Test suspension my first try

Loks good from here bro. What recipe did you use? We have been all over the map with this conversion and the ability for it to hold with BB but not with PEG, even though BB is NOT water-soluble.
Here is my REVISED Version of TNE in Water @ 100mg/mL!

I just wanted to add the following info that makes this TNE recipe EASY AS HELL!!

Here is the problem to the origional recipe as noted above.
You have to SLOOOWLY add the TNE/BB/PS80 to the water. BUT, the TNE/BB/PS80 tends to crash as it cools in the syringe AND filter, thus clogging everything.

Here is what I did to solve this major problem.

.....I simply reverse titrated (if you want to call it that). I added the hot
TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution to the sterile vial 1st!

(I added the BA to the TNE/BB/PS80 solution which helps prevent crashing a little more I guess.) The origional reciepe calls for the BA to be added to the water. Not in this case though. I used it to help dissolve the TNE.

-Since the TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution is added 1st, I was able to QUICKLY filter it into the vial without it crashing. Since there was no water in the vial, I didn't have to worry about filtering slooowly.

- Now that the TNE/BB/PS80/BA has been 0.22um filtered into the vial, I can add my distilled water as slowly as I wish without having to worry about the TNE/BB/PS80/BA crashing since its already in the vial!

*It gets better!! ---> I kept the TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution in the vial hot by leaving it vented with a needle and left on the hot plate. I then just 0.22um filtered my water into the hot TNE/BB/PS80/BA as fast as possible! Took about 5 seconds to add 14.8mLs of water!

**NO clumping! Looks like milk!

RECAP: Add TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution to sterile vial 1st
-Add distilled water 2nd
-Shake the hell out of it

I made 4 X 20mL bottles @ 100mg/mL. Looks excellent. Went FAST!

Its this recipe but you do it like i posted in the firs thread:
TNE suspention 75mg/ml
Supplies needed
1.5 Grams TNE powder
2 .22um whatman filter
1 10ml vial
1 20ml vial
2 18ga pins with 3ml plungers
1 5 ml plunger
1 10ml plunger
2 ml Benzyl Benzoate (10%)
.4 ml Benzyl Alcohol (2%)
.6 ml Polysorbate 80 (3%)***Trust me on this***
15.875 ml Distilled water
Pretty close to the recipe we have all been using. That stuff starts to hurt like a bitch after a week or 2 of ED shots. I used it for 5 weeks and the shots were bad towards the end. Not worth it in my opinion. Id much rather take 2 shots of 500mg/ml long ester test a week.
bmass said:
Here is my REVISED Version of TNE in Water @ 100mg/mL!

I just wanted to add the following info that makes this TNE recipe EASY AS HELL!!

Here is the problem to the origional recipe as noted above.
You have to SLOOOWLY add the TNE/BB/PS80 to the water. BUT, the TNE/BB/PS80 tends to crash as it cools in the syringe AND filter, thus clogging everything.

Here is what I did to solve this major problem.

.....I simply reverse titrated (if you want to call it that). I added the hot
TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution to the sterile vial 1st!

(I added the BA to the TNE/BB/PS80 solution which helps prevent crashing a little more I guess.) The origional reciepe calls for the BA to be added to the water. Not in this case though. I used it to help dissolve the TNE.

-Since the TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution is added 1st, I was able to QUICKLY filter it into the vial without it crashing. Since there was no water in the vial, I didn't have to worry about filtering slooowly.

- Now that the TNE/BB/PS80/BA has been 0.22um filtered into the vial, I can add my distilled water as slowly as I wish without having to worry about the TNE/BB/PS80/BA crashing since its already in the vial!

*It gets better!! ---> I kept the TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution in the vial hot by leaving it vented with a needle and left on the hot plate. I then just 0.22um filtered my water into the hot TNE/BB/PS80/BA as fast as possible! Took about 5 seconds to add 14.8mLs of water!

**NO clumping! Looks like milk!

RECAP: Add TNE/BB/PS80/BA solution to sterile vial 1st
-Add distilled water 2nd
-Shake the hell out of it

I made 4 X 20mL bottles @ 100mg/mL. Looks excellent. Went FAST!


OK, that's all well and good, but the reason it crashes is filtering too much at once, not dripping it in there slowly. Hell, it should drip drip from the filter anyway, especially a .22. Whether you reverse titrate or not, shouldn't matter, it has to go thru the filter.
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Yea i never had a problem filtering either, i would keep the solution warm and filter 1cc at a time.
Im gonna try next time his recipe for Winstrol (winny) without PEG:

Winny Suspension in Water using NO PEG and NO crashing during Filtering!


This has worked for me several times now. Please follow the directions carefully and do not try to make 50mL or 100mL at a time. It will not work with this formula.

----How to make Winstrol Suspension @ 100mg/mL X 20mL in WATER using NO PEG and NO crashing during filtering!---

-2 grams stanozolol powder X 0.75 displacement volume = 1.5mL
-24% BB = 4.8mL
-3% BA = 0.6mL
- 3% Polysorbate 80 = 0.6mL
-DISTILLED Water (ONLY use Distilled Water!) 12.5mL

-Combine stanozolol powder, BA, BB, PS80 and heat until clear while swirling.
-Sterile filter this hormone concentrate into your sterile vials **You should NOT have to filter fast. Let the solution cool until its warm, it should not crash!
-Using a NEW filter, filter in your Distilled water at any pace you like. Be sure to keep swirling the vial as you filter in the distilled water.

*SHAKE the hell out of your Winny.

Complete! You now have Winstrol (winny) @ 100mg/mL X 20mL.

Good luck!
*Feel free to share this with your homies!

I've been having some SERIOUS pain with that recipe. Do you think this new recipe would help in regards to that?
So many times these conversions fuck up so i said fuck it....im adding my powder(i eyed it to about 100 mgs per cc or 150 mgs) I added the powder, then 5 ccs BB then 3 ccs PEg and shook it up......ill heat it later but its not as dissolved as id like.

May sound stupid but i got enough to make plenty more if need be.

pullinbig said:
Enough powder as for example Winstrol.

I heated it and it came out fine IMO. Ill try to post a pic. Hell, i hope the shit works b/c it was so damn simple to do compared to the other recipes i see. Just started last wk so we'll see.

I had to add 2 more mgs PEG for a total of 5 ccs. %ccs of BA also. made 50 ccs susp.

Im not recommending this to anyone b/c from what i see recipe wise its definately by the book and if your gonna convert you really need a scale.

Just thought id pass it along and give updates on my what happens.

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Do you mean your powders have been pre-weighed Gator?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has no clue what it is that your trying to say:).