test400 & AD-50 & anavar


New member
running 12 week cycle

1st 4 weeks T400 @ 400mg per week + 50mg AD-50 ED for 30 days
2nd 4 Weeks T400 @ 600mg per week No orals
3rd 4 weeks t400 @ 600mg per week + 90mg anavar ED for 30 days

Running Liquidex @ .5 Eod as Aromatase inhibitor (AI)
Also running Nolvadex @ 10mg ED to help with gyno. (gyno Jumped on me soon as I started this cycle )

Will be running Clomid and Nolva for PCT

Current weight is 211 on my crappy scales. Started test on 3/18 and oral on 3/23

I will post my weight gains weekly and how I feel etc etc...

Anyone have any advice they would like to share ?
everything it going good, getting alittle bloat. nipples are lil tender so I jacked my nolva up to 40mg ED until that goes away then I will maintain 10mg ED for the remainder
try letro hard on gyno and your body...
also their is some kind of lotion to rub on nipps but dunno whats it called maybe someone could help...