You know, I used to think post count meant something around here.
OP you've been here since 2013 and you've got nearly 700 posts! Have you forgotten everything you've read and spoken about? Were you in the XXX section the whole time?
1. I would take a second opinion on the lump, a different doctor. As mentioned by Mega, stay off the Ralox until it's confirmed.
2. Have blood taken again to possibly gather an average test level. Maybe even a third time to get an even better idea of where you stand day to day. Try once at the end of a work week upon waking that next day, once after a long weekend with plenty of rest, upon waking as well. Might give you a better picture of how your environment effects your levels, and provide 3 numbers to draw an average from.
3. If your numbers come back that low twice over, or a third time.. depending on how many times you decide to have blood drawn.. I would look into an HPTA restart.
4. Stop panicking please. As Roush mentioned.. Low T isn't the end of the world. And if it turns out to be the issue, it will be resolved over time. Same goes for your lump. Just take it easy man!