Testosterone and kidney function


New member
I'm just curious to know if test in higher dosages 500-1000mg have any affect on kidney function. Of course assuming blood pressure is under control. I know it doesn't strain the liver too much but what about the kidneys? I'm not talking orals just strictly testosterone. Any experianced AAS users ever experience a decrease in kidney function or any sort of kidney issues with longer term testosterone supplementation ? Thanks
A higher nitrogen concentration in your blood for extended periods of time most certainly can impact your kidneys. The easiest way to check is albumin/microalbumin and BUN on a blood test. Just make sure you're not dehydrated at the time of the draw, that can give false results.

My .02c :)
I've also seen my bun affected by certain blast's. My last labs had elevated Bun at 21 and Bun/Creatine Ratio at 19.
you cant be sure its the test..

alot of people who run higher protein intake daily have higher levels.. also if youre higher lbm chances are it will come up higher..

the point is, some peoples WNL is not what the reference range states