Test result in! (Help) im confused on the results and her response

The weird thing is the size of the fluctuate and now ones almost gone while the other has gotten much bigger, but it never passes a certain point
If you never did a baseline blood test to see what your levels were before ever doing a cycle to begin with then you don't really know if you are low or not,, you might be back at the levels you've always been, and so your fine.

Note: smoking weed and drinking beer lowers your testosterone levels.. That's a reason you may be low to begin with
I smoke pot, that's about it. I did a post about that with little response and I couldn't find much research
I walked around with a total test levels of 160 ngdl for years.. Not ideal, but was able to build and run businesses', race motorcycles, cycling, bow hunting, and everything else in life..

I think you'll be just fine at those levels,, I wouldn't let it worry me
I walked around with a total test levels of 160 ngdl for years.. Not ideal, but was able to build and run businesses', race motorcycles, cycling, bow hunting, and everything else in life..

I think you'll be just fine at those levels,, I wouldn't let it worry me
So you sure I shojkdnt mention the cycles? So she can help me reverse it or what's gonna happen?

Again. Don't mention cycles. What good would that do? Do you ever want to be able tk buy life insurance?

Read the Ology FAQs sticky thread. It covers gyno and how to treat it.
Again. Don't mention cycles. What good would that do? Do you ever want to be able tk buy life insurance?

Read the Ology FAQs sticky thread. It covers gyno and how to treat it.

She says it def wasn't gyno. Said it could have once been, but said it feels like scar tissue? So idk what to do to get my levels back right. My test last year was in March and I believe my cycle had ended around December.
I wish if i can really help you, maybe someone else can do that but as they said maybe run PCT again?

So your body can get on and get the natural test back ?
Bump..... The knot is till there guys. What should I do? Take raloxifine again? Of course she advised highly against doing that. But what can I possibly do to decrease the soreness, and size of the knot still there on the left side. And also getting my test back up. I have other minor things in effect, drink a lot of milk, bf % is high for me normally, thc consumption, and not the best sleep pattern. So if anyone can advice me on any good help or lead to this, I would appreciate it. Sorry have been logged off a while
Due to moving
What exactly do I do at this point? With it being so long ago. and why is she not seeming concerned with the level drop?
As stated earlier, if it isn't gyno, Raloxifene will not do anything. You need to figure out what it is to be able to know how to treat it.

In the meantime, diet to lower your body fat.
The endo doc said it def wasnt gyno bc of the shape. She said if anythings its scare tissue from old gyno, but I wsnt sure why it changed it size she said honestly