Test / Tren / Masteron Cycle


New member
Some background:

This is my third cycle:
1. Test E - 500mg/ week
2. Test E / Equipoise

Dropping weight for a MMA fight in september.

Current stats:

Height: 5'11
Weight: 260lbs
BF%: 18%

Squat: 485lbs
Deadlift: 600lbs
Bench: 310lbs (recovering from a torn rotator cuff)

Here is my cycle layout --

Test E 1-16 -- 300mg/EW -- Mon.100mg / Wed.100mg / Fri.100mg
Tren E 1-12 -- 300mg/EW -- Mon.100mg / Wed.100mg / Fri.100mg
Masteron E 1-16 -- 450mg/EW -- Mon.150mg / Wed.150mg / Fri.150mg

PCT --
Nolva 18-24 -- 40/20/20/20/10/10
Clomid 18-22 -- Day1-200 100/50/50/50
HCG 4-16 -- 1000-EW

I am pretty prone to Gyno, so just have some letro on hand. Also for some reason I ALWAYS get flu when on a cycle, so want to try and keep to doses low to see if it will prevent the flu.

Current Supps:

Alaskin Salmon Oil
Nutrabolics Athletes Food
Onnit Alpha Brain
Onnit HempForce
Onnit ShroomTech Sport
Onnit ShroomTech Immune
4g Vitamin C a day
Gaspari GlycoFuse
HMT (local South African brand) Casein before and after training

Current Training: In the gym I am doing this program: t-nation.com/workouts/built-for-bad-strength-circuits

Monday -- AM: Strength Circuit PM: Muay Thai and then Gi Jiu Jitsu
Tuesday -- AM: SC PM: MMA sparring
Wednesday -- AM: Strength Circuit PM: Muay Thai and then Gi Jiu Jitsu
Thursday -- AM: SC PM: MMA and wrestling
Friday -- AM: SC PM: Open Mat
Saterday -- AM: SC

Let me know what you guys think and if I should make any changes. Starting this cycle early January, so just want to get all my ducks in a row now.