Testosterone Dosage, Finasteride and Hair loss


New member
Hey guys,

I am on 100mg testosterone for my TRT protocol. I Started on 1mg Finasteride 6 months ago once I noticed some hair shedding. The Finasteride is containing the hair loss. I would like to try running 250mg testosterone for 2-3 months, but I have a question before I would attempt something like that:

If Finasteride is preventing/slowing my hair loss at a dose of 1mg per day on my 100mg TRT protocol, would 2.5mg of Finasteride (a proportionate increase) continue to prevent/slow my hair loss at the same rate if I were to use 250mg of Testosterone?
I can't comment on finsasteride, don't know anything about it.

I can suggest you try Nizoral shampoo, since I started using it the notches on either side of my forehead hairline have filled back in a bit.
well the way i see it is, and why i dont like finasteride, is because it is sort of the opposite of steroids as it reduces the levels of DHT in your body whereas steroids increase your DHT levels. even when i was on 1,000mg of test a week (only test), with my e2 being in check, my dick stopped working and i was barely ever horny.

but then i did some research and found out that propecia causes a rise in prolactin in some men. got some bloodwork done, and my prolactin was high which was causing my ED. it was doing its job but either way i decided to drop it. i dont like the idea of DHT levels being lowered.

nizoral shampoo didnt work for me, but it might for you so i'd give it a try also because its very cheap and you're got nothing to lose.

i got a bit off topic but to answer your question, i would keep on the dose you are on. if you see more hair loss, up your dose of propecia.