Test/Tren/Mast cycle advice


New member
So I'm currently in week 4 of a Test Tren Mast and stanozolol cycle @250mg Test E per week. 76.5mg Tren Hex per week. 100mg Drostanolone prop Every 3rd day. 40mg stan per day oral starting week 5. Need some advice on when to start the HCG blast and PCT? The last injection of each compound will be given the same day. Would really appreciate your advice....Thanks
Welcome! you have given us none of your stats, age, weight, etc. etc. what is your cycle goal? Who designed this cycle?? how advance are you?
76mg of tren per WEEK. send that shit to me , stop wasting it . you need to be running that dose ED or at least EOD , not per week. same with the Mast, 200mg per week is a total waste, you need to be 400-600. the test is fine at 250mg per week, the winny dose is low too , but its fine cause its a liver toxic oral , so starting low is safe.

you need to up your dosages and run a proper cycle. right now your just wasting gear. you need to start blasting HCG now. you need to know how to do a PCT from day one (not ask about it after you already started) . IS THIS YOUR FIRST CYCLE ??? if so, its a poor choice, just stick with the test only then if so
Welcome, welcome :wavey:

Ok I just "ditto" both Milton and Roush. Really where did you get this cycle. It is crazy ignorant. Not to bash you because it is apparent that you are unaware as to how to use AAS. Roush spoke to you ridiculous mg doses. You need to stop right now and look at the steroid profiles here or Google. If you knew only that you would not be making you dose errors as severely as you are.

Now if you want our best info from any one of us you need to post as Milton said. That is all your stats, age , ht,wt, BF% and some basic history of you lifting years, cycles if any, goal for this cycle and you long term goals.

We try to start with that info and go from there.

OP, it is Saturday and a lot are vets and other members are gonna be on board, so your answers and replies are just beginning. Stick with us we wanna help !!
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76mg of tren per WEEK. send that shit to me , stop wasting it . you need to be running that dose ED or at least EOD , not per week. same with the Mast, 200mg per week is a total waste, you need to be 400-600. the test is fine at 250mg per week, the winny dose is low too , but its fine cause its a liver toxic oral , so starting low is safe.

you need to up your dosages and run a proper cycle. right now your just wasting gear. you need to start blasting HCG now. you need to know how to do a PCT from day one (not ask about it after you already started) . IS THIS YOUR FIRST CYCLE ??? if so, its a poor choice, just stick with the test only then if so

For example: currently running 200mg test c/wk, 500mg mast p/wk and 500mg tren a / wk plus good diet and training and all is smooth sailing with nice gains strength and size(definition++). Its sad to see u waste your tren Ecspecially bro.