my shit to kick in.

One side note, I am looking a tad bit bloated today. Fucking carbs!!! I'm trying to only eat carbs in meal 1, pre workout and PWO to minimize bloat so we will see if it helps in the long run.

On another side note, and I'm not joking, I measured my testicles with a micrometer last night to make sure they get back around this size from post cycle therapy (pct) lol. For curious minds, my left testicle is ~~2.049L" and my right is ~~1.996" . Lets hope they fill back up post cycle haha.

I have a filter and vial coming to make some sterile oil with GSO. Hoping that helps cut the PIP down like everyone says it does.

Anywho, time to hit the shower and appreciate my balls before they turn into raisins!
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Day 4

213.00 Lbs!

Looks like I magically gained a little more than 2.5 lbs over night, or I guess I should say retained 2.5 lbs. I looked a good bit fuller this morning and I was more vascular. I definitely look like I'm a whopping 4 days deep into my cycle lol.

Of course I had a shitty sleep but I think that will change tonight, thus I will be banging legs in the morning to ensure that I have NO pain from this Monday's injection.

I will also likely see Pain and Gain tonight, which means I will have to pin right before to ensure a greater movie-going experience. This time I'm gonna heat up my gear and do it in my glute to see if the PIP is less outrageous.

Just thought I would share that with yalls before I head out. Stay tuned for 2 workouts tomorrow!
Day 7

215.2 lbs !!!


I wasn't able to post the past couple of days due to a busy schedule, so here it goes!

Day 5 was Legs and Arms, 2 separate times of the day

I don't know what was up with me this day but my strength fucking SUCKED!!!!

On every lift I was 10-20lbs down for Arms and up to 60 lbs for legs. I think my legs were just fucked up from the extreme PIP in my quad and the not so extreme PIP in my glute.

Legs was so bad that I only did 2 sets of deads, 1 "real" set of Squats and a couple glute-ham raises then got the fuck out of there. I was incredibly angry due to my shitty lifts. I had to go outside to cool down and just decided to leave.

Arms was good. Even though my lifts were down, I was on a tight schedule and just had to BANG. I had an extremely retarded pump, my lifting partner said it looked like I put on 15-20 lbs from last week hahaha. And I saw a client of mine at the gym who I last saw the week before and he said the same thing. He had a very serious WTF!!!! look on his face.

Bullshit Legs

Deads- 525-7 (shitty for me), 545-3 (shitty so i decided to stop)
Squats-365-Stopped at 3 because it just felt VERY heavy and wrong. I would typically do 415-420 for 3

Glute ham raises-4x8-10

1 legged squat-10 on left leg, then couldn't do it on my right due to PIP and went home.

Arms-not the best weight but everything felt great

Close Grip Bench- 275 7x, 285 6x, 295 2x, 275 7x

Straight BB curl-135 10x, 145 8x, 135 9x, 135 9x

Lying single arm DB tri extension-40 10x, 10x, 10x, 9x

DB Preacher Curl-70s 2 (lol bad idea today) drop to 55 x6, 55 x8, 40 x12 nice and slow

At this point I wanted to end with a pump

2 arm DB Overhead extension- 35 15x, 15x, 30 20x, 20x

DB Incline Curl- 55s simultaneous for 5 then alternating for 3, 30x simultaneous 15x, 12x, 10x

Then yesterday I did some miscellaneous shit in my backyard. Some traps and forearms, got a pretty nice pump and failed with very light weight by changing my rep tempo. It's amazing how heavy you can make light weight feel just by changing the pace.

I'm looking for ward to this week and I hope strength and size gains will be slightly noticeable. Or at least that I'm as strong as I was 2 weeks ago lol.
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Day 8

Fucking 217.2!!!

Today is a good day for me. Up around 10 lbs from when I started. Not claiming I gained 10 lbs of muscle, because I know I didn't, just going by the scale.

Overall I look fuller, and today I look a tad bloated (probably from eating Wendys last night lol).

Today's workout was pretty fuckin good overall, added some decent strength and I know it's only gonna get better from here!


Seated Military BB- 205 8x, 225 3x, then 4x!, 245 1x
Seated DB press- 105s 5x, 100s 7x, 90s 9x
My harder variation of Arnold Press- 50s til failure

BB Upright Row- 185 6x, 165 7x, 165 8x, 155 9x
Face pulls on cable row machine- 130 13x, 110 12x, 110 12x, 100 15x
DB simultaneous side raise- 25x 15x, 25 15x, 20 15x, 15x
DB bent over thumbs down raise 10s 17x, 15s 15x, 10s 17x

Donkey Calf Raise on inverted leg press- 360 20x, 405 17x, 450 15x, 15x, 12x

I had a pretty awesome pump today, it looked like my shoulders were about to give birth to bowling balls lol. I'm satisfied.
Also, in regards to PIP, I pinned my right glute on Thursday and by Friday night it was definitely not fun, but nowhere near as debilitating as the PIP in my quad.

I made some sterile oil over the weekend and diluted my dose 2:1 and right now my left glute isn't feeling too bad. Definitely less than half the PIP from Thursday's pin. So to all who are afraid of Propionate's PIP, do yourself a favor and make some sterile oil to dilute when pinning! Don't forget to add a bit of BA to keep it sterile (unless you dilute your entire gear at once instead of drawing from both pre-injection).
What up bros, feeling good today even though I can't sleep for shit since I'm getting way too damn hot lol.

Yesterday I weighed 214.4 and today I was 216 even.

Today I'm looking pretty damn big, my buddy told me last night that I look huge but I'm really feeling it today.

My back workout yesterday was nothing special, I had to pour concrete all day yesterday and was barely able to eat but I will log my workout anyways.

As for tonight, holy fuck, straight fucking killed my workout. I set multiple PRs on squats with no mental spotter. I'm not a big fan of physical spotting on squats; if I can't do the weight I just drop that shit. After going heavy on squats I changed exercises and did higher reps and my quads nearly exploded from being engorged with so much blood.


Bent over Reverse Row- 225 10x, 255 8x, 275 5x, 6x
Close Parallel Grip Lat Pull down- 170 12-15x 4 sets super slow and strict
DB Rows- 125 10x 3 sets
Close Parallel Cable Row- 170 10x, 10x, 150 12x, 12x


Back squats ATG- 405 6x, 425 8x, 455 1x!!! All of those are PRs
Leg Press- 5 plates 15x, 6 Plates 12x for 3 sets
Hack Squat- Very light, 140 lol 4 sets of 15 with little rest, straight killed my quads

Seated Calf raise- 5 plates 12 reps, 6 plates 6x, 5 plates 10x, 10x, 8x

Pretty satisfied with my quad day, excited for chest tomorrow and then deadlifts on my hammy day saturday. I shall keep yall posted.
Day 11

216.2 lbs

Holy fuck bros! Just got done with my workout, and even with shitty sleep all week I fucking tore shit up!!!! Keep in mind that last week I benched 365 1 fucking time lol.

Here it goes :)


Flat BB Bench- 365 3x!!, 390 x1!, 375 1x, 355 2x (felt weird like last week)
Incline BB- 285 6x meh, 275 8x, 265 8x, 250 8x
Random Hammerstrength Chest machine Rest pause- 2 sets til failure
Machine Fly- 295 15x, 305 12x lol thats the max weight on the machine

Moral of the story bros, I'm fucking ON right now and I'm only 11 days into my cycle! I'm overall pretty happy. Diet has been good, workouts have been great, sleep has been shit, but I'm still bangin.

I'm looking quite huge today as well, full as fuck and just overall big. I can't wait til the last week of my orals, shit will be insane!!!!!
Hey bros, been a while since I posted. I guess you could say I've been too busy juicing to go online lol. Fo real tho.

I have been feeling great and looking great too. Although some days I do appear a tad bloated. I've been hovering around 218 to as high as 219.8 this past friday, so my rapid weight gain appears to have stabilized.

Pumps are strong, my body doesn't feel like it's being poisoned by the orals so I'd say things are looking good. Also, strength is rapidly increasing but size has stabilized (it's only day 16 or so).

So since several workouts have gone by I am just going to post the jist of most of them or the important lifts that I remember.


Close grip bench- Maxed out at 340!! Talk about a PR
Straight BB Curls- 150lbs 7x, then progressively made my way down to 135 for 12. I started with DB curls but it didn't feel right so I just did 1 set of 85lb dumbells for 7


Military Press- 225 6x, 235 3, 250 1, 225 6. This is pretty good considering I did 225 3x last week.


Nothing too crazy

Weighted Pull Ups- 70lbs 8x, 90 6x, 70 8x, 70 6x. Pretty good since I've gained weight after last Back day



Back squats-405 stopped at 8x (coulda done 10/11), 455 4x!!!! (Did it 1x last week, was my
PR), then 475 1x Easy, Then 500lbs 1x ass to grass bitch!!!! Got that shit on camera!

Rest of the workout was leg press and hack squat 12-15 reps then a crazy drop set at the end with a pro-bodybuilder that I just met while on the hack squat. After that drop set my legs were giving out while walking and my quads and lower back were insanely pumped.

So if you didn't notice, I squatted 455 1x last week, which was an all time PR that I got just last week, I quadrupled my reps with my PR and on top of that I add 45lbs and get a new PR. I don't know about you guys, but I think that is some pretty cool shit right there.

I feel like I'm getting too excited with these extreme strength gains so I think after this week I'm gonna chill for a bit and try not to blow any tendons and keep my fingers crossed for more size gains. Either way I'm happy with how my cycle is going and I hope I continue seeing retarded gains while maintaining healthy joints and such.
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OK guys woke up at 221 today!

I decided to change up my routine a bit and focus a bit more on the negatives of my reps when I'm not doing strength work. This has lead me to be quite sore lol. I'm doing about a 2-3 count on the concentric portion of the rep and a 5-6 count on the negative. Not really counting reps on every set, just making sure I'm getting quality reps and going til failure.

I've had 2 workouts since my last post. I'm kind of getting pissed off at my right pec, it keeps feeling strained and like it's going to cramp the fuck up after a few sets, so then I have to change the exercise. Either way I'm climbing in strength so that's cool.

Also, my vascularity is increasing quite a bit. Shoulder veins popping out, and same with chest veins both when I'm working out and when I'm just chillin.


Flat Bench-Worked up to 405, pretty cool but had to stop because right pec was going to explode
Incline DB Bench slow negatives - 100s 15, 15, 10, 13
Hammerstrength Chest press slow neg-4 sets til failure


Alt DB Curl- 80s 8x, 85s 6 or 7, 70s very slow til failure 2 sets
Close Grip Bench-325 5, 335 3, 355 1, 315 3
Concentration curl Negatives-75 x8,x8
Conc Curl complete curl slow neg-45 til failure 2 sets
Skull Crusher full reps w slow neg-120 x8 4 sets
BB Preacher curl slow neg-4 sets failure
Overhead 1 Arm extension slow-40s 10 reps 2 sets
Cable kickbacks slow neg-2 sets 15 reps

Reverse Straight BB curl-95 x10, 105 x8, x8, 65 slow til failure, drop to 45 slow til failure

DB Wrist curls both ways -25s and 20s 4 sets 15

Overall things are looking pretty good. I wake up looking great, sometimes I'm a tad bloated later but nothing that I can't handle. I MAY go do deads and hammies today but I'm feeling really...well...DEAD today from no sleep last night. We will see.

My buddy who is on the same exact cycle as me deadlifted 405 8x and then maxed at 455 1 today when he was at 365 9x and 415 2x last week lol, so hopefully I have a better dead day than last week. Maybe I'll hit somewhere in the 600 range.
Hey guys, had to deal with some stuff tonight so workout wasn't as long as usual. Woke up at 219.8.

The main thing is that strength is still increasing, and body is looking better.


Military press- 235 5x, 245 3x, 255 1

Like I said I had some stuff to deal with so nothing too crazy happened today. The rest of the workout is as usual.
Hey Bros, been a couple days since I checked in. Had some shit going on and only hit back really quickly on tuesday, and legs has been moved to this saturday.

Things are good for me now tho. I'm a PR setting machine!!! Today was chest and this time around, my right pec was behaving and didn't feel like cramping itself into oblivion. Just a reminder, I did 405 last week on flat bench.

Also, I think I'm gonna start cutting next week. I'm at fucking 220 and my 4th week isn't even up yet. I honestly don't think I need to get much bigger. I feel that if I were to shred the fuck up on this while maintaining or even putting on a little mass over the next 6 weeks, while gaining strength, I would be very happy. So I will likely go with a cyclical keto diet and throw in some clen and ketotifen.

So here was todays workout


Flat BB Bench- 405 2x!!!!!, 420 x1!!!!! Both of those are all-time PRs. Then 370 2x and 365 2x
Incline DB Bench full rep w 5 second negatives-100s 10, 10, 10, 9
Hammer strength full rep w 5 second negatives-4 sets til failure

Pretty basic shit, just glad that I'm still gaining strength and remaining about the same leanness. One thing to note, is that as I have gained size, I may not have gotten leaner but the increased muscle mass makes me appear leaner. Nothing to complain about there. From next week on though, dropping fat/recomping will be the goal