Testosterone E went cloudy


New member
I made testo e, 250 mg/ml, 2% BA, 20% BB, 14 % EO and rest GSO.

I put it in the oven and heated it up until 55 degrees C, let it sit in that heat for about 15 minutes, looked fine, no swirls.

Then I started to filter it in a 0,22 millipore bottle top filter.
After half of it was done the filter began to leak and it dropped outside my mediabottle.
After this it went cloudy.

I tried a shot anyway and got a lot of pip.

I think I might have used too much pressure i went near 15 to make it go faster.

What shall I do to fix this?
Re filter it. That should help out a lot. Make sure the oil is warm when filtering. Makes it a lot quicker and smoother.

Do not inject cloudy gear. This is a sign it has crashed. This could be caused by many things like a little moister got in somehow.
I have trouble understanding... Is the gear that was in the media bottle still sterile? Don't pour too warm oil in the filter, I've read that it can blow it up. You'd be better off with a whatman zappcap or a nalgene bottle top, milipore has many bad reviews.. leaking seem to be an issue with these. If the oil in the media was still sterile, you can still inject it. However you got to warm the vial first and make sure its not cloudy anymore when you withdraw/inject it. If you got doubt about the sterility of the gear, refilter it dont take any risk
Thank's for the answer mate.

But if has crashed will it be enough to heat it up again or what shall I do?
Grateful for any tip you have.
I mean, heat the vial under hot water before injecting. I personally never re-heated any crashed vial in the oven, so I can't answer your question. Heating the vial under warm water does the trick for me
Thank's mate!
No it was about 40 degrees C when I filtrered it so that it not the problem.
Ok then I have crappy filters then :-( Thank's for tip about other filters.
But I don't understand why it gets cloudy.
If it's moisture in it how do I get rid of it?
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Maybe you could heat the vial in the oven with an extremely small needle that will vent the vial... There's 2 issues with this tho; does the rubber stopper can handle the heat? Is there a possibility to contaminate the vial during the process since its gonna be exposed to air ? (I believe there's a risk). Heating the vial before inject is definatly the easiest way to go, that's your call though
It's not in vials yet it's still in the receivr bottle cause I didn't want to put cloudy gear in vials.
If there is moisture in it how do I get that away.
So strange cause it was absolutely clear until I filtered it.
What BTF filters are best today?
I would reheat and re filter all of the gear and see what happens. It should clear it up.

I use Millipore bottle tops and they do sometimes tend to leak under pressure but I use them without many problems.
Ok mate thank's!

Reheating and filter again then. Happy to here that you sometimes succeed with millipore :)
Maybe I went to high in pressure and maybe it leak some down in the receiver bottle too so maybe it's not sterile at all.

250 mg testo E shouldn't be a problem and I used both the recipe and the source before without any problem.
How high in think temperature do you think I shall go?
Shall I also take it down to 200 mg since there were some pip? Or do the pip have to do with the cloudiness?
I knew it's hard to answer this without seeing the stuff but I need help to think.
you shouldn't have horrible pip at 250 if you made it correctly. Refilter it and keep it at 250 and you should be good to go.

Even when the Millipore leaks out of the side (usually the space between the blue and the clear plastic) what goes inside the media bottle is still sterile.
Thank's again mate!

No, I know 250 shouldn't give any pip. Ok, I try to refilter it and if it's still pip then I'll lower the dosage.
Mine filter leaked at the side of the bottom and it dripped outside the bottle, but since it's leaking it can't be sterile. I mean the filter can't be sterile since also air can get into the filter that way - or am I thinking all wrong now?
Usually when they leak it is before the filter. All the stuff running down the side is unfiltered but the stuff that is passing thru the actual filter into the bottle is sterile. Since you are re filtering it wont be much of a concern anyway. Just make sure your oil is warm (not super hot) when you put it in. It will be much smoother filtering process. Trying to filter test e at room temp is a pain and takes a while and more pressure. Good luck.
Thank's again mate!
Ok then I know about the filter.
I really need all good luck I can get :)

BTW do you know the shelf life on BA, BB and EO?
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Gosh I just realized a mistake I have done.
After I took the bottle out of the oven I put on the cork on the bottle and let it stand to cool down.
That's where my cloudiness came it must have created moisture :-(
To get that out I guess it's just to reheat it and ventilate it good before next filtration - or?
Yes I know that now :-(
Just stupid of me.

Then I found out another error I've done I filtered 1 liter in i filter for 500 ml.
No wonder there is pip.

Thank's mate for all help! I really appreciate it!
Yes I know that now :-(
Just stupid of me.

Then I found out another error I've done I filtered 1 liter in i filter for 500 ml.
No wonder there is pip.

Thank's mate for all help! I really appreciate it!

Hey mate,

The PIP with your Test E has little to do with the crashing or your filter.

PIP comes from the BB. It also comes from Test E.

BB can cause an allergic reaction - Anaphylaxis reaction - burning, itching, swelling of the skin (Anaphylaxis Triggered by Benzyl Benzoate in a Preparation of Depot Testosterone Undecanoate).

Test E, from my experience, causes PIP and minor swelling at concentration above 200mg/ml, even when BB is not used.

Some people believe Test E has a manufacturing by-product called "carbolic acid," and allegedly, this is what causes the PIP.

All I know is that Test E will cause PIP, and the better alternative is Test C. It doesn't cause any PIP or swelling at 200mg/ml or higher.
Hey mate!

Thank's for the answer.
I'll refilter it with right filter and see if it helps.

Yes I heard some are allergic to BB but this don't cause those reactions so it's not that.
There is no swelling at all. But I can take it down to 200 mg do you think it will be less pip then?

How do one get rid of carbolic acid then?

But Testo C is hard to make since it's easy to chrystelize.
I never had any problem with pip from testo E before but this time everything went wrong.