Testosterone amount question


New member
I have been on HRT with about 200mg EOW of Test Cyp/Eth.

I have moved to 140mg every week.

I'm about 12-13% bf, 5 10, 215lb.

Will this increase from roughly 200 mg every other week to 140mg every week, a 40% increase, help with muscle gain/building?

Diet is extremely clean and stick to macros every day. 2400 calories with 180-200g protein.
No to be honest. 140 ew is such a low dose, I don't see it helping much if at all with building muscle.

Good luck.
It will to a small degree. Dosing more frequently will help too. EOW is just too long given cyp 7 day half life.
regardless of age 200mg+ a week of good test can definitely benefit you in muscle gain, given that your diet and training is in check. when using cypionate or enanthate i like splitting the doses, twice a week evenly.

above 300mg of testosterone a week and you are already crossing into another zone (if you haven't already).

are you on TRT from a doctor or self prescribed ?
Thanks for responses!

I was prescribed by doctor after getting a full check up one day and saw test was in the mid range. Have lifted since I was 12-13 - never had problems with muscle gain or retention. I obviously feel better having my test numbers at the highest end of the spectrum and I suppose that's where my question comes from - Would me being put into the higher edge of the spectrum (900-1100ish) combined with my for all intensive purposes "perfect" diet (I never ever cheat and hit macros within 50 cals every day) help me put on muscle?

I don't want to take anything perse that could damage me, but since I am taking this testosterone and lifting 6 days a week intensively through all the angles, rep ranges, every muscle group twice a week - would it help me hypertrophy and grow? If that makes sense?

I ofcourse understand sitting at 1400 test is better than 1000 or 850, but from a general health perspective combined with being at the top tier of human test ranges - I could grow faster than most people so to speak?
Follow up question - Gym friend was telling me that since I'm on HRt with Test and wont be coming off, if I was to do a low risk product like Anavar, I wouldn't need a PCT and could run it low dose style with minimal sides and get some extra gains from it - What are your thoughts on anavar on top of my 140mg of test every week for HRT?

As said above, for your present dose of 100 pw it would be better to inject once per week vs 200 mw EOW. Even better to go to 71.5 mg every 5 days.

Yes 140 pw vs 100 pw will have some small advantages, with the way you lift and the way you eat it might even be substantial. Again do 100 mg E5D to hit your 140 pw, or do 70 mg E3.5D.

Do you have any blood testing to show where 100 mg/w puts you? It would be tricky to time it with EOW injections, you'll get better info after you go to a shorter period between shots.

Regarding anavar, yes of course it would help as would any AAS, though not sure what you mean by low dose. Low would be 50 mg/d and more typical 75 to 80 mg/d, which can get pretty expensive fast. If you want to experiment why not bump your test dosage?
As said above, for your present dose of 100 pw it would be better to inject once per week vs 200 mw EOW. Even better to go to 71.5 mg every 5 days.

Yes 140 pw vs 100 pw will have some small advantages, with the way you lift and the way you eat it might even be substantial. Again do 100 mg E5D to hit your 140 pw, or do 70 mg E3.5D.

Do you have any blood testing to show where 100 mg/w puts you? It would be tricky to time it with EOW injections, you'll get better info after you go to a shorter period between shots.

Regarding anavar, yes of course it would help as would any AAS, though not sure what you mean by low dose. Low would be 50 mg/d and more typical 75 to 80 mg/d, which can get pretty expensive fast. If you want to experiment why not bump your test dosage?

Very informative response - let me ask you something further - I was originally prescribed 200 mg (1cc) every other week. I talked him into 270mg (.7cc every week). But he wants to do blood tests once a month for a few months to see how it goes. He's kind of old school aka he doesn't care about gains :p so..if I was to take more he would think the current dose of 0.7cc every week is causing excessively high test.

So with the current prescription what do you think I should do to maximize it's worth? If I use it up to soon I won't be able to refill as they allow refill based upon time frame of proposed use of vial. You mentioned 100mg every 5 days - how is this compared to his proposition of 0.7 every week?
Do you know what your levels are right now? I don't see a diff in the gym between 500 and 1500 really. I get grouchy near 500 but eating enough is really what I struggle with regardless of my levels (within reason).

My biggest mistake with TRT was getting in hurry and not getting dialed in with a good doc. I pissed my first one off bad enough that he just cut me off, and I gained nothing I couldn't have without it.

I'm in a great place now but it took a lot of patience to get here.
Well I guess things are complicated with your doc wanting to do blood testing every month.

That rules out going higher on test because he'll see it, and probably cut you off. So perhaps the anavar idea is a good one, it will give you results and not be detectable - meaning won't show up as elevated test levels. It also doesn't aromatize so won't be detectable as higher than expected estrogen either.

Don't think about deca, it will show up as elevated test levels. Boldenone could be an option, won't show up as test but it aromatizes at about half the rate of test so would show up as elevated estrogen. Masteron could be an interesting option.

Regarding the 0.7ml per week, I assume your pharma test is 200 mg/ml = 140 mg/wk - why not go for it? It would be higher dose than the 100 mg/wk you are taking now, and higher frequency at per week vs. per two weeks - both positive developments. Try it for a few months, let him do all the testing he wants, and see what it does for you (and maybe educate his sorry ass about how dumb every other week is).

As for your last question, 140 mg/wk is 20 mg/day, so if you go every 5 days that equals 100mg E5D to hit your 140mg/wk target. The five day dosing is something some TRT docs prefer over E3.5D. Not sure why 5 is better than 3.5 but you have to respect their knowledge.

As far as what to do with the rest of your script, I can't answer that. I would suggest to just do what your doc says for the next few months until you get the all clear, then experiment if you want with other compounds or higher doses. Be patient, as they say it's a marathon not a sprint.
Yup, deca and tren will show up. Mast and Var are options for a guy being checked all the time. tren will show up as E from what I've read. Deca is from personal experience. Not fun.
Well I guess things are complicated with your doc wanting to do blood testing every month.

That rules out going higher on test because he'll see it, and probably cut you off. So perhaps the anavar idea is a good one, it will give you results and not be detectable - meaning won't show up as elevated test levels. It also doesn't aromatize so won't be detectable as higher than expected estrogen either.

Don't think about deca, it will show up as elevated test levels. Boldenone could be an option, won't show up as test but it aromatizes at about half the rate of test so would show up as elevated estrogen. Masteron could be an interesting option.

Regarding the 0.7ml per week, I assume your pharma test is 200 mg/ml = 140 mg/wk - why not go for it? It would be higher dose than the 100 mg/wk you are taking now, and higher frequency at per week vs. per two weeks - both positive developments. Try it for a few months, let him do all the testing he wants, and see what it does for you (and maybe educate his sorry ass about how dumb every other week is).

As for your last question, 140 mg/wk is 20 mg/day, so if you go every 5 days that equals 100mg E5D to hit your 140mg/wk target. The five day dosing is something some TRT docs prefer over E3.5D. Not sure why 5 is better than 3.5 but you have to respect their knowledge.

As far as what to do with the rest of your script, I can't answer that. I would suggest to just do what your doc says for the next few months until you get the all clear, then experiment if you want with other compounds or higher doses. Be patient, as they say it's a marathon not a sprint.

Thank you very much!

So with 100 every five days that's 0.5cc on like Monday, Friday, Wed, Monday etc? So in 14 days if get 1.5cc should be fine compared to his 1.4.

Is anavar worth it benefits vs risks? How fast does it work/how long do I need to be on it to get some permanent gains as I continue to cut and lift 6 days a week (1-2 hrs per session).

Thank you very much
Thank you very much!

So with 100 every five days that's 0.5cc on like Monday, Friday, Wed, Monday etc? So in 14 days if get 1.5cc should be fine compared to his 1.4.

Is anavar worth it benefits vs risks? How fast does it work/how long do I need to be on it to get some permanent gains as I continue to cut and lift 6 days a week (1-2 hrs per session).

Thank you very much

You are going to have to figure out the math yourself, you can't rely on some dude on the internet. 140 mg/wk test divided by 7 = 20 mg/day. If you inject every 3.5 days that's 70 mg, every 5 days is 100 mg, every 7 days is 140 mg. Take your pharma test's concentration which is either 200 mg/ml or 250 mg/ml and take your dose / concentration = # mls.

I can't speak to anavar, haven't tried it. If I was you I'd wait out the two or three months your doc will test you, then once clear of that do a 500 mg/wk test cycle.
Last week, on the 20th I had gotten a blood test done at the docs, I had taken about 1cc (200mg/ml) the day before (19th).

Just called and test was 1391.

What does this tell us about what dosing should be?

I understand it was day after injection (probably less than 12-16 hours after) and it will begin to degrade throughout the week.
It probably hadn't even soaked in yet. It takes a couple of days or more before my levels peak. It's a lot more telling to wait 5-7 days or so to see what your levels are. They aren't changing so damn fast at that point.
It probably hadn't even soaked in yet. It takes a couple of days or more before my levels peak. It's a lot more telling to wait 5-7 days or so to see what your levels are. They aren't changing so damn fast at that point.

But if that's the case then 1cc of 200 from one week ago had me at 1391 - that be pretty sweet lol