Testosterone Defficiency


New member
First off, I know absolutely nothing about steriods whatsoever.

This could all be in my head, but is there any such thing as males having a testosterone defficiency?

Im wondering because:
1. Im naturally super skinny, and I hit it hard in the gym 5 days a week, eat like a freak, and get good sleep, and barely see even the slightest results.
2. Im not a very hairy person (which my girlfriend loves). im 19 and dont have any chest hair, my ass is completely hairless, i have no back hair whatsoever, and my legs arent even really very hairy.

Is there any kind of oral thing I can get that will maybe boost my testosterone, so I can see some better results in the gym?

This is probably just all in my head though, considering im horny like 24/7.
I would guess that you're probably just an ectomorph with a very fast metabolism. I imagine if you had test problems you wouldn't have such a libido.
Is there any kind of oral thing I can get that will maybe boost my testosterone, so I can see some better results in the gym?

It is possible to have low test levels at any age, but normally at 19 you're loaded.
If you really think you might be deficient, see your Doctor have have your hormone levels checked.
You don't want to mess with your endocrine system right now without knowing if it is functioning properly.
Well me and my girlfriend came across her dads viles of testosterone in his bathroom (hes huge), which he said were "legal testosterone".....is there such thing as legal, and are these steriods or not? Because the more I work out and eat eat eat without seeing results, the more I want to get some for myself.
Well her dad could be getting a script for them from his Doc. So in that case, Yes they are Legal.

If you obtain steroids w/o a Doctors script, ie: the black market, then they are Illegal!

My suggestion would be to see your doc, and tell him to check your test levels. It may be nothing, but if you are low, then he may just prescribe you some test....who knows!

But I am sure it is probably just your fast metabolism that is making it hard to gain. My suggestion is to just eat more.........of everything!!
He does a doctors prescription.

If I were to get some of this through him, what kind of steroid is that? Im assuming I would have to worry about the usual side effects?
DustinLati2 said:
He does a doctors prescription.

If I were to get some of this through him, what kind of steroid is that? Im assuming I would have to worry about the usual side effects?

I don't advise it. Fiirst of all, it's a felony to transfer a controlled substance to a person it was not prescribed for (that would be you). Secondly, at 19, with your history of a strong sex drive, you are almost certainly NOT testosterone deficient.
You need to learn to eat, and eat some more.
buffdoc said:
Secondly, at 19, with your history of a strong sex drive, you are almost certainly NOT testosterone deficient.
You need to learn to eat, and eat some more.
Ok, that kind of bums me out, plus, i thought I already learned to eat, eat, eat, and some more.

Even though now Im kind of convinced NOT to take anything trandermally, just just say, hypothetically, I did use this stuff (considering you guys know exactly what it is providing he has a doctors prescription) how would I cycle it, and would I need any type of post cylce. And what about 6oxo, clomid, etc?