Testosterone Cypionate/Enanthate Cycle


New member
I have a question, I am currently on a 10 week cycle that was originally going to be 5 1/2. I started out with one vial of test cyp from q*********** that I picked up from a buddy of mine and that's what he had been running. I front loaded it because I wanted to try something different and see how my body would react to it so I started with a 400 mg dose on Monday and then a 200mg dose on Thursday; originally I had planned to run 400mg a week split up into two doses but then I found out about a new connect that lives a few streets away from me and I picked up a vial on Test Enanthanate so I decided I'd bump up the dosage to 500mg a week, split up into 1cc Monday and 1cc Thursday, I just finished my vial of Cyp yesterday which I ran for 5 weeks at
400, 200
200, 200
200, 200
250, 250
250, 250
And now I am planning to run the E at 500 mg a week for the whole vial. The trouble I've run into is that I honestly haven't gained much weight, maybe a mere 5 pounds if that, my physique has definatley changed slightly within the past few weeks but only in width and thickness of my torso, strength has gone up a tad but I'm not sure if that's placebo or just from my training, I'm taking adex at 1mg a week split into two doses and I'm drinking 2 gallons a day to minimize water retention. When is this shit gonna kick in ???
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For any Hormone to reach Peak Blood Plasma Levels.
It takes between 4 to 5 Half-Lives of the Ester that is attached.

So you are just hitting the point where you should be seeing definite increases in strength.
As for any Weight Increase.
This is more dependent on Diet.
Since AAS increase Protein Synthesis, you need to increase your Protein Intake above what it was before your Cycle.............. JP
Diet and Training is something that should be established before introducing AAS.
You need to do much more research. First oyu Test is not taking complete action until 5 weeks. No one starts gaining much until the 5-6 week. Yes, you will get sexual sides and others but the real acton starts as I said 5 weeks. A 10 week cycle considering this will not yield much. Remember there is so many things that have to synthesize together to build Lean MM. Especially on a first cycle.

You need to increase the cycle to 12 weeks and do 500 or more mgs. Standard 1st n second cycle is 50mgs week and we spit that because is has less peaks and lows. However once a week is not that uncommon. Back in my day all we did was once a week. But things have gotten better with newer science.

Where is your AI. you need to run an AI like Adex because Test will aromatize greatly. When Test goes up so will your estradiol (E2)

You shut yourself down after the first injection so you need to follow proper protocol. It doesn't sound like you know much about what you are doing. Steroids are not the magic pill you still need you diet with calories increased and the training.

What about your PCT.

What are your stats..
I am running arimidex at .5 every three days.. and for my pct I'm running Nolvadex @20mg a day and Ostarine @20mg a day as well as 12.5mg of Aromasin every other day. I'm well aware of the fact that steroids are not majic and I'm not expecting to wake up one day with insane muscle mass. And my cycle consists of 10 straight weeks of injecting and I will start PCT 2 weeks after my last injection which technically makes my cycle 12 weeks long, correct ? I'm running my PCT for four weeks.