Testosterone and depression

Well, the Low T commercials are a bit deceptive. It's just a foreign (Sweden I believe) drug company selling their patented trans-dermal AndroGel which is like 1%. The dose they give you gives you maybe a maximum of like... 2mg/wk. - All my opinion.

I can vouch for this writeup with personal experience. I'm 24 and for YEARS I've suffered from low test. Test results for free test were in the 0-14 range while serum was 800-1200. The day after I took Test P I felt like a new man. It's amazing.
Unfortunately, there is way more money to be made by the pharmaceutical industry by peddling their new, high tech patented anti-depressants rather than repleting a hypo-gonadal male's testosterone. That's is a pity. All these men are going through life with hypo-gonadal symptoms being masked (depression in this case, but there are many other symptoms that mainstream medicine is brushing under the carpet) rather than the underlying pathology being uncovered and addressed.
Fantastic read. I am always interested with the usage of AAS and mental health as Test seems to work wonders. If only the Doctors would look into this instead of chucking out anti-depressants.
its going this way, and we have to keep pushing, to get the word out. Hopefully one day it will be a much more socially excepted treatment.
I have been saying test increases well being ever since I got on it. The uninformed masses think AAS only cause rage. Not true! So called "roid rage" is B.S. A lunatic is a lunatic, with or without gear.

I feel better the better shape I'm in.
488 is on the scale and the scale is very broad and needs to be rewritten. Raise your test levels up to about 800-900 and keep your E level at around 25-30 and you will see a HUGE difference in everyday life.:beertoast

Your BP is probably going up due to your Estrogen level being to high. Test does not effect your BP unless you start to bloat which is usually due to unchecked Estrogen levels. Once you start on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) your bloat and BP will disappear. Oh your diet, excercise and salt intake has to be in check also.

Awesome response man! thanks for the info! I've always wondered why my BP is awesome during cycles and HIGH when I'm not on cycle. Being a 39 year old male, when i'm off and natty, my estrogen must be causing it.... cheers!
make your own post somewhere else. this thread is for another discussion

hey guys! i wanna to have some tips about doing a cycle of Deca and Wintrol....wondering if out there are anybody who can help me out or advice me the best
Unfortunately test is not the cure-all for depression. Sometimes peoples brains are just wired wrong and no amount of test is going to fix it. So they can either try and deal with it through therapy or self coping techniques, or get on an SSRI.
agreed, cognative thearapy, meditation, herbs (like kava kava) and other "healthy" ways to go about managing it, sometimes test wont fix it.
But I can say for myself it made me feel ALOT better and am on high Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) now myself when not on cycle.
Still feel very crappy from time to time, but its not as bad as before.